Sunday, June 1, 2014


  Occasionally, the unspun truth will come out of this administration. And this not from some underling, this one comes straight from the top! It has become clear that the president and his inner circle are against Christianity, but why?
  So its' come down to this, I'm tired of dancing around the subject using the nuances of poetry. For one thing, many people don't understand that type of writing, so perhaps its' time to say it plainly?
There can be only two reasons why the president and his staff could be so against Christianity as to single it out. But in the end, if this plan were to succeed, only one of these two reasons can survive, that is of course unless they were to merge as one? The one reason could be that they are all a bunch of sold out socialists, believing only in a lockstep mentality, or the other, which would lead some to believe that  the president might be that 12th Imam, and then they would look to install some kind of a caliphate state? Both pretty outrageous, but still both couldn't be dismissed lightly, because the most obvious thing about socialism, and a type of Muslim theocracy is that they both hate Christianity, and both would look to have it removed. Once that was accomplished, then every other faith but one.
  Now you say, what is the truth in what they said? They claim that Catholicism and Evangelical Christianity represent the extremes of the Christian faith, and they are one hundred percent correct, but not for the reasons that they think? Because the choices they made are as good as any I could have made , as catholicism represents the law, and the evangelicals could represent the spirit. Put them both together, because in between those extremes is the heart of Christianity! So you see, by equating those two as extreme is in essence to call all of Christianity extreme? Extreme yes, but dangerous, no!

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