Are God and science at odds with each other? To even ask such a question, is in and of it's self, rediculous. Because just by posing such a question would imply that the search for the truth of it all and God are two different things? God is Truth!
So what then, is the reality of God to be reduced to just so many fables used as a moral refrence, while it is left to the business of science to answer the mysteries of life? Most men of science wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and bit them on the ass! What God intended science to be, and what it has now become, are two entirely different things. Trying to separate the Wisdom of Ages from from any wisdom that you claim to seek is just ludicrous.
What God intended science to be is a diologue between learned men and God himself. Science's limitations are that they are limited to the physicality of this life. They can only observe what they can see and experience. Whether they choose to gaze out into the vastness of space, or look into things smaller then a point on a pin, if they believe that all is answerable by their intellect, never admitting there limitations, in short, if they deny a Creator in all of this, then their science is useless, and they become the most dangerous of fools.
By denying the existence of God, what they have done is only to create another religion. But this religion needs no other diety, because this one sees themselves as God, they have become their own gods. They say to themselves, All is answerable by our intellect, and so we have no need of God, we know all, and we are the best of life, we are our own gods, and we have no need of Him.
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