God is sexless, that is to say that he is not solely male or female, though his nature is extremely masculine. He is all that is true from a woman's perspective, as well as that of a man's. Afterall, all that is their wisdom is his. Two points of view, two views on the same subject, as , one way of seeing things is a woman's, and the other way of understanding things is a man's. God made man, and woman from man, and so one gender is a man, and the other a woman. Amen? When I look at woman, I say, Halleluia! But I digress?
Each one frustrated with the other because they never seem to get it? What is really going on here, is that each seeks reassurance from the other, each wanting to know if they can trust the other? Because what they seek from each other, is their truth, and in truth there is innocence, and so each turns away until such a trust can be established. But they will remain frustrated, until they join minds, and by so doing, join with the mind of God! That is the real marriage Sacrament, the joining of the two with God, a three strand cord the bible calls it. In essence, when a man and a woman reach a total agreement on something, each one brings their wisdom as taken from their perspective as a woman or as a man, and also their emotional points of view, and it becomes something else? Not just a woman anymore, and not just a man, but a new creature, one of one mind, always in complete agreement with itself, because this new awareness, this new wiser mind, is the mind Of God the Father, and all of the attributes of God!
This new mind now too is sexless. But none of it would have been possible unless the intercourse, the joining of the genders had not first occurred. Because without the other, a person can have only half of the knowledge, and can never come to know the whole truth about anything.
Everything with God is cyclical, all that was will be again, and though there is nothing new under the sun, each event that presents itself, we will meet united as one. So now you know what the real battle of the sexes is all about, and it has nothing to do with your politics. The spirit within a woman seeks out the spirit of a man to find a truth that she does not understand, and it is the same for a man's spirit, he looks to the woman's spirit to find the truth in her. You see, our desire to understand the other gender is a spiritual desire. In other words folks, while you were all so busy trying to get into the other's pants, your spirits were busy trying to get inside the other!
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