Imagine That
What might have things been like if Hillary had won? What would have happened to the people, had we by our vote, signed up for what would have been the biggest mistake in our history. You don't need to be a tin foiled capped wild eyed conspiracist to know that our lives would not have been good had that vote gone the other way, and that we might well have put the final nail in our own coffins.
To the progressives, her being elected would have been a step in the right direction, but solely because she had a vagina. Not because of what she stood for, and who she was as a candidate, but just because she was a woman?!? As you look back with 20/20 hindsight, you can understand why she was so astonished by her loss. Afterall, it was her turn and she had been promised it. Politicians have always counted on the apathy of the American people. Even though Mr. Obama is half white, he was elected because he was accepted as our first black president, and for that reason only, as he had no prior experience, other than a position in the city of Chicago. When you think of it honestly, voting because of someones race or gender is sexist and racist. Our officials should be elected by the content of their character, and not because of their skin color or their gender. But in many ways, the Obama administrations' obsession with domestic affairs, and their complete mishandling of world affairs were just what was needed to wake up the sleeping giant, as to this steady march to socialist ideology. For the first two years, he held all three branches of the government, and could have done anything. But instead he chose to put all his energy into the beginnings os socialized medicine. Other than his trip early on to bow before the kings of the middle east, the administrations agenda concentrated on domestic issues. It seemed that they looked to thank the American people for living out the full measure of our creed by electing a man of color, by accusing us of racism. Besides this, when the country recoiled at the beheadings and other unspeakable horrors done by religious fanatics, we were lectured about being homophobic. The final straw of course was after 9/11 two when four Americans were slaughtered after a 13 hour gun fight, and our Ambassador dragged across a dirty linoleum tile floor The absolute bias of the press became apparent then too, as many carried no reporting at all of this huge international story, and the few in the main stream media that did used on average less than twenty minutes on the story. That is why so many people had no idea such a thing had happened, they weren't told.
About this time, the American people finally woke up, and the need for a Donald Trump type as President was born. But Mr. Trump not only exposed the Democrats and their hypocrisy, but the entire Washington elite swamp from both parties. It is no secret that both the right and the left is fed up with this do nothing Congress. What is needed badly is term limits! What would the special interest groups do, whose hand would the lobbyists grease if they couldn't be sure from election to election who would be in power. Wanna have some fun? Look up to see what these junior congress people were worth when they first got elected, and you'll find that most retire millionaires, with a solid gold retirement package. Want to see true bipartisan agreement? Start petitioning your elected officials to put term limits up for a vote as a referendum. Suddenly you'd see that not only can they reach across the isle, but a small kiss and a little hugging wouldn't become an odd but common sight. 100% cooperation, Imagine that..
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