Thursday, September 18, 2014


  There is a general concencous among the saints that Jesus has already returned and is already here,. Now it is a curious point of view as Jesus has never left. Didn't he say as he left this earth after his murder that, I will be with you always, Lo until the end of the earth? Did you think it only a metaphor, or worse yet, did you think that he lied? That is the one thing Jesus is not capable of, he can not lie! Every word he utters is true, truth, steeped in honor and solid fact. You see, when Jesus rose up in the clouds while making his exit from this world, what he said was not a question as I would ask, leaving an element of doubt in your head, in the hope that you would look to see whether what I had just told you was accurate or not? No, Jesus made a statement, and because he is incapable of telling anything but the truth, so what he said can be depended on, and if you claim to know him, then there can be no doubt.
  But OK Ed you say, if by excepting to be born again into the spirit of God, Jesus does exactly as you claim he does, and take up residence permanently in our hearts, how do we know when the voice we hear in our mind is His and not ours? There is a simple answer to this, as all of God's answers are simple and to the point. If it is his voice that you hear, then what you thought was true. Not mired in the perspective of your point of view, but true, plain and simple. You may hear conflicting points of view, some your own, some not, but you will hear the truth, and it is your conscience that will decipher that truth to whatever way you are disposed? Simply put, the voice of God is truth, and though you may have bits and pieces of truth, with God you get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and no mortal man can make that statement!

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