Monday, October 6, 2014

Looking Forward

  And Jesus answered him and said, except that a man be born again, he can in no way enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He was speaking to one of the chief Priests of the Sanhedrin, a man named Nicodemus, who was among those who ruled over the Jews at that time. He answered Jesus in the same way that most would do today, with a question. How can a man be born again, can he enter his mother's womb again? The conversation went on from there, but the point is not the conversation, but rather it is the question. What does it mean to be born again? There are many scriptures that allude to this very question, not the least of which is, Except as a little child, you can not enter.
  Your soul is your life force, it is this that leaves the body when physical death happens. Because your soul is spirit, God designed it to last for an eternity, your soul is eternal. But our eternal selves are a gift from God, and so to live those lives, we must acknowledge the source of life, and it is God the Father who is The Source, for He is the source of all life! So what actually occurs when you decide to follow Christ by desiring to have this reberth Your soul agrees with his soul, and by that agreement, you are born again, reborn if you'd rather, into the family of God. Born into the very spirit of God! And as in any new birth, you enter as an infant, not knowing anything. But as you grow in knowledge and maturity, you enter in full knowing, as a child of God. All that was the old you has passed away, and you look forward with the innocence of a child, as you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, having all of eternity to look and enjoy all that is ahead of you!

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