Three cheers for the all American mutt, for no other breed is so loyal. I have had dogs all of my life, from my boyhood right up until now. Max, my current dog is one of those, "designer" breeds, being a mix of a pure blood pug with a beagle, making him a Puggle? He's a nice little guy, a bit dangerous around food, but also came with what I have never seen in any of the Mutts before him. Max has a variety of conditions, which can best be described as psychological. In fact, ole Max is so odd when compared to his predecessors, that it would take a team of Freudian professors months to unravel the ticks and mannerisms that is his way. High strung, and who needs a dog who's anxieties are only going to conflict with your own? Now you owners of pure breeds, don't get me wrong, as there are many fine dogs who are as pure as the driven snow. Had me a German Shepherd for a while, and he was a great companion.
But speaking generally in a general sense, I find there is nothing better then a Mutt. Most Americans are Mutts, by far and away, all of our families go back at least two generations. Yup, the good old Heinz 57 mix is the most loyal and trust worthy, in short, I love Mutts. I'm a Mutt, German/English, a good amount of Irish, and a splash of this or that along the way. It's inevitable, new groups who came, cloistered at first, for reasons of language and culture. But eventually breaking out, even to inter marry with those from a different group. Italian/Irish, Greek/French, and well, you get the picture, it's called assimilation. But even as these boundaries fell, the ones most dear eventually fell too. Jew married Christian, believers married non believers, and we all swirled around as if in a big pot. What came out of that stew was a new breed of people, a people made strong because of their diversity, the fabric that came to be America made strong, not limited to one type of yarn or silk, but made from the best thread that each culture could provide. And like a huge blanket, these many fabrics became one, a new type of blanket, one not seen until America forced her way boldly among the world's leaders, and brashly demanding attention. The world's stage had become America's stage. The point of this started out to be another subtle way of explaining why, especially now with what is going on in the world, the importance of a proper vetting system. One required of all locations of entry, and not limited to the refugees only. That all, no matter their situation, all be vetted conclusively before being allowed into the country. But as I wrote this, I could feel my anger rise, and I thought to myself, This is bullshit! Why should I waste time trying to explain the importance of vigilance with compassion, when it'll only fall on deaf ears? So in the next post, I'm going to finally say what I have held back saying for so long now. I mean, that is the beauty of being a nobody, what can they do to me, sue me? Man, I'm too broke to pay attention!
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