What is the answer to the question from the last article, What is the difference between then and now? To get a bit more specific, and move past the war protests, and move onto the current civil unrest, again, what is the difference between then and now? The civil rights movement came from the same era, and it too was a righteous cause, as back then, racism was rampant. We were still dealing with the Jim Crow laws of the South, and the racism and fears of the North. What is most lacking from today, that we had back then, was a true leader for all people, black and white. A man of God, who like his counter part Mahatma Ghandi, preached resistance at any cost except one, that one being violence. Both Dr. King and Mr. Ghandi won the day. Ghandi freed a country, and the victory for Dr. King is evident today, as black men and women reside in the highest places in our government, and there is a genuine respect that black and white now have for each other.
Surely our hearts go out to the Brown family, and as a father myself, I would imagine that Mr. Brown's grief is a heavy burden. But the rioting and lawlessness must stop, so that his son becomes a place of togetherness and reason, rather then a name associated with dividing this country. But there are very powerful forces at work here, represented by people who would like nothing less then a race riot to break out full scale, but for what reason? Beyond all of the stupid politics, is really what is at fault here, and it has a name, it's name is Evil, and it loves strife, it thrives on it, and it doesn't care about which side you claim, because all it wants is to divide us. We the people, no matter our ethnicity, must come together and never allow such a division to occur.
So where are our the Martin Luther Kings of today? Surely it can not be morons like Al Sharpton, whose entire career was predicated on a lie, and whose dealings have put him in the rears with both State and Federal goverments, with taxes totaling millions of dollars. The cause of the people continues to be a just one. The problem is, the leader they now follow is a fool!
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