Tuesday, October 28, 2014
A Fish in Water
A Fish in Water More often then not, I feel like a fish out of water rather then in it? Trapped gasping for life giving oxygen somewhere between this reality and the next. I believe that this is a common thing for all of us who know the Lord, and for those who I have asked, it appears that this is the case. Also, though I doubt this is true across the board, but I also believe, once a new believer comes close enough to the truth of who God really is, that they too will think in parables rather then the emotion and immediacy of the moment?
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Tested Truths: Battle of the Sexes
Tested Truths: Battle of the Sexes: God is sexless, that is to say that he is not solely male or female, though his nature is extremely masculine. He is all that is true from...
Battle of the Sexes
God is sexless, that is to say that he is not solely male or female, though his nature is extremely masculine. He is all that is true from a woman's perspective, as well as that of a man's. Afterall, all that is their wisdom is his. Two points of view, two views on the same subject, as , one way of seeing things is a woman's, and the other way of understanding things is a man's. God made man, and woman from man, and so one gender is a man, and the other a woman. Amen? When I look at woman, I say, Halleluia! But I digress?
Each one frustrated with the other because they never seem to get it? What is really going on here, is that each seeks reassurance from the other, each wanting to know if they can trust the other? Because what they seek from each other, is their truth, and in truth there is innocence, and so each turns away until such a trust can be established. But they will remain frustrated, until they join minds, and by so doing, join with the mind of God! That is the real marriage Sacrament, the joining of the two with God, a three strand cord the bible calls it. In essence, when a man and a woman reach a total agreement on something, each one brings their wisdom as taken from their perspective as a woman or as a man, and also their emotional points of view, and it becomes something else? Not just a woman anymore, and not just a man, but a new creature, one of one mind, always in complete agreement with itself, because this new awareness, this new wiser mind, is the mind Of God the Father, and all of the attributes of God!
This new mind now too is sexless. But none of it would have been possible unless the intercourse, the joining of the genders had not first occurred. Because without the other, a person can have only half of the knowledge, and can never come to know the whole truth about anything.
Everything with God is cyclical, all that was will be again, and though there is nothing new under the sun, each event that presents itself, we will meet united as one. So now you know what the real battle of the sexes is all about, and it has nothing to do with your politics. The spirit within a woman seeks out the spirit of a man to find a truth that she does not understand, and it is the same for a man's spirit, he looks to the woman's spirit to find the truth in her. You see, our desire to understand the other gender is a spiritual desire. In other words folks, while you were all so busy trying to get into the other's pants, your spirits were busy trying to get inside the other!
Each one frustrated with the other because they never seem to get it? What is really going on here, is that each seeks reassurance from the other, each wanting to know if they can trust the other? Because what they seek from each other, is their truth, and in truth there is innocence, and so each turns away until such a trust can be established. But they will remain frustrated, until they join minds, and by so doing, join with the mind of God! That is the real marriage Sacrament, the joining of the two with God, a three strand cord the bible calls it. In essence, when a man and a woman reach a total agreement on something, each one brings their wisdom as taken from their perspective as a woman or as a man, and also their emotional points of view, and it becomes something else? Not just a woman anymore, and not just a man, but a new creature, one of one mind, always in complete agreement with itself, because this new awareness, this new wiser mind, is the mind Of God the Father, and all of the attributes of God!
This new mind now too is sexless. But none of it would have been possible unless the intercourse, the joining of the genders had not first occurred. Because without the other, a person can have only half of the knowledge, and can never come to know the whole truth about anything.
Everything with God is cyclical, all that was will be again, and though there is nothing new under the sun, each event that presents itself, we will meet united as one. So now you know what the real battle of the sexes is all about, and it has nothing to do with your politics. The spirit within a woman seeks out the spirit of a man to find a truth that she does not understand, and it is the same for a man's spirit, he looks to the woman's spirit to find the truth in her. You see, our desire to understand the other gender is a spiritual desire. In other words folks, while you were all so busy trying to get into the other's pants, your spirits were busy trying to get inside the other!
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Why Suffering?
Why Suffering? Recent to these times, we have another school shooting to consider. What would make a young man so full of promise snap like that, why would God allow that much suffering and heartache? Fair question. Some more of the answer will become clearer in this article.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Tree of Life
At the requst of a friend, and by no small prodding by the Father, I have agreed to do a study on the Tree of Life. For those of you who don't know, it was one of the two trees mentioned in Genisis as being in the Garden of Eden. Both of these trees take on great meaning when considering not only creation, but also life itself. The other tree being called, the Knowledge of good and evil. It was the beginning of that knowledge, and also the beginning of worldly knowledge. Some would say the beginning of wisdom. The strange part about that tree, is that this knowledge was transformed by a fruit. But until that fruit was eaten, there was no need to understand the difference between what is good from what was not, because by the eating of it, such knowledge first began. But the tree of life is the same, in that it provides wisdom, but not of the things called evil, because this tree, undefiled, represents the innocence of truth. Regarding the two trees, you can see the dichotomy of life. One tree represents man, complete with all of his failings, while the other represents the spirit, perfect and clean from any defect. When she asked me to do a study on this subject, I don't believe she had any idea of the vastness of topics that would spring forth from such a question? But I said that I would do it, and so I have begun. In such an innocent question lies deep matters like the beginnings of it all, and the predictions and prophecies of how it will end. Make no mistake, this is heady stuff, things that the flesh, being so caught up in the mundanity of life could never decipher, because these are spiritual truths, and so only understood in and by the spirit. Why is it that only the spirit can answer about topics like the Tree of life? Because life is eternal, and the spirit is eternal, while the flesh is death.
But what is the tree of life, is it a physical tree that lives on still in some secret garden? The most physical thing you could call it, is a metaphor for life, a type of Jesus, in that it, as he were made manifest and physical. God speaks in parables and metaphors, as a way to give a way of relating to something physically seen. In othe words, he has to allow for spiritual truths to transcend into an understandable physical reality. Any clearer? Suppose you were told that you could ask one question of God? After much thought, you asked him to explain to you who he is? And he answered you and said, I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am without beginning or end, I am time. Once his presence had moved off, and you picked your face up off the floor, you would be left to consider his answer, I am time? What is time? What does your minds eye see when you would think such a thought? Would you see and hear the face of a clock, would you dream out into the vastness of the heavens? Or maybe a thought of time comes to you in thinking about the power and tranquility of a mountain range? What is time? Time is everywhere, it flows ever forward into the future while also retreating to become the past. Time, infinite time, time without time, eternity, GOD!
But what is the tree of life, is it a physical tree that lives on still in some secret garden? The most physical thing you could call it, is a metaphor for life, a type of Jesus, in that it, as he were made manifest and physical. God speaks in parables and metaphors, as a way to give a way of relating to something physically seen. In othe words, he has to allow for spiritual truths to transcend into an understandable physical reality. Any clearer? Suppose you were told that you could ask one question of God? After much thought, you asked him to explain to you who he is? And he answered you and said, I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am without beginning or end, I am time. Once his presence had moved off, and you picked your face up off the floor, you would be left to consider his answer, I am time? What is time? What does your minds eye see when you would think such a thought? Would you see and hear the face of a clock, would you dream out into the vastness of the heavens? Or maybe a thought of time comes to you in thinking about the power and tranquility of a mountain range? What is time? Time is everywhere, it flows ever forward into the future while also retreating to become the past. Time, infinite time, time without time, eternity, GOD!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Near Death Experience
Near Death Experience I have come close to dying on more then one occassion, though I had no experience as did so many others. All I remember, is waking up having the faces of cops and medical workers hovering over mine? I would have much prefered that my little brushes with death could have been like the others, but apparently, these things are beyond our control?
Monday, October 20, 2014
Debilitating Doubt
Doubts always come before depression. And of these, none are more debilitating then self doubt. Just like the athlete in the last story. What do these men do, these men of game, what do they do when doubt comes a callin? They know, that if they can not rid themselves of self doubt, that failure is never far off. Once doubt enters, your odds of failing go up exponentially. It is a fact of life. But where does the power to defeat doubt come from, the power not just to ignore your doubts, but rather, to put those doubts to death? That is the power that only the spirit can give.
But even if you understand this, understand that there are two types of spirits that work in you. Those that tell you to have faith only in yourself, and the other which tells you to give it over to the will of God. Which one you listen to will dtermine whether or not you are successful in anything. It is a simple thing really? Ask yourself, Which foundation for your life would you say is the greatest, a faith in yourself, or the one built on a faith in God?
But even if you understand this, understand that there are two types of spirits that work in you. Those that tell you to have faith only in yourself, and the other which tells you to give it over to the will of God. Which one you listen to will dtermine whether or not you are successful in anything. It is a simple thing really? Ask yourself, Which foundation for your life would you say is the greatest, a faith in yourself, or the one built on a faith in God?
Practiced Skills
It is a curios thing, when you become a Christian. You stop thinking in absolutes and platitudes, and begin thinking in parables. It has been something that I have been doing for a long time, although it was just yesterday when I came to realize it? What I'm saying is, that this state of mind, will come upon you too at some point. For many of you, I suspect that it has already happened? For those of you who consider this new news, you might be forgiven, because in truth, it was news to me too!
I will give you an example. While watching football yesterday, as good as the games were, I found my self fixated on some of the player's stories. As they told their stories in the interviews, it brought to mind an article I did a ways back called, the Duality of Man. How so you ask? Listen and I will tell you.
These finely honed athletes, these young men at the peak of their pysical prowess and profient practiced skills, fight the same battles as do the rest of us. Think to yourselves as if you were that athlete. And then consider failure. Whether brought about by a physical break down from an injury, or by the limitations of your skills? You've worked all of your lives to reach this point, and now you've been cut, now what? How then would you feel, and what is it that you would do then? If all these years of sacrifice and hard training had gone for naught, what then? The parable?
The limitations of the flesh, verses the desires of the spirit. It is an example of the duality of all people.
I will give you an example. While watching football yesterday, as good as the games were, I found my self fixated on some of the player's stories. As they told their stories in the interviews, it brought to mind an article I did a ways back called, the Duality of Man. How so you ask? Listen and I will tell you.
These finely honed athletes, these young men at the peak of their pysical prowess and profient practiced skills, fight the same battles as do the rest of us. Think to yourselves as if you were that athlete. And then consider failure. Whether brought about by a physical break down from an injury, or by the limitations of your skills? You've worked all of your lives to reach this point, and now you've been cut, now what? How then would you feel, and what is it that you would do then? If all these years of sacrifice and hard training had gone for naught, what then? The parable?
The limitations of the flesh, verses the desires of the spirit. It is an example of the duality of all people.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Mighty Oaks
A lot of people worship the earth. And this worship stems from the fact that the earth and it's inhabitants can give a lot of wisdom to a person. Take the mighty oak trees for example, don't the adults continue to make seeds to continue their kind? And doesn't that seed first have to fall to the earth and die to regrow another? And what of that new seedling, isn't it too small to keep a careless foot from stepping on it and killing it? As it grows over the years, will it not have to adapt to reach it's full potential? Once fully grown, as strong as it is, doesn't it have to remain supple enough to bend with the wind?
Mighty oaks with roots deep in the ground, are much like any life, or for that matter, any other matter which includes life. Life is symmetrical, there is a circular happening that must go on, a constant recircling of occurences that are a part of its existence. The tree whose life, though much longer then yours, also must die. It like you, lives it's life in seasons, it too must weather the storms of life, in a way that will cause their survival. There is a sameness to life, and all living things sprout up from this sameness. In short, life just doesn't go poof and suddenly appear from nothing, All life has a source, and that source, unlike that who it spawns, can never die. Because life is eternal, it doesn't end at the death of a tree hundreds of years from now, or in your case, a couple of decades from now.
Mighty oaks with roots deep in the ground, are much like any life, or for that matter, any other matter which includes life. Life is symmetrical, there is a circular happening that must go on, a constant recircling of occurences that are a part of its existence. The tree whose life, though much longer then yours, also must die. It like you, lives it's life in seasons, it too must weather the storms of life, in a way that will cause their survival. There is a sameness to life, and all living things sprout up from this sameness. In short, life just doesn't go poof and suddenly appear from nothing, All life has a source, and that source, unlike that who it spawns, can never die. Because life is eternal, it doesn't end at the death of a tree hundreds of years from now, or in your case, a couple of decades from now.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Home Of AFA Action
Home Of AFA Action There is no greater privilege we have as Americans, then our right to vote. But sadly, what was intended as a celebration of our most basic freedom, has been squandered by the very people such a freedom was meant to protect. Political types will tell you that lying to the American people is a good thing, as long as the agenda of their party is forwarded? Indeed, even the most uniformed voter will say about politicians something like, Oh what's the difference, they are all crooks. This is a point of view that is not limited to any party. When little white lies are told, to move a simpler point of view in a direction helpful to that point of view is one thing, but to lie bold faced to the American people, about matters of national security, belies a contempt for a public that elitist elements in and around the seat of power sees, as a people no longer competent enough to vote for their own common good. They believe this for good reason. Most people have become so uninvolved, and have so little understanding of what is going on, that they can be easily strayed to vote on a single issue, which most times has been reduced to a slick thirty-second ad that is without any real facts. In short, we have become lazy to the point of apathy, and an uncaring public makes it easy for those whose agenda is contrary to the public good as a whole, but rather, only does good for those within a particular circle of friends.
So who then is to blame for this current corruption so rampart in our Federal government? Is it the corrupt officials who you voted for, or is it ourselves, having finally become the epitome of the ugly American? Too fat, too lazy to lift a finger to defend our freedom, and too stupid to be able to understand that why we are going to hell in a hand basket is not because of lying politicians, but rather that by our ignorance, we have created our own monsters.
Here's a suggestion as a way of a remedy. Instead of allowing your vote to be stolen by a few lies and some slick public relations, how about you actually take the time to decipher which candidate most reflects your views, not on a single issue to which you are emotionally involved, but vote for a candidate who is in line with most all of your views.
So who then is to blame for this current corruption so rampart in our Federal government? Is it the corrupt officials who you voted for, or is it ourselves, having finally become the epitome of the ugly American? Too fat, too lazy to lift a finger to defend our freedom, and too stupid to be able to understand that why we are going to hell in a hand basket is not because of lying politicians, but rather that by our ignorance, we have created our own monsters.
Here's a suggestion as a way of a remedy. Instead of allowing your vote to be stolen by a few lies and some slick public relations, how about you actually take the time to decipher which candidate most reflects your views, not on a single issue to which you are emotionally involved, but vote for a candidate who is in line with most all of your views.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Digging Out the Words
Digging Out the Words Whether you call it a diary or a journal, I believe that everyone should write.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Seeking Him
Are God and science at odds with each other? To even ask such a question, is in and of it's self, rediculous. Because just by posing such a question would imply that the search for the truth of it all and God are two different things? God is Truth!
So what then, is the reality of God to be reduced to just so many fables used as a moral refrence, while it is left to the business of science to answer the mysteries of life? Most men of science wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and bit them on the ass! What God intended science to be, and what it has now become, are two entirely different things. Trying to separate the Wisdom of Ages from from any wisdom that you claim to seek is just ludicrous.
What God intended science to be is a diologue between learned men and God himself. Science's limitations are that they are limited to the physicality of this life. They can only observe what they can see and experience. Whether they choose to gaze out into the vastness of space, or look into things smaller then a point on a pin, if they believe that all is answerable by their intellect, never admitting there limitations, in short, if they deny a Creator in all of this, then their science is useless, and they become the most dangerous of fools.
By denying the existence of God, what they have done is only to create another religion. But this religion needs no other diety, because this one sees themselves as God, they have become their own gods. They say to themselves, All is answerable by our intellect, and so we have no need of God, we know all, and we are the best of life, we are our own gods, and we have no need of Him.
So what then, is the reality of God to be reduced to just so many fables used as a moral refrence, while it is left to the business of science to answer the mysteries of life? Most men of science wouldn't know the truth if it walked up and bit them on the ass! What God intended science to be, and what it has now become, are two entirely different things. Trying to separate the Wisdom of Ages from from any wisdom that you claim to seek is just ludicrous.
What God intended science to be is a diologue between learned men and God himself. Science's limitations are that they are limited to the physicality of this life. They can only observe what they can see and experience. Whether they choose to gaze out into the vastness of space, or look into things smaller then a point on a pin, if they believe that all is answerable by their intellect, never admitting there limitations, in short, if they deny a Creator in all of this, then their science is useless, and they become the most dangerous of fools.
By denying the existence of God, what they have done is only to create another religion. But this religion needs no other diety, because this one sees themselves as God, they have become their own gods. They say to themselves, All is answerable by our intellect, and so we have no need of God, we know all, and we are the best of life, we are our own gods, and we have no need of Him.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
On Blessing
On Blessing Interesting article about the benediction, otherwise known as Aaron's blessing. To offer it to any gathering, no matter how small, is to be given knowing full well the weight of what the blessing implies. Too often, those empowered to offer this, God's blessing on his people, is given matter of factly, with very little consideration by the giver, done with very little faith, and no real power. It is important for those entrusted to give this blessing, offer it only when he is certain that his actions are not just out of habit or procedure, but rather, looking only to truly give God's blessing to the people he offers it to. The sincerity of the offerer, will be felt by those to whom it is given, If sincere, it will wash with full power over the audience, if unsincere? Then it is better for the giver to not offer it at all.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
What can I say
It has been a most enjoyable early mornings. While out doing some chores, Max's constitutional, which was early for this day, but late for yesterday, and then to a change of cloths, and onto another thing. I was struck, as I always am, by this night's sky! It was in a rare mood, in that, from a source I heard that another blood moon is due? But what I mean by all of this, is that tonight's sky was daytime bright, where only the landscape is in shadows, and the sky daytime blue and clear, the clouds white and obvious. And if this weren't enough, the deep and heavier clouds existed further up, solid, and looking as if fixed on the perimeter of the horizon? But of the ones overhead, Lighter ghost like apparitions floated by underneath, changing in color and shape as they passed through the moons demanding gaze. I'll tell you, it was something to see! Made me think of many things, but mostly it made me feel sorry for those who were missing this spectacle. One that was just outside their house, a show that God put on for free!
But beyond all the beauty, there was as always a message in the sky. And I thought about the family of man, and our relationship to the eternal family of God? I mean there it was, the answer, right in front of me! Family, that was the key. You see, we are all truly related. We come not from the beasts of the fields, but rather from each other. Adam and Eve isn't some fable, we are all related. As a man, every woman is my sister and my daughter, my mother and my aunt. It was enough, because then I thought about the ramifications of sex, and whether or not you'd be having sex with your sister, or worse yet, your mother! Like I said, it was enough. So I put ole Betsy in overdrive and headed on home.
But beyond all the beauty, there was as always a message in the sky. And I thought about the family of man, and our relationship to the eternal family of God? I mean there it was, the answer, right in front of me! Family, that was the key. You see, we are all truly related. We come not from the beasts of the fields, but rather from each other. Adam and Eve isn't some fable, we are all related. As a man, every woman is my sister and my daughter, my mother and my aunt. It was enough, because then I thought about the ramifications of sex, and whether or not you'd be having sex with your sister, or worse yet, your mother! Like I said, it was enough. So I put ole Betsy in overdrive and headed on home.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Monday, October 6, 2014
Looking Forward
And Jesus answered him and said, except that a man be born again, he can in no way enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He was speaking to one of the chief Priests of the Sanhedrin, a man named Nicodemus, who was among those who ruled over the Jews at that time. He answered Jesus in the same way that most would do today, with a question. How can a man be born again, can he enter his mother's womb again? The conversation went on from there, but the point is not the conversation, but rather it is the question. What does it mean to be born again? There are many scriptures that allude to this very question, not the least of which is, Except as a little child, you can not enter.
Your soul is your life force, it is this that leaves the body when physical death happens. Because your soul is spirit, God designed it to last for an eternity, your soul is eternal. But our eternal selves are a gift from God, and so to live those lives, we must acknowledge the source of life, and it is God the Father who is The Source, for He is the source of all life! So what actually occurs when you decide to follow Christ by desiring to have this reberth Your soul agrees with his soul, and by that agreement, you are born again, reborn if you'd rather, into the family of God. Born into the very spirit of God! And as in any new birth, you enter as an infant, not knowing anything. But as you grow in knowledge and maturity, you enter in full knowing, as a child of God. All that was the old you has passed away, and you look forward with the innocence of a child, as you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, having all of eternity to look and enjoy all that is ahead of you!
Your soul is your life force, it is this that leaves the body when physical death happens. Because your soul is spirit, God designed it to last for an eternity, your soul is eternal. But our eternal selves are a gift from God, and so to live those lives, we must acknowledge the source of life, and it is God the Father who is The Source, for He is the source of all life! So what actually occurs when you decide to follow Christ by desiring to have this reberth Your soul agrees with his soul, and by that agreement, you are born again, reborn if you'd rather, into the family of God. Born into the very spirit of God! And as in any new birth, you enter as an infant, not knowing anything. But as you grow in knowledge and maturity, you enter in full knowing, as a child of God. All that was the old you has passed away, and you look forward with the innocence of a child, as you enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, having all of eternity to look and enjoy all that is ahead of you!
Saturday, October 4, 2014
It is a great motivator, some say the greatest motivator of them all? But there is nothing quite like fear, as a reason for people to reach out to friends and neighbors for comfort. But who are your neighbors, are they only the people who live on either side of you? Your neighbors on a larger scale are your fellow Americans. But your fellow Americans are not just the people who live within this great land, because being an American is something deeper, something more basic.
To be an American is to be a willing part of the great fabric of this land. Each of us is one thread in this fabric. What makes us the strongest of fabrics is because we take the finest of threads from all lands, and make them our own. But they too wanted to be a part of this great land, and all looked to assimilate as quickly as they could. They as you, have become quite proud of this blanket that we have woven together. It is that way with countrymen, they come together willingly as one.
But what of this blanket made from the finest of silk from around the world when someone looks to add rough unfinished wool to our blanket? Doesn't it look to chaff at the silk on either side? And wouldn't it's unfinished bulk look to separate the fine silk threads?
If you want lone wolf Islamists to stop beheading you fellow Americans, you must first identify them. They are easy to spot if you are near one, because they are the unfinished wool that chaffs and doesn't fit with the fine silk tapestry of this great Nation. You see, it really is quite simply. We must profile some of our residents to weed out and isolate those who look to do us harm. Racial profiling is a dirty word, but rightly or wrongly, we did it for far less of a reason during the second world war, but the Japanese people who lived through it, are all no longer just proud Japanese Americans anymore, but just plain old Americans! Understand, that only those who are exposed to be those who look to forward the radical agenda of a caliphate ideology, will be exited from the country. The rest if they choose to assimilate may do so with the full blessing of this Nation, but we must jettison the vermin immediately.
To be an American is to be a willing part of the great fabric of this land. Each of us is one thread in this fabric. What makes us the strongest of fabrics is because we take the finest of threads from all lands, and make them our own. But they too wanted to be a part of this great land, and all looked to assimilate as quickly as they could. They as you, have become quite proud of this blanket that we have woven together. It is that way with countrymen, they come together willingly as one.
But what of this blanket made from the finest of silk from around the world when someone looks to add rough unfinished wool to our blanket? Doesn't it look to chaff at the silk on either side? And wouldn't it's unfinished bulk look to separate the fine silk threads?
If you want lone wolf Islamists to stop beheading you fellow Americans, you must first identify them. They are easy to spot if you are near one, because they are the unfinished wool that chaffs and doesn't fit with the fine silk tapestry of this great Nation. You see, it really is quite simply. We must profile some of our residents to weed out and isolate those who look to do us harm. Racial profiling is a dirty word, but rightly or wrongly, we did it for far less of a reason during the second world war, but the Japanese people who lived through it, are all no longer just proud Japanese Americans anymore, but just plain old Americans! Understand, that only those who are exposed to be those who look to forward the radical agenda of a caliphate ideology, will be exited from the country. The rest if they choose to assimilate may do so with the full blessing of this Nation, but we must jettison the vermin immediately.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Dark Riddle
Dark Riddle I should probably read these things before I post them up, but I guess that I am just lazy by nature? But just by the title, and to no small account the author, I can be assured that what it is I'm posting is correct. Surely this is the logic of a lazy man? But here's what I do know just from the title. There is a simplicity to understanding life. That is, once you have considered the problem, whatever that problem is, and have reduced it to either right or wrong, true or false, two of the same thing by the way.
So by the title then, is there a dark riddle to life, or in other words, is there a dark side to life, which to whittle it down again, is there good and evil? That may seem like an obvious answer, but there are some who are baffled by the simplicity of the question? These are the same people who try to turn the simplest most obvious choice into rocket science? They do this to add credibility to their point of view. The more complex the answer, the more options to actual truth. This is by far and away, the logic, if there is any logic to this kind of thinking, used primarily by those who think of themselves as agnostics. Not just that they are on the fence about the existence of God, but on everything! If you should never make an intelligent decision, but rather wait for the overall concencous, then you are always on the winning side. In short, they are intellectual cowards. I have more respect for an athiest, when it comes to the question of the reality of God, then I do from those most arrogant of decisions.
But lets get down to brass tacks here? Never understood what tacks of any type had to do with anything, but there you have it? Question: Is there two forces at work here, and two forces only? One good, and one bad. Or is it as agnostics claim, Too difficult to decipher? Me? I'm going with the decision makers, while the majority are more comfortable being cowards.
So by the title then, is there a dark riddle to life, or in other words, is there a dark side to life, which to whittle it down again, is there good and evil? That may seem like an obvious answer, but there are some who are baffled by the simplicity of the question? These are the same people who try to turn the simplest most obvious choice into rocket science? They do this to add credibility to their point of view. The more complex the answer, the more options to actual truth. This is by far and away, the logic, if there is any logic to this kind of thinking, used primarily by those who think of themselves as agnostics. Not just that they are on the fence about the existence of God, but on everything! If you should never make an intelligent decision, but rather wait for the overall concencous, then you are always on the winning side. In short, they are intellectual cowards. I have more respect for an athiest, when it comes to the question of the reality of God, then I do from those most arrogant of decisions.
But lets get down to brass tacks here? Never understood what tacks of any type had to do with anything, but there you have it? Question: Is there two forces at work here, and two forces only? One good, and one bad. Or is it as agnostics claim, Too difficult to decipher? Me? I'm going with the decision makers, while the majority are more comfortable being cowards.
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