Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tested Truths: Murder

Tested Truths: Murder:   For those of you who care about points, I have a point of interest that I would like to share with you. Specifically, the origin of certai...


  For those of you who care about points, I have a point of interest that I would like to share with you. Specifically, the origin of certain beliefs that have led to facts of life. Have you ever wondered where racism came from, and what it was that allowed such an ugly thing to come to bare? In the case of racism, much, if not all can be blamed on evolution, and opinions coming from an evolutionists point of view.
  Surely if we are all just the children of mere monkeys, obviously, some of us never made it out of the jungle! But if you believe in this kind of stuff, then it would be only normal to think of which race is the most evolved, and conversely, which one has evolved the least? I don't know about you, but when it comes to looks and certainly coloration, none look closer to our uncles in the forest then do my negro friends and neighbors. Wouldn't you agree? Wink wink, nod nod? Surely I jest, because not a single bone in my body believes that! There is no one race better then another, because according to God, we have all been made in His image! But as to how far we have evolved intellectually, in that there is some real difference. The proof of intellectual superiority can still be found in our modern world. There are still a few remote tribes, whose biggest contribution to civilization, is that they can shrink heads! But even with people as backwards as them, evolution's theories still make no sense? Because if these backwards people, so far from civilization can be so brutal, where does that skill come from? Because animals are not vindictive. They don't sit and plan murder! That mindset is uniquely human, as no self respecting animal kills only for sport! They kill for two reasons, for food, and to assure and protect their progeny!

Tested Truths: A Case for Creation

Tested Truths: A Case for Creation:   Let us go back in time, way back, and let the eons fly by! Now we are traveling at great speed in order to make this trek, so you might we...

A Case for Creation

  Let us go back in time, way back, and let the eons fly by! Now we are traveling at great speed in order to make this trek, so you might well notice light as we pass it on our way to our destination. But suddenly, all light is gone, and we are in a dark void, and we are no longer aware of any speed? Now this is only a natural occurrence, as without light, there is no longer anything stationary by which to judge movement by.
  But we have arrived into a place where there is total darkness. So black is it, that we can no longer see our hands in front of our face! Now in this dark void, God is alone, but He doesn't seem to see or notice us at all? Of course in reality, we aren't here at all, how could we be when we have yet to be born? We know that He is here however, because we see him as this bright light, an entity complete within itself, and this Entity bristles with energy! As you might well imagine, this Entity has been alone forever. Have you ever been alone, I mean really alone? Alone with you thoughts, free from having any agenda, free to do whatever it is that you please! Sounds good right? But how long could you go on like this, until you became tired of it, and began to want companionship? How long would it take before you would grow tired of being alone, and look to be among others like you?
  With God of course, time is meaningless! But suffice it to say that the Lord has been alone for a long time. So we assume that at some point, God too grew tired of being alone, and wanted to be among others just like Him. The problem was, that there were none like him. The Angels and the other Heavenly Hosts were created to serve only him, while others praised him for who He was! But it occurred to him, that he wanted something more, he wanted living beings who would love him, and serve him because they choose to do so. It was at that moment, whenever that moment was, that he decided to make one of the dead planets into a living one, one with perfect conditions for the life that he planned to create. He thought about and planned the diversity of life on this planet, and wanted people to be the masters of it. His desire, and for this we use his own words, was to create a people who would be made in his own image, little god-men who would have free will, who could think and decide things for themselves. All He wanted in return was to have his creation recognize their Creator, what it was that He did, and by choice then, desire to serve him. But as it was with Satan before them, an entity who God entrusted with the same knowledge that we now have, we decide instead to worship ourselves, and wonder only at what we have created, rather then to give all thanks and glory to the Creator of all! Is it any wonder why this world is in so much trouble?

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Tested Truths: But Beyond That

Tested Truths: But Beyond That:   I will tell you that I cannot keep track of all the phobias. I call them that, even though many of these same type of problems are also ca...

But Beyond That

  I will tell you that I cannot keep track of all the phobias. I call them that, even though many of these same type of problems are also called, isms? They all suggest the same thing, an unhealthy fear? The fact that there is no room for an unhealthy fear in anyone's life, is from God's point of view. You see to Him, the only fear you should have is of Him! Anything else is a lie and isn't worthy of your time. But let's leave God's opinion out of this shall we, and let's concentrate on you, and what it is that you believe instead.
  So, let's lump all of those unhealthy fears together, and label them all as some kind of phobia, it seems logical to me. We have sexual phobias, political phobias, bullying phobias, we got a lotta phobias! But lets take the most important of all phobias, because this one can kill you! Muslim extremist phobia! Why are we so afraid to call it what it is? What is the reason why you fear it? How has it come to be that we can no longer call out an enemy? One that, and make no mistake about it, wants you dead or alive! To fear naming your enemy, you only empower him, pretending that he is not the threat that might someday cost you your life! I would be perfectly happy if I was wrong about this, and I continue to look for that moderate Cleric who can point to scriptural references in the Koran that disputes what these maniacs are selling, but still I hear none? Could it be that these fundamentalist Muslim Clerics are right? Why else would good people of faith remain silent when extremists steal your beloved faith and cause it to look so bad? I truly feel sorry for these people, because I know that most are peace loving people.
  But there is an evil that looks to engulf the world, there is no longer any section of the planet that has not yet been touched by events brought about by those who would do evil.
   Being somewhat of a religious zealot myself, I understand fully what these suicide bombers do. And here's a strange twist, I admire them for it? Because if the shoe was on the other foot, and I believed that Jesus wanted me to blow myself up, my only concern would be, where to go to get an explosive vest? But I can see no reason for me blowing myself up anytime soon? Because my God doesn't work like that. Jesus doesn't want to kill you if you don't believe in him? In fact, all he wants to do is save you from all of this! But also to save you from yourself. And therein lies the problem? Because for many of you, are of the opinion, that you would say to Jesus if you could meet him on the street, Hey Pal, I am in no need for anyone to save me from anything! I'm doing quite well on my own thank you. So ah, thanks, but no thanks.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Tested Truths: Charlie Brown

Tested Truths: Charlie Brown:   People will fail you, and even the best laid plans can go awry. It is that way with us. All just misfits trying to fit in. We all have thi...

Charlie Brown

  People will fail you, and even the best laid plans can go awry. It is that way with us. All just misfits trying to fit in. We all have this hole that we can never seem to fill? This hole is what we look to cover the most, because this hole comes from deep within!
  It is that way with life, and it is certainly true for each of us. It's a never ending process of tidying up loose ends, most of which seem never to get done? I must tell Marge that that I have read that book that she suggested. Appearances you know, I am well respected within my book club.
  Or it's Charlie Brown, worrying over whether the guys were still confident in him bowling out of the four hole? Bits of worry, always, what more must be done? It's true, all we want is to be understood, accepted for who we are as we are, we all have the need to be loved!
  But for those of you who never do seem to fit in, those who feel like you have been left out, as though you have been set apart, take heart! for you are not alone. No more so, then with those whose popularity soars! Because they too are alone. Have you ever heard the phrase alone in a crowd? Each of us is alone, we each must decide who we are by the things that we choose to believe in. But here's the thing, That hole you look to fill, is the real reason why you are never truly content? That is the hole that only God can fill, He designed us that way!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tested Truths: Reap what we sow,

Tested Truths: Reap what we sow,:   Much as it pains me, and for those who read me with any regularity would know, this does pain me? Meaning that I'm shooting from the h...

Reap what we sow,

  Much as it pains me, and for those who read me with any regularity would know, this does pain me? Meaning that I'm shooting from the hip, and that isn't too kind to these old bones! But here I am anyway, and here you are too, as sacrifices must be made? The 'mad bomber" is on Outnumbered, and he was off to a good start! But there are other things on my mind, things that I'm quite concerned over? But at this point, I figure that its time for the kid gloves to come off!
  There is no nice way to say this, so I guess I'll just call a spade a spade? Now for those of you who think of that statement as being racist, be assured that you are right, and you are wrong? I made the remark because as a poker player, if I was to have a royal flush, I would rather it be in spades then any other suit. Don't ask me why, because a royal flush in any color means only one thing, and that is that you cannot be beaten! But on the racial side of things, I think that the only reason this has gone on for as long as it has, meaning why impeachment proceedings have not begun, is because Barack Obama is a man of color! And that my friends is racist reasoning.
  But for me, the only question yet to be answered, is how much more damage can this current administration do in the two years that remain to wreak havoc on this great country? Because it can no longer be denied, the man has not got the best interest of this country in mind. In fact, from everything that is going on, I would say that he and the gang have been hard at work assuring failure wherever they can? Lois Learner lost her emails? The borders have become a hugh gash in the Southern part of the land, Muslim extremism is rampart, and the president goes to play golf, leaving the explaining to snot faced spoiled brats like the little blonde that the Justice department trots out now and then? Have you caught her act? Rude and obnoxious, surely in dire need of a good spanking, and one who apparently is trying to bring back the comments about dumb blondes? But she is not the problem, her boss is! It has been and will continue to be unless stopped, the most arrogant, deceitful administration in the history of this great land! And Hillary? Only if you want four more years of the same? But if you do, remember, that you will sow what you reap!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Tested Truths: Audible

Tested Truths: Audible:   When it comes down to the heart of the matter, as to whether God exists or not, break it down to basics, and it's really quite simple!...


  When it comes down to the heart of the matter, as to whether God exists or not, break it down to basics, and it's really quite simple! Because there is only two ways to go with this, and only one point of view can be correct! God either exists, or He doesn't, again, only one is correct. Certainly, from a personal standpoint, you could say, What difference does it make? And so for you, your right, it doesn't! So this then should have no bearing on your life? What if you believed your entire life that there is a living God, and there wasn't, or conversely, if you believed that there wasn't one, and at the end of your life, you found out that there was? In both scenarios, using our time on this earth as the fulcrum, and if all you have IS that time, well, there is that point of view? The short of it is, that the Lord God will continue to exist or not exist, long after you are gone. Our opinions, are just that, opinions, because for us, God will continue to exist, or not to exist, for the rest of eternity! It can be only one or the other, can we agree on that? If so, and you can think this without loosing any ground, but when you agree with something, thats all that the word means, to agree. Amen?
  Because, everything else is just window dressing, When we discuss the matters that matter to God, in those subjects, at it's core, is the basis for the premise of the question, does God exist, or doesn't he? But leave all of that aside for now, because for our purposes, we understand, that I as the writer, and you as the reader have become crystallized for the moment on these words! Because you know where I stand in all of this, so I'll tell you how it is for me. What I do, and by extension what I would ask you to do, is to consider the things of God! For instance, what would you say God's voice would sound like? I myself cotton to the notion that when he speaks, His voice sounds much like running water, a water that comes from many sources! Now my reason to believe this, comes mostly because I am a writer, and I would look for a way to describe it also. What words would you use to describe it, if you were to hear it audibly?
When God speaks, he speaks in all languages and dialects, so then none can claim that they did not hear, or that they didn't understand? Each would hear the voice in a way that is familiar to them. So, in other words, we would all hear His words as clear and understandable to us. But what is the sound of that voice as all of these languages blend as one? The sound is like many waters would be my way of describing it.
  But there are others, there is that still quiet voice, which is actually the sound of our thoughts, and then there is the sound that Moses heard coming from the burning bush. What is it that he heard, and how did it sound to him? The words he heard were very clear to him, because they were the words of his language, and they were spoken as with his native tongue. So you might say that what he heard was the joining of the two sounds together, that which you would hear in your mind, but also that which was audible.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Tested Truths: Clarity

Tested Truths: Clarity:   I have always loved the night! Bright lights hurt my eyes. But I ain't no Vampire neither! That said in my best Rodney Dangerfield. Bu...


  I have always loved the night! Bright lights hurt my eyes. But I ain't no Vampire neither! That said in my best Rodney Dangerfield. But there is solitude in the night, and there is peace! Peace of mind, the kind of peace only available in the quiet of night. Even though there is less light, things are much clearer at night. Certainly the most obvious reason for this, is that there are less people?
  The shadows are the private places, and people fade in and out of the light. Because of the stillness of the night, sounds are amplified, and what they are, and their source is much more apparent at night, there is that clarity about it. There's that word again? Clarity. To achieve clarity on any manner, you must have quiet, or as people often say, Peace and quiet? But the two go hand and hand, because though you can have peace without quiet, you cannot  have quiet without peace!
  In the night, the shades and tones of things are much different from the day. The same colors, but shaded with blacks grays and blues mostly. But the light tears away at the shadows, done in soft yellows, and stark brilliant whites! They tear into the night like office lights suddenly turned on in a darkened office, like a flash of a noonday sun!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Tested Truths: Paradise

Tested Truths: Paradise:   Wouldn't it be just like the Lord to throw the meteorologists a curve, and do something weather wise that would leave them scratching ...

Tested Truths: Paradise

Tested Truths: Paradise:   Wouldn't it be just like the Lord to throw the meteorologists a curve, and do something weather wise that would leave them scratching ...


  Wouldn't it be just like the Lord to throw the meteorologists a curve, and do something weather wise that would leave them scratching their heads? Obviously, if you live in the part of the country where I do, you'd have to admit that from late April, but definitely for all of May and June so far, that the weather has been perfect! Hawaii which I believe became a state on the year that I was born? Anyway, early on, there was a lot of talk about our newest State, and it was said that they had a perfect climate, and that the average temperature there was 72 degrees for the year?
  Now obviously, that can't happen here because of our winters. But what if He decided to allow this summer to average 72? That would be way cool, and I vote that he does just that! It's kind of a selfish desire I suppose, in that it would only occur here in the Northeast. But then again, if He wanted to, He could do that for the entire country! Now I'm not predicting any such thing, but I'm just saying? It would certainly be more then welcome, especially for those States which suffered so much already this year! But if I had any real sympathy for those people, I would wish that perfect weather for their States, and have those crazy storms happen here instead! But I'm not that sympathetic!
If I was able to order up the weather, I would certainly order up the temperature of Paradise!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Tested Truths: Climate Change

Tested Truths: Climate Change:   So here's the thing. I just went outside, only to discover that what had started out as a rainy day had changed to become a real stunn...

Climate Change

  So here's the thing. I just went outside, only to discover that what had started out as a rainy day had changed to become a real stunner! In fact, it turned out to be one of my favorite kind of days! A bright blue sky, filled with white puffy clouds! Or Cumulous clouds as my wife likes to correct me on? How about, it was a bright blue sky, with great hordes of white and puffy cumulous clouds? There, now everyone's happy! It's funny how fast the climate can change isn't it? I mean in a New York second, everything can change!
  Climate change, now there's a topic? The good folks who first panicked you with thoughts of freezing to death while huddled around your TV set, only to change that warning to, that you will be cooked like a Macrel on an open flame, are now championing Climate Change? Duh! Of course the climate changes you ninnies, it changes all the time!
  But these theorists have a product to sell, because just like the Race Baiters, this is how they make their living. Money! It's all about money, always has been, and always will be. Those who really are in the know, meaning these scientists who sign off on this, know full well that it is a lot of baloney. But what it really means to them is money, and the power that comes with money! This comes in two ways,  one is the tax dollars that it will bring in, and of course the political clout that comes with all that limitless taxpayer money. Secondly, in addition to the power, incredible personal riches are at hand for those who fashion these laws. How else would a guy like Al Gore get so fabulously wealthy?
  For me, I have to admit that it is entertaining if nothing else? I mean what started as global freezing, morphed into global warming, and now, finally, the perfect phrase, Climate Change! Why one of these so called scientists went as far as to say that Wall Street and lower Manhattan could be under water if we failed to act quick enough!  Climate change? It reminds me of what my father used to say. If you don't like the weather in Jersey, wait, it'll change!
So then climate change? Of course you fool, what else would you expect to happen??

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tested Truths: Stay Tuned...

Tested Truths: Stay Tuned...:   Earlier, or almost precisely at 5PM, I began to write my reaction to the current goings on in the middle east. But now that I have read it...

Stay Tuned...

  Earlier, or almost precisely at 5PM, I began to write my reaction to the current goings on in the middle east. But now that I have read it, I decided that it wasn't too well written? What it amounted to was a mish mosh of current events and Bible passages? The point is that it was none to clear, so thats why I'm writing this one. Not that you asked?
  I think now that it should be written in two parts? One, this one, will be about how because things are cyclical, that history would certainly be relevant. If you look back, there are many similarities between what is going on now, and what occurred almost a century ago, just prior to the outbreak of the second world war!
First let's look at the most obvious? Russia's going into the Ukraine has been done before by the Germans. Poland and Czechoslovakia worried back then about being next to be occupied, which did eventually happen to them. In Northern Africa, where the Arab States and Israel reside, there was trouble then too. If you were to think about these similarities, you would spend your time well, because it could very well play out just like the script? The point is that history, the weather, and everything else in this life is cyclical, so its never a question as to if it will happen, but only when? What is about to happen, has happened before, only the players have changed. I plan on doing an article on the second point, that being the incredible similarities between this point in history, and what the Bible prophesied thousands of years ago, about precisely this point in our history, is stunning! But it is also really scary, so stay tuned...

Tested Truths: IT

Tested Truths: IT:   So I tried defending it, but I couldn't find it? So I looked for it again, but then I lost the moment! But surely the thing is, that i...


  So I tried defending it, but I couldn't find it? So I looked for it again, but then I lost the moment! But surely the thing is, that it will surely come around again, because it always does. But I think that it can be quite coy at times, it's as if it has a mind of its own? But what is it, that's the question, and haven't we just passed it? So I guess that it is hard to explain it, and now it's time to end it! Obviously I was just playing word games with you, but something very serious has just come up!
  What's going on, that is, as near as I can tell, because I just found out about it! But I had better go and turn on Fox, because apparently Iran has just enter Iraq? You know, nuclear Iran? Yeah, that one! So Iran has made the first move! Stay tuned...

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Tested Truths: Praise for the Fools

Tested Truths: Praise for the Fools:   It looks to be quite an interesting day up on the Hill? Republicans have been seen wandering the halls of the Capital muttering to themsel...

Praise for the Fools

  It looks to be quite an interesting day up on the Hill? Republicans have been seen wandering the halls of the Capital muttering to themselves, saying to themselves as Ralph Cramden might say, What a revolting development this is!
  Still reeling from that full on punch to the gut that they got last night! But the people have spoken, and they were the middle class, aka, the working class. That group that all must admit, grudgingly or not, represents the backbone of this country! And what they said was, Damn it! Pay attention to me, I've had all I can stands, and I can't stands no more! I know nothing of the man who knocked Eric Cantor out of the box, I don't even know his name? But I do know that he proudly calls himself a Tea Party candidate, and so rather then argue the point, lets go ahead and label this guy as representing the hard right? A conservative thinker, he puts his pants on one leg at a time.
  So then, if the Tea Party is the hard right of the Republican Party, who is their counter part on the Democratic side? Who can be harder left if not the Occupy Wall Street people? You know, you've seen them on TV? They're the ones who shit in the plaza, destroy property, insist on confrontation, almost always resulting in violence! But here is where it gets even stranger? The Republicans have no choice in the matter, because at this point, the Tea Party people are with the Republican party, for better or for worse? The Democrats have a different problem, because like it or not, we have been tied to the Occupiers! Now the party must back away as quickly as possible from these plastic faced freaks, but it won't be as easy as it sounds? Because unless I miss my guess, there should be plenty of video on Youtube, showing Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats, singing the praises of these fools!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tested Truths: Mr. Teeth

Tested Truths: Mr. Teeth:   You all know him, you all love him, he's Mr. Teeth, and he's a car sellin son of a gun! Five huge selling lots, almost everyone yo...

Mr. Teeth

  You all know him, you all love him, he's Mr. Teeth, and he's a car sellin son of a gun! Five huge selling lots, almost everyone you know drives a car bought from Mr. Teeth of Tootherman Fine Motors.
  But it wasn't always so easy for Mr. Teeth, as he had come from humble enough beginnings. It was his dad who got him into the car business, and Jim jr.,  had been around the car business for as far back as he could remember?
  James Tootherman was one of the most respected business men in town. He prided himself in the "square deal" What little advertising that he did, always included the phrase Square Deal, somewhere in the ad. His business was Tootherman Used Cars, at the original location, the corner of Fifth and Vine. He employed six people, and he treated them more like family then employees. Two of the six were the best darn mechanics this side of the Pecos River! It was their job to fix anything wrong with the cars that they got from wholesale, so that the cars were always in the best shape as could reasonably be expected.
  But when Jimjr. came home from college, he began almost immediately began to change the way they did business. He had come home brash and full of himself, and so he wasted no time installing his ideas into the family business. His father was not in agreement with many of his ideas, and the two men argued often. But the straw that broke the camels back, was when Jimjr., fired one of the mechanics to help pay for the expensive TV ads that he was planning. He promised that every car that they sold would be hand washed by bikini clad women, and he even used models in the ad! He also changed the name of the company to, Tootherman Fine Motors? And all of this happened while his father was sick. Not that it didn't work, because within months of the ads, the company was already looking to expand! But the ads got cheesier, and as the cars seemed to fly off the lots, the quality of the cars could no longer be counted on to be good? It wasn't long before the high praise from customers turned into complaints. So bad that it became almost common place! The business that James Tootherman had built with his square deal philosophy, was something that the he was no longer proud of. The old man died within three months after returning to work, after it was believed that his three year battle with cancer had been won? It was very sad.
  But after that is when Jim Tootherman became Mr. Teeth! It was a name that the kids from elementary school used to tease him with. Whose laughing now he now says many times?  Besides the obvious with his name, Jim had huge teeth, so the name really fit!  Now, at the end of each ad, and after Mr. Teeth assures us once again that, You can count on a fair deal with me, he and his wife look into the camera smiling that toothy grin, a grin much like a keyboard on a piano!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Tested Truths: An end to a war?

Tested Truths: An end to a war?:   I had prepared a three page response to the newest problem now facing our nation, but changed it to be more precise. Now no one hates the ...

An end to a war?

  I had prepared a three page response to the newest problem now facing our nation, but changed it to be more precise. Now no one hates the growing of our bloated federal government more then I do, but in this case, I think that federal oversight might well be warranted? The legalization of pot, and possibly other type of hallucinogens is already upon us. As the states decide to legalize, or not to legalize, in a piece meal fashion, a central overseer of some sort would be useful, and would hopefully avert superior  courts being tied up on a monumental scale? Already there is a case pending between Colorado, who recently legalized recreational pot use, and it's neighbor Nebraska, who has not. You can look up the specifics of the case, but suffice it to say that it will be interesting, because this is a new phenomenon, having never happened until now. Couple with this another emerging problem, which also has never happened before. Maureen Dowd, a reporter for the New York Times, decided to try marijuana  for the first time while alone in a Colorado hotel? I question it, because I know better, but she can be excused for not knowing, because she would have no way of knowing! Pot when ingested, takes longer to come on, but once it does, it comes on much stronger! Again, the need for some kind of control, in this case, as warnings against use alone, what the strengths of the products are, and what to expect when choosing to consume them. Surely there is the need for proper labeling as to the potency of the THC in the products offered.
  But the bigger point here is that, like it or not, recreational drug use, legal or not, is occurring, and will continue to occur. Hiding our heads in the sand, so as not to face the problem, is just plain idiotic! The war on drugs was and continues to be, an utter failure, and the reality is, that the DEA should cease to exist. The hundreds of billions of dollars wasted on the jailing of our citizens to accommodate this war is a monumental waste of money! It would be far better spent educating the people about drugs, and having help for those who ignore that teaching, and become addicted anyway. With my generation, we went about it blindly, but there is no such excuse for this generation. As the mistakes we made, and the possible ramifications of such actions are public knowledge now, that should be made available to all our citizens. I am not advocating a national legalization, but rather, a civil, national discussion regarding this problem. Incidentally, though I can point to no scientific studies, because this is new, and none exists.  But the fears about rampart drug addiction as just an inevitability because of legalization are wrong. In fact, I believe that within as little as five years, that because of education, and our willingness to face this as mature adults, that the addiction rates will fall dramatically! Whatever your opinion on the matter, there is something that we can all agree on. That being, that left unchanged, this so called war on drugs does not work, and that something else must be done! While we dawdle away the time, out there in the streets, our children are dying, and if we keep on doing what we have been doing, then some of that blood is on all of our hands!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Tested Truths: 2001, A Space Odyssey

Tested Truths: 2001, A Space Odyssey:   So I'm watching 2001, a movie that I haven't seen in quite a while. And two things occur to me? One, that I so miss my house! Musi...

2001, A Space Odyssey

  So I'm watching 2001, a movie that I haven't seen in quite a while. And two things occur to me? One, that I so miss my house! Music like this is meant to be played loud! And second, beyond all of the beautiful images done with classical music, there is an interesting story line.
  The significants of the Monolith, is that it provides for a divine intellect, one much more advanced then the monkey men of earth! So even from an evolutionary point of view, the movie shows that a divine intervention had to have occurred to have had us monkey men become who we are today? Interestingly, the first lesson, or more accurately, the monkeys first reaction, is to become better killers? First of game, and then, killers of each other. That is where the movie looses its hold on how people think of themselves and mankind in general, that we are basically good? The truth is, that we are basically bad, but we are trying to become good. No matter your opinion on the goodness and badness of man, you would have to agree, that it was a dismal start for a people supposedly so moral in a mere 2000 years?
  So the whole premise of the film is flawed, in that the monkeys may well have been enamored by the monolith, and wondered at this divine intellect, but then, the very first thing they do, is go out and kill each other! No wonder the aliens in the movie wanted no part of us!

Tested Truths: More still?

Tested Truths: More still?:   Again, with Max that is, what is it about this thinking process of his? And how does it match up with instinct? First, instinct is thought...

More still?

  Again, with Max that is, what is it about this thinking process of his? And how does it match up with instinct? First, instinct is thought. But it is basic thought. Because Max didn't think to himself, Gee, sounds like daddy is through taking out the garbage, and I can hear him dancing with himself, perhaps I should go and join him? That sounds like fun, maybe I will go in, find my dancing toy, and go and dance with him?
  No, what Max did is react to the pictures that he saw in his mind. Which by the way is how we too think when we are doing meaningless tasks like tying our shoes? We don't have to think about it, we just do it. But as we are doing it, our minds show us pictures of previous tyings. Little to no thought, instinct is like that. Here is what Max saw in his mind that made him do what he did. He saw first a picture of daddy dancing with himself, as he has seen it before and it is a memory in his mind. Then he pictured a scene where he was dancing with daddy. This pleased him, and so he got up and got his toy. That's it, no adjectives, no filling words, just a reaction to a thought.
Now in this same example is innocence? Because all Max wanted to do was play! He didn't stop to consider whether he would be welcomed, in fact, he gave little to no thought about anything else. Something he saw pleased him, so he just went ahead and did it!

Tested Truths: More on Max,

Tested Truths: More on Max,:   In keeping with my continuing contention that dogs do think, and by extension then, so do the rest of them, This mornings brief encounter ...

More on Max,

  In keeping with my continuing contention that dogs do think, and by extension then, so do the rest of them, This mornings brief encounter between me and Max is at hand?
  At any rate, here we are, with me and my theory. Now first, to have a better understanding of this, I would ask that you allow yourself to become intimate with the details. Now what do I mean by that? That is, that for awhile, your part of the family, and here's the scene.
  Me and Max, that is to say, Max and I, were in the process of making arrangements for his morning poop. But alas, it was raining! So now the two of us are just meandering around out on the front porch. And so Max went to his chair, and I went to mine to have a smoke. Almost immediately after finishing my death nail, I decided to go back into the house and take out the garbage. But I had the headphones on, and started dancin with myself? So low and behold, what is it that I see? Max with his little fox pull toy! Max wanted to dance with me, and from outside, when he figured out what the sounds he heard were, he came in, found the one toy that he knows will get me to dance with him. And I don't know about you, but that sounds like planning to me. And you say animals can't think? Psstshah I say, but I will keep you abreast of the experiment...

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tested Truths: Political Thought

Tested Truths: Political Thought:   If I am to continue to publicly comment on the politics of the world, I thought that a little explanation of my personal politics and what...

Political Thought

  If I am to continue to publicly comment on the politics of the world, I thought that a little explanation of my personal politics and what shaped them might be in order? But to dismiss my views by derogatory means such as bible thumper, is to sell me short, not only because of your bias, but also because of your intellect? We all look to minimize those who we don't agree with.
  I don't know how long this article will be, but my plan was to even give you some insight into my childhood, and how that began to shape my opinions. This shaping of political thought occurred long before I began my search for God, which is probably another reason why your objection to my faith is not as important.
  But for the reason of time, or probably more accurately my endurance, let me give you a name that I have come to call myself. Not really a name, but probably more like a title? Compassionate Conservative. That is the best I can do to pigeon hole myself, for those of you who needs a pigeon hole? What is a compassionate conservative? For one thing, this one starts off as a Democrat. My dad was a Teamster, and back then, if you were a Teamster, you were a Democrat, thats just the way it was.  My mom, who was the more intelligent of the two was an independent, although it would be many years until I understood what that meant? So for me, I did as most kids did, I became what my parents were, and so I talked and thought as a Democrat, up until I first registered at about 45 years of age. Did I also mention that I was hopelessly apathetic in my younger years?
  But I think that there is a distinct difference between the two parties, and for the purpose of simplification, this is what I was taught. That the Republicans were for the economy and big business, and the Democrats were for the people? Being middle class, was another reason to be a Democrat, because supposedly, they were for the people? My dad was pretty basic in his politics, and never really giving it much thought? But it was my mom who explained the importance of a balance between the two parties. Balance was the key, look always for the center!
  So why is it then that I am so against this administration? Because they have taken the party so far left, that left unchecked, that next, we will all be waiting for our party cards to come in the mail? If the Democratic party is to survive and remain viable, we must first purge ourselves of these extremists! This hard left face is not a good look! What do I mean by hard left? Lets' forget Benghazi and all of the rest of the scandals brought on by this current group, and concentrate on one simple facet of what this administration believes. How about the president's flip flop on the abortion issue? When campaigning in 08, and indeed, well into his first term, the president claimed to be pro life? Now, he not only believes in abortion for the two reasons of most Americans, that being the health of the mother, or if she were the victim of a crime, but now believes in abortion on demand, and that my friends is hard left! Besides the moral implications, to expect that as a tax payer, that I must pay for some bimbo, who is either too lazy or too arrogant to use any of the myriad of birth control methods, and now wants to snuff out a life, that is not only hard left, but down right criminal!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tested Truths: You should surely die

Tested Truths: You should surely die:   Nothing so marks the difference between what in my day was called the hawks and the doves, as does the recent release of our soldier for f...

You should surely die

  Nothing so marks the difference between what in my day was called the hawks and the doves, as does the recent release of our soldier for five of theirs. Surely, this one must transcend politics? Because this one divides opinion at a very personal level.
  Because the division is a personal one, surely, all of us who are parents can sympathize with the parents of this young man. Aterall, if he were mine, I would want him back too! But on the other side of the coin is an equally moral dilemma What of the next parents of a son or daughter taken captive by these animals? Surely this will only embolden our enemy, and we should expect more of the same. Because our enemy has no morals, they are of the opinion that if you don't agree with us, then surely you deserve to die!
  So then, what is the right thing to do? Not that it matters now, because it has already been done. So for the release of this kid, back into the love of his family, is something for rejoicing. But for me, the question that I am left with, is whether or not a dangerous precedent has been set? The president did this on his own, he made the decision without even consulting with Congress. So one, by what right does he make such a decision, and two, will he do it again? No matter where you stand on this topic, at some point you have to ask yourself a hard question. When will we realize that we are in a war? A war with a people who's ideology leaves no room for debate, an ideology which promises death to all who dare oppose it!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Tested Truths: Occasionally

Tested Truths: Occasionally:   Occasionally, the unspun truth will come out of this administration. And this not from some underling, this one comes straight from the to...


  Occasionally, the unspun truth will come out of this administration. And this not from some underling, this one comes straight from the top! It has become clear that the president and his inner circle are against Christianity, but why?
  So its' come down to this, I'm tired of dancing around the subject using the nuances of poetry. For one thing, many people don't understand that type of writing, so perhaps its' time to say it plainly?
There can be only two reasons why the president and his staff could be so against Christianity as to single it out. But in the end, if this plan were to succeed, only one of these two reasons can survive, that is of course unless they were to merge as one? The one reason could be that they are all a bunch of sold out socialists, believing only in a lockstep mentality, or the other, which would lead some to believe that  the president might be that 12th Imam, and then they would look to install some kind of a caliphate state? Both pretty outrageous, but still both couldn't be dismissed lightly, because the most obvious thing about socialism, and a type of Muslim theocracy is that they both hate Christianity, and both would look to have it removed. Once that was accomplished, then every other faith but one.
  Now you say, what is the truth in what they said? They claim that Catholicism and Evangelical Christianity represent the extremes of the Christian faith, and they are one hundred percent correct, but not for the reasons that they think? Because the choices they made are as good as any I could have made , as catholicism represents the law, and the evangelicals could represent the spirit. Put them both together, because in between those extremes is the heart of Christianity! So you see, by equating those two as extreme is in essence to call all of Christianity extreme? Extreme yes, but dangerous, no!