Let us go back in time, way back, and let the eons fly by! Now we are traveling at great speed in order to make this trek, so you might well notice light as we pass it on our way to our destination. But suddenly, all light is gone, and we are in a dark void, and we are no longer aware of any speed? Now this is only a natural occurrence, as without light, there is no longer anything stationary by which to judge movement by.
But we have arrived into a place where there is total darkness. So black is it, that we can no longer see our hands in front of our face! Now in this dark void, God is alone, but He doesn't seem to see or notice us at all? Of course in reality, we aren't here at all, how could we be when we have yet to be born? We know that He is here however, because we see him as this bright light, an entity complete within itself, and this Entity bristles with energy! As you might well imagine, this Entity has been alone forever. Have you ever been alone, I mean really alone? Alone with you thoughts, free from having any agenda, free to do whatever it is that you please! Sounds good right? But how long could you go on like this, until you became tired of it, and began to want companionship? How long would it take before you would grow tired of being alone, and look to be among others like you?
With God of course, time is meaningless! But suffice it to say that the Lord has been alone for a long time. So we assume that at some point, God too grew tired of being alone, and wanted to be among others just like Him. The problem was, that there were none like him. The Angels and the other Heavenly Hosts were created to serve only him, while others praised him for who He was! But it occurred to him, that he wanted something more, he wanted living beings who would love him, and serve him because they choose to do so. It was at that moment, whenever that moment was, that he decided to make one of the dead planets into a living one, one with perfect conditions for the life that he planned to create. He thought about and planned the diversity of life on this planet, and wanted people to be the masters of it. His desire, and for this we use his own words, was to create a people who would be made in his own image, little god-men who would have free will, who could think and decide things for themselves. All He wanted in return was to have his creation recognize their Creator, what it was that He did, and by choice then, desire to serve him. But as it was with Satan before them, an entity who God entrusted with the same knowledge that we now have, we decide instead to worship ourselves, and wonder only at what we have created, rather then to give all thanks and glory to the Creator of all! Is it any wonder why this world is in so much trouble?
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