It is a curious thing, a mixture of the softness of understanding, and the harsh reality of total power! A mixture of moods that are far swung from the other extreme, and all things in between.
But there is also a rhythm to it, a calmness that comes with seeing the world in perfect time with itself, and all of the events that come with life as they occur. But as much as there is a harmony to it, and whatever it is that goes on around you. When you face it in the spirit, then life adjusts to your pace, rather then you to it.
And because life for you has slowed, you can observe it more closely. You understand each situation completely, sometimes within minutes of having first encountered it. In other words, you find yourself in synchronization with life, no matter the situation, and no matter it's pace. It takes some getting used to, this being in sync with life. Early on, it is easy to miss, because it is so foreign to the normal chaos of life. But once you come to first, recognize it, and then two, except it, it can be, and no doubt is, a great power. The search for truth is not an easy one, but the wisdom it brings is worth all the trouble. It truly is the road less traveled, for wisdom does not give up her secrets easily.
The only difficulty with all of this, is that for those who don't believe, you become a curiosity, an oddity to be observed. This is because you will make people feel uncomfortable, and sadly, this fear is not wholly limited to the Godless. And so you feel isolated, set apart from the rest. And with the feeling of being isolated, come the blues that loneliness brings. It is at times like this that you need some kind of base, someone to confide in, a place of touch down, a friend. But for me, at least so far these days, true friends are hard to come by.
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