Doubts always come before depression. And of these, none are more debilitating then self doubt. Just like the athlete in the last story. What do these men do, these men of game, what do they do when doubt comes a callin? They know, that if they can not rid themselves of self doubt, that failure is never far off. Once doubt enters, your odds of failing go up exponentially. It is a fact of life. But where does the power to defeat doubt come from, the power not just to ignore your doubts, but rather, to put those doubts to death? That is the power that only the spirit can give.
But even if you understand this, understand that there are two types of spirits that work in you. Those that tell you to have faith only in yourself, and the other which tells you to give it over to the will of God. Which one you listen to will dtermine whether or not you are successful in anything. It is a simple thing really? Ask yourself, Which foundation for your life would you say is the greatest, a faith in yourself, or the one built on a faith in God?
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