Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dasterdly Deeds

  Hawks circled overhead, and not far further out, the vultures waited their turn to clean up what was left. Down below, on the parched open ground, the danger had forced the Ostrich's head below again. Lately, it seemed with the least little stir, she would hide her head in the nearest hole! Always on the defensive it seemed, and she was almost always afraid! Scared that all were predators, and terrified of the meat eaters, she could find comfort in the hole from the world above ground? Since the recent death of her family, she had become all the more tenuous, as she realized, that she was one of the few still around. She had not always been like this. There had been a time, not too long ago, when she had trusted her speed, and could out run most of those who wanted to do her harm! Why once, she had even scared off a young lion with her pecks and wild flapping, but those days seemed so long ago? In the darkness of her hole, she thought to herself, I have fought the good fight, I have earned my right to hide now from it all, and here, I am safe?
  Meanwhile, above ground, the two boys took pictures of themselves with the carcass, and then, one of them said, Hey Johnnie! Do you still have those large shears in your truck? Yeah, I think so, why? I'll bet you, that we can walk right up on that stupid bird, and snip it's head clean off, and that it will do nothing to stop us! What do you think? Lets find out! I'll get them. And with that, the two men went about doing their dastardly deed! While below ground, Miss Ostrich dreamed of better times.

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