Saturday, June 14, 2014


  Wouldn't it be just like the Lord to throw the meteorologists a curve, and do something weather wise that would leave them scratching their heads? Obviously, if you live in the part of the country where I do, you'd have to admit that from late April, but definitely for all of May and June so far, that the weather has been perfect! Hawaii which I believe became a state on the year that I was born? Anyway, early on, there was a lot of talk about our newest State, and it was said that they had a perfect climate, and that the average temperature there was 72 degrees for the year?
  Now obviously, that can't happen here because of our winters. But what if He decided to allow this summer to average 72? That would be way cool, and I vote that he does just that! It's kind of a selfish desire I suppose, in that it would only occur here in the Northeast. But then again, if He wanted to, He could do that for the entire country! Now I'm not predicting any such thing, but I'm just saying? It would certainly be more then welcome, especially for those States which suffered so much already this year! But if I had any real sympathy for those people, I would wish that perfect weather for their States, and have those crazy storms happen here instead! But I'm not that sympathetic!
If I was able to order up the weather, I would certainly order up the temperature of Paradise!

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