Sunday, September 7, 2014

Waiting for Title, just another matter

  I finally watched, 13 hours in Benghazi, and it moved me deeply! The men who were there for this pitched gun battle, who waited and prayed for help in vain, are the best of us all. God, family and country, in that order is their priorities, and then to have little more then some wayward school girl besmirch their integrity, when she is in league with an administration that has none? Makes my blood boil! If you have any love for this country at all, You really need to see this! Family men, men of deep faith, they speak of honor, they rise up to commitment, they rise up to protect their brothers, even after their deaths? Courage! Honor and scarifice, All admirable qualities that have all but been forgotten here? Here in the land that God himself has blessed, here where he offered a way to govern with respect to all! But look at us today, what have we become? Sqabbling over silly differences spread out by a press who is unknowingly in league with those who look to destroy us?
  The latest ploy, the thing they always go to as they have right from day one? Forget the lies they look to spread in Missouri, remember that good lady from agriculture, I believe she was the head of it? On her way home in her car, she gets an ugent call from the Whitehouse, telling her that she is about to be outed by Glen Beck? In case you are not familiar with the event, a part of a video of her talking to a white farm owning client. The snippet could easily have been construed as black on white racism, so they wanted to talk to her. That the poor woman had to pull over just to understand? And this from an administration just newly in office, and their rabbit ears are so big, that they're worried about what Glen Beck might say? And for the record, because I was watching as he said it, We only have a moment of that encounter, you can not draw a conclusion until you have seen the entire film. And when that piece was shown it it's entirety, the woman was a rare thing these days, a helpful public servant, and she told them the truth with dignity, and helped them. So why the alarm? Black panthers outside a Philadelphia polling place, complete with billy clubs, just another matter?

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