What does the title mean to you? Doesn't it affirm that our government was founded on the greatest of all foundations? And what of the second part of that sentence, indivisible, what does that mean to you? What it denotes is the dream of our Democratic Republic. One people, united as one, and standing up to all who see her saying, yes, we are newly born, but we are mighty as one!
Now let's say that you are of the mind, no matter the reason, to go about destroying this mighty nation, how would you go about it? Wouldn't you go after the second part of that creed and look to divide us? Certainly God the Father is above any harm from any one. So if you couldn't shake the foundation, you would look to attack the idea of it, it's ideology. But what is our ideology, in other words, what is at the core of our beliefs, isn't it our Judeau Christian beliefs? So then, a nation as powerful as we are beyond reach militarily, so you attack the beliefs, and try to divide the people from what it is that we were founded on. God may be above any and all attacks, but we have become fools, and we are easily strayed to think of our ideologies based on our faith in the One true God, and that is exactly what has happened here. Why all this rape murder and mayhem, you are kidding right? The bible calls it reaping what we've sown. Haven't we chased God out of our schools, don't we look to offend truth at every turn?
So now we are in another voting cycle, and all you need do is watch, and you will see the difference between those who forward an agenda that is contrary to our very base. The ones that over time has convinced the general public that patriotism and love of country is a corny thing, and yes, worshiping some foolish kid in Hollywood makes much better sense? So who are these politicians, which of them is of the ilk which turns them against the truths of God, and by such actions, however unwilling, just weaken this great land all the more. What kind of a morality is it that touts the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood as an attack on women? Is murdering the unborn for only reasons of health, rape or tsecni, not an attack on the very precepts upon what this country was based? Do women really have the right to kill for convenience sake? Are we that callous and calculating now? What kind of woman thinks it is alright to kill the unborn for any reason? And then there are the purveyors of the other isms', that tell the American people, that even though people of color now occupy the highest offices in the land, that we are nothing more then a bunch of racists? Are you aware that divide and conquer is not a cliche?
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