Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Anarchy 101

  So who are these anarchists anyway, and what is it that really motivates them to such violence? These are the people of very little intellect, people who haven't had an original thought in years. In short, they believe what they are told to believe. They are fools used like tools to an end not really their own.
  Back during the days of the Viet Nam war, protests and a general public out cry were a common occurrence. We all were caught up in it, as our cause was a just one. We didn't care if the farming nation of Viet Nam was communist or not. Most of the soldiers who fought and died there, felt the full ire of the anarchist mentality, when the drafted boys returned home from war, only to be spit upon by pretty little things? In one such march in Washington, we were about a half million strong. The anarchists then were splinter groups like the Weather Underground of Bill Ayres fame. He and his band of fools were responsible for bombings, bank robbery and murder. The damn fools wound up blowing themselves up when a home made bomb they were making blew up in their faces. But nobody ever really took these fringe lunatics very seriously, as Bob sang, You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blow! Eventually most, although not Billy boy, crawled back under the rock that they had come out of. But isn't there a difference between this time and that? A fair question, a question that we as a nation are forced to now face again. The sad thing is, that we may have already passed the point where the facts matter, because when anarchists rule, facts become unimportant, and the only thing that matters is an agenda, and the hot tempers and emotions from both sides of the situation.

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