America has lost her prestige in the world, We are no longer feared, and worse yet, no longer respected. So what, is all of this fall from grace Obama's fault? What of a nation who has pulled so far from the morals that once sustained us, how is it that we have pulled so far from the God of our fathers? It is illegal to pray to God in our schools, but what of more recent news? A black Ohio politician nailed it when he asked, DO black lives really matter? Why is it he asked, that black children are being aborted at an alarming rate when compared to whites and others? Keep in mind, that blacks are still a minority in this country, and yet, it is they who abort their children at a rate higher then any other American? How about this, Did you know that of the black babies being killed, the largest majority are little black girls, isn't that considered a war on women?
Of course, middle class Americans and the rich also choose to sometimes end the life they feel inside them. But it is primarily the poor, both black and white, who feel compelled to commit such a desperate act. Could it be that this is a big part of this class warfare we hear so much about?
And what of the ghouls of Planned Parenthood, who so callously discuss the sale of baby parts to the highest bidder? What of these, do they get a pass from secular America, what kind of a person can remain apathetic to such horrors? The same horrors that are committed every day, in your name America, and with your hard earned taxes. The ghouls over at planned parenthood are the disease, but we, you and I America, are the cause. How long will we turn a blind eye to the carnage?
Like ancient Israel who turned her back on God, so now have we. This ignoring of simple decencies, have caused this nation to move away from God. Because of her sins against God, the Hebrew nation was taken captive by Babylon, what will be our punishment? Babylon the great will rise again, and this time, more terrible then before. If you were to see with spiritual eyes, you would recognize, that you have already seen the signs of the whore from Babylon. When you see the unspeakable acts of torture, murder and rape done in the name of a god, you might well ask yourself, Who is this god? She is the whore of Babylon, she is the whore from hell!
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