Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Praise for the Fools

  It looks to be quite an interesting day up on the Hill? Republicans have been seen wandering the halls of the Capital muttering to themselves, saying to themselves as Ralph Cramden might say, What a revolting development this is!
  Still reeling from that full on punch to the gut that they got last night! But the people have spoken, and they were the middle class, aka, the working class. That group that all must admit, grudgingly or not, represents the backbone of this country! And what they said was, Damn it! Pay attention to me, I've had all I can stands, and I can't stands no more! I know nothing of the man who knocked Eric Cantor out of the box, I don't even know his name? But I do know that he proudly calls himself a Tea Party candidate, and so rather then argue the point, lets go ahead and label this guy as representing the hard right? A conservative thinker, he puts his pants on one leg at a time.
  So then, if the Tea Party is the hard right of the Republican Party, who is their counter part on the Democratic side? Who can be harder left if not the Occupy Wall Street people? You know, you've seen them on TV? They're the ones who shit in the plaza, destroy property, insist on confrontation, almost always resulting in violence! But here is where it gets even stranger? The Republicans have no choice in the matter, because at this point, the Tea Party people are with the Republican party, for better or for worse? The Democrats have a different problem, because like it or not, we have been tied to the Occupiers! Now the party must back away as quickly as possible from these plastic faced freaks, but it won't be as easy as it sounds? Because unless I miss my guess, there should be plenty of video on Youtube, showing Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats, singing the praises of these fools!

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