Wednesday, June 25, 2014


  For those of you who care about points, I have a point of interest that I would like to share with you. Specifically, the origin of certain beliefs that have led to facts of life. Have you ever wondered where racism came from, and what it was that allowed such an ugly thing to come to bare? In the case of racism, much, if not all can be blamed on evolution, and opinions coming from an evolutionists point of view.
  Surely if we are all just the children of mere monkeys, obviously, some of us never made it out of the jungle! But if you believe in this kind of stuff, then it would be only normal to think of which race is the most evolved, and conversely, which one has evolved the least? I don't know about you, but when it comes to looks and certainly coloration, none look closer to our uncles in the forest then do my negro friends and neighbors. Wouldn't you agree? Wink wink, nod nod? Surely I jest, because not a single bone in my body believes that! There is no one race better then another, because according to God, we have all been made in His image! But as to how far we have evolved intellectually, in that there is some real difference. The proof of intellectual superiority can still be found in our modern world. There are still a few remote tribes, whose biggest contribution to civilization, is that they can shrink heads! But even with people as backwards as them, evolution's theories still make no sense? Because if these backwards people, so far from civilization can be so brutal, where does that skill come from? Because animals are not vindictive. They don't sit and plan murder! That mindset is uniquely human, as no self respecting animal kills only for sport! They kill for two reasons, for food, and to assure and protect their progeny!

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