What is perception besides the obvious answer, that it is how we perceive things? How is it that each of us comes to see things in our own way? A way, that although many may hold a similar point of view is uniquely our own. For the most part, our perceptions are based on preconceived notions that go right to the base of who we are as people. Certainly our environment, particularly in our childhood, is a big part of this. We come to believe certain things because they are taught to us, and conveyed in what our parents and older siblings believe, and how they live their lives in accordance with those beliefs. Later on, as the child goes to school, it is much the same. What we are taught is important, we tend to believe is important, and so the school, your teachers and your classmates, all have a lot to do with who it is that you now are, and what it is you believe to be true. If you were to go to an art museum, you would see perception in a more actual sense. Small groups will cluster around certain paintings, while others will look quickly, and move onto the next, looking to find one that draws their interest.
But within these groups, there is something that drew them to the painting. Some will look trying to decide what the painting is supposed to be. While others will think about what the artist was trying to portray in his work. Still others will be caught up in the colors and shades, how they blend, and what shading they portray. Some will see beauty in the textures, and the landscape surrounding the focal point of the piece. The point is, that all are drawn to different aspects, and for different reasons, depending on how they perceive it. Art is a uniquely personal thing.
Perception comes from what you believe to be true. These beliefs come from the preconceived notions about life, by the things that we have experienced and learned about those experiences along the way.
Perceptions are a big part of human interactions in the bible. In scripture you will read things about people like, The scales fell from their eyes, and now they can see. Certainly, this could have been literal, like fish scales falling away. But I see it more as metaphorical, as in their preconceived perceptions falling away. How many times haver you heard in a blues song, something like, Once I was blind, but now I can see? Again, it could have been actual, but at least in the song, we can believe that it was a metaphor for something else.
The Lord will take all of your ill conceived, preconceived notions and turn them on their ear, giving you a whole new way to look at things. What he will say to you is, once you decided to come, Once you were blind and couldn't see me, but now, you are no longer blind, the scales have fallen from your eyes, and you can see. Welcome to the family!
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