Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Reap what we sow,

  Much as it pains me, and for those who read me with any regularity would know, this does pain me? Meaning that I'm shooting from the hip, and that isn't too kind to these old bones! But here I am anyway, and here you are too, as sacrifices must be made? The 'mad bomber" is on Outnumbered, and he was off to a good start! But there are other things on my mind, things that I'm quite concerned over? But at this point, I figure that its time for the kid gloves to come off!
  There is no nice way to say this, so I guess I'll just call a spade a spade? Now for those of you who think of that statement as being racist, be assured that you are right, and you are wrong? I made the remark because as a poker player, if I was to have a royal flush, I would rather it be in spades then any other suit. Don't ask me why, because a royal flush in any color means only one thing, and that is that you cannot be beaten! But on the racial side of things, I think that the only reason this has gone on for as long as it has, meaning why impeachment proceedings have not begun, is because Barack Obama is a man of color! And that my friends is racist reasoning.
  But for me, the only question yet to be answered, is how much more damage can this current administration do in the two years that remain to wreak havoc on this great country? Because it can no longer be denied, the man has not got the best interest of this country in mind. In fact, from everything that is going on, I would say that he and the gang have been hard at work assuring failure wherever they can? Lois Learner lost her emails? The borders have become a hugh gash in the Southern part of the land, Muslim extremism is rampart, and the president goes to play golf, leaving the explaining to snot faced spoiled brats like the little blonde that the Justice department trots out now and then? Have you caught her act? Rude and obnoxious, surely in dire need of a good spanking, and one who apparently is trying to bring back the comments about dumb blondes? But she is not the problem, her boss is! It has been and will continue to be unless stopped, the most arrogant, deceitful administration in the history of this great land! And Hillary? Only if you want four more years of the same? But if you do, remember, that you will sow what you reap!

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