At the requst of a friend, and by no small prodding by the Father, I have agreed to do a study on the Tree of Life. For those of you who don't know, it was one of the two trees mentioned in Genisis as being in the Garden of Eden. Both of these trees take on great meaning when considering not only creation, but also life itself. The other tree being called, the Knowledge of good and evil. It was the beginning of that knowledge, and also the beginning of worldly knowledge. Some would say the beginning of wisdom. The strange part about that tree, is that this knowledge was transformed by a fruit. But until that fruit was eaten, there was no need to understand the difference between what is good from what was not, because by the eating of it, such knowledge first began. But the tree of life is the same, in that it provides wisdom, but not of the things called evil, because this tree, undefiled, represents the innocence of truth. Regarding the two trees, you can see the dichotomy of life. One tree represents man, complete with all of his failings, while the other represents the spirit, perfect and clean from any defect. When she asked me to do a study on this subject, I don't believe she had any idea of the vastness of topics that would spring forth from such a question? But I said that I would do it, and so I have begun. In such an innocent question lies deep matters like the beginnings of it all, and the predictions and prophecies of how it will end. Make no mistake, this is heady stuff, things that the flesh, being so caught up in the mundanity of life could never decipher, because these are spiritual truths, and so only understood in and by the spirit. Why is it that only the spirit can answer about topics like the Tree of life? Because life is eternal, and the spirit is eternal, while the flesh is death.
But what is the tree of life, is it a physical tree that lives on still in some secret garden? The most physical thing you could call it, is a metaphor for life, a type of Jesus, in that it, as he were made manifest and physical. God speaks in parables and metaphors, as a way to give a way of relating to something physically seen. In othe words, he has to allow for spiritual truths to transcend into an understandable physical reality. Any clearer? Suppose you were told that you could ask one question of God? After much thought, you asked him to explain to you who he is? And he answered you and said, I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am without beginning or end, I am time. Once his presence had moved off, and you picked your face up off the floor, you would be left to consider his answer, I am time? What is time? What does your minds eye see when you would think such a thought? Would you see and hear the face of a clock, would you dream out into the vastness of the heavens? Or maybe a thought of time comes to you in thinking about the power and tranquility of a mountain range? What is time? Time is everywhere, it flows ever forward into the future while also retreating to become the past. Time, infinite time, time without time, eternity, GOD!
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