Home Of AFA Action There is no greater privilege we have as Americans, then our right to vote. But sadly, what was intended as a celebration of our most basic freedom, has been squandered by the very people such a freedom was meant to protect. Political types will tell you that lying to the American people is a good thing, as long as the agenda of their party is forwarded? Indeed, even the most uniformed voter will say about politicians something like, Oh what's the difference, they are all crooks. This is a point of view that is not limited to any party. When little white lies are told, to move a simpler point of view in a direction helpful to that point of view is one thing, but to lie bold faced to the American people, about matters of national security, belies a contempt for a public that elitist elements in and around the seat of power sees, as a people no longer competent enough to vote for their own common good. They believe this for good reason. Most people have become so uninvolved, and have so little understanding of what is going on, that they can be easily strayed to vote on a single issue, which most times has been reduced to a slick thirty-second ad that is without any real facts. In short, we have become lazy to the point of apathy, and an uncaring public makes it easy for those whose agenda is contrary to the public good as a whole, but rather, only does good for those within a particular circle of friends.
So who then is to blame for this current corruption so rampart in our Federal government? Is it the corrupt officials who you voted for, or is it ourselves, having finally become the epitome of the ugly American? Too fat, too lazy to lift a finger to defend our freedom, and too stupid to be able to understand that why we are going to hell in a hand basket is not because of lying politicians, but rather that by our ignorance, we have created our own monsters.
Here's a suggestion as a way of a remedy. Instead of allowing your vote to be stolen by a few lies and some slick public relations, how about you actually take the time to decipher which candidate most reflects your views, not on a single issue to which you are emotionally involved, but vote for a candidate who is in line with most all of your views.
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