The amazing thing about politics in this country, is that Liberals and Conservatives agree on more then that to which they disagree. We have a two party system in place for a long time, but how well is it working for us? Pardon the pun, but with a two party system, you are only one party away from a Monarchy. Everyone understands the importance of money, after all, it is money that drives the bus. Those who have the most of it, and those who control it, have all the power. The two party system is most evident when the Presidential elections are held. A percentage point or two, often decides the winner, and for the most part, the electorate is pretty evenly split. What this even split does, is consolidate the money and power between two groups. Ask yourself, What do these parties do, what is their function? They are in the influence game, and just by the nature of that business, they attract lobbyists and special interest groups by the score. The opportunity for abuse, in the form of cronyism and back room deals is not only a possibility, but it is widely assumed, that it goes on all the time. The simple question is, by limiting ourselves to the good old fashion way of the two party, have we been a part of allowing such abuses? Too much power, being controlled by too few, is always a problem, and it is a problem for those on either side of the ideological fence. Influence peddlers, their methods and their money, just naturally breed opportunities for corruption. One thing is clear to the working class, and that is, that it is them who'll get screwed in the end. No matter the promise or who made it, it is the working class men and women of this country who will pay for it, they always do.
Now, you would think, that people on both sides of our national debate, would recognize the problems inherent with our current system, and at least explore other methods? You would think that, but you would be wrong. One of the biggest shared traits between Conservatives and Liberals, is their fear of change. You would think by their labels of liberal or progressive, that the Democratic party would be open to new ideas, but in this, they stand in lockstep with the Republicans. Holding onto the old ways so hard, that they are even against term limits. Fear of change is a common enough trait, but with a change like this, it is a legitimate fear for them, and they would fight hard to keep it in place. Why wouldn't they, as they are one of the two who share power. There is an alternative, as we, the people, don't need either one of them, and it could be very easily done. To go from the two party system, to a no party system is really hot hard. For room sake, I will spare you the details. Briefly, as an example: Start with 12 people. These would be people who might start out championing one cause or another. They would start with a small following, but as they gained in popularity, they would have enough followers, and be able to get the required amount of signatures on a petition. A petition requesting that their guy, be considered as one of the twelve. By a structured procedure of vetting, all paid for by the taxpayers, so that no special interest need apply. The goal would be to get four finalists, and these four, all with equal ad money, (no more billion dollar campaigns), would compete equally for the Presidency. No more labels of one or the other, except for maybe the first one to become elected in such a way. We could call that one, the first Candidate of the People.
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