Just another day in the litter box. It is a figure of speech, to which I may, or may not have coined? A figure of speech, according to what I figure, is a pre programmed response to an often asked question. For instance, in the common occurence of everyday pleasantries, one might say to you, How are you doing today, how's it going, that type of thing. Now if you are anything like me, you might choose to use a bit of sarcasm here, just for comic effect. The answer I had been giving was, Whats the use of complaining, nobody listens, but I'm now using, Just another day in paradise. Just another day in the litter box, just popped out for the first time today, where it came from I do not know, and I may, or may not have heard it somewhere before? At this point, you are probably wondering what this has to do with anything? I know I am. But I'll go on anyway, since I'm already started.
When you are figuring whether to use figure of speech's in your daily response to such pleasantries, you should also consider, that far more often then not, they are received well. In reality, when people say such things in casual encounters during your day, they are rarely interested in how you are, or how your day is going, but are only being polite. In these instances of polite conversation, Figure of Speech statements are usually understood, sarcastic or not. Even though what is really going on here, is that no real answer is necessary, because they, like you, are in a hurry, and would rather go on with what they were doing. So go ahead and use a figure of speech to blow them off, it is perfectly acceptable and polite.
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