For those of you in different countries, this American holiday, is simply sitting down with family and loved ones, where we take time to remember our many blessings. A time of reflection and sharing. I would suggest that this day become not only an American holiday, but a world one. Besides digging into the feast set before you, it was customary for the head of the family, to lead the group in prayer. Sadly, this most important element of the holiday rarely occurs anymore. Sometimes, at least my family has tried, you go around the table telling one thing that you are thankful for.
The world is in a very dangerous place right now, and that is a huge understatement. Take the time, whether with or without a feast, to pray in ernest. You don't have to be a gifted speaker, or struggle to use any religious terms, just pray that God comes to the aid of his people, ask him for strength, and for wisdom in these very confusing times. The prayer need not be eloquent, just heart felt.
For those of you who think it nothing more then a waste of time, just sit quietly and reflect. You might be convinced that it won't help, but surely, it won't do you any harm either. This war is like none you've ever seen. It is a spiritual war, and in order to defeat the vermin that commit such heinous crimes, you must kill the spirit that drives them. It is different, because it isn't driven by the desire for territory or money. Men in battle don't kill over anger, but they fight for love. Love of family, love of country, sure, but love for God is something that makes no sense to the world. But that is what we are up against, a bond so strong, that they would gladly give their lives for it. The Christians showed that kind of resolve when they stood bravely on the floor of the Roman Coliseum while being devoured by lions. But with the Islamists, the sacrifice they make by killing themselves, means nothing unless they take non believers with them.
Christ tells us to pray for your enemies, and so you should. These people too are fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, and they are capable of love. They have been led astray by evil men, and the god they serve is a spirit, but he is not God. Pray that they come to see the light.
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