A Prayer for Bread Thy Kingdom Come. You've heard it before, but what does it mean to you? It used to always mean to me, something that was far off, something that was unattainable, and therefore, unworthy? Perhaps it had some sort of cosmic meaning, but it had no bearing on my life? The reality is, that you can not separate the reality of God from your life, because if you do, then what you are saying is, I have no reason to consider such foolishness, I am much to practical a person. What you are, if this is how you think about such things, is a fool!
If you consider yourself intelligent on any level, and you dismiss the reality of God out of hand, without ever trying to understand His book, then you are worse then a fool, Idiot status is yours forever. Congratulations?
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Martin Luther King
What is the answer to the question from the last article, What is the difference between then and now? To get a bit more specific, and move past the war protests, and move onto the current civil unrest, again, what is the difference between then and now? The civil rights movement came from the same era, and it too was a righteous cause, as back then, racism was rampant. We were still dealing with the Jim Crow laws of the South, and the racism and fears of the North. What is most lacking from today, that we had back then, was a true leader for all people, black and white. A man of God, who like his counter part Mahatma Ghandi, preached resistance at any cost except one, that one being violence. Both Dr. King and Mr. Ghandi won the day. Ghandi freed a country, and the victory for Dr. King is evident today, as black men and women reside in the highest places in our government, and there is a genuine respect that black and white now have for each other.
Surely our hearts go out to the Brown family, and as a father myself, I would imagine that Mr. Brown's grief is a heavy burden. But the rioting and lawlessness must stop, so that his son becomes a place of togetherness and reason, rather then a name associated with dividing this country. But there are very powerful forces at work here, represented by people who would like nothing less then a race riot to break out full scale, but for what reason? Beyond all of the stupid politics, is really what is at fault here, and it has a name, it's name is Evil, and it loves strife, it thrives on it, and it doesn't care about which side you claim, because all it wants is to divide us. We the people, no matter our ethnicity, must come together and never allow such a division to occur.
So where are our the Martin Luther Kings of today? Surely it can not be morons like Al Sharpton, whose entire career was predicated on a lie, and whose dealings have put him in the rears with both State and Federal goverments, with taxes totaling millions of dollars. The cause of the people continues to be a just one. The problem is, the leader they now follow is a fool!
Surely our hearts go out to the Brown family, and as a father myself, I would imagine that Mr. Brown's grief is a heavy burden. But the rioting and lawlessness must stop, so that his son becomes a place of togetherness and reason, rather then a name associated with dividing this country. But there are very powerful forces at work here, represented by people who would like nothing less then a race riot to break out full scale, but for what reason? Beyond all of the stupid politics, is really what is at fault here, and it has a name, it's name is Evil, and it loves strife, it thrives on it, and it doesn't care about which side you claim, because all it wants is to divide us. We the people, no matter our ethnicity, must come together and never allow such a division to occur.
So where are our the Martin Luther Kings of today? Surely it can not be morons like Al Sharpton, whose entire career was predicated on a lie, and whose dealings have put him in the rears with both State and Federal goverments, with taxes totaling millions of dollars. The cause of the people continues to be a just one. The problem is, the leader they now follow is a fool!
Anarchy 101
So who are these anarchists anyway, and what is it that really motivates them to such violence? These are the people of very little intellect, people who haven't had an original thought in years. In short, they believe what they are told to believe. They are fools used like tools to an end not really their own.
Back during the days of the Viet Nam war, protests and a general public out cry were a common occurrence. We all were caught up in it, as our cause was a just one. We didn't care if the farming nation of Viet Nam was communist or not. Most of the soldiers who fought and died there, felt the full ire of the anarchist mentality, when the drafted boys returned home from war, only to be spit upon by pretty little things? In one such march in Washington, we were about a half million strong. The anarchists then were splinter groups like the Weather Underground of Bill Ayres fame. He and his band of fools were responsible for bombings, bank robbery and murder. The damn fools wound up blowing themselves up when a home made bomb they were making blew up in their faces. But nobody ever really took these fringe lunatics very seriously, as Bob sang, You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blow! Eventually most, although not Billy boy, crawled back under the rock that they had come out of. But isn't there a difference between this time and that? A fair question, a question that we as a nation are forced to now face again. The sad thing is, that we may have already passed the point where the facts matter, because when anarchists rule, facts become unimportant, and the only thing that matters is an agenda, and the hot tempers and emotions from both sides of the situation.
Back during the days of the Viet Nam war, protests and a general public out cry were a common occurrence. We all were caught up in it, as our cause was a just one. We didn't care if the farming nation of Viet Nam was communist or not. Most of the soldiers who fought and died there, felt the full ire of the anarchist mentality, when the drafted boys returned home from war, only to be spit upon by pretty little things? In one such march in Washington, we were about a half million strong. The anarchists then were splinter groups like the Weather Underground of Bill Ayres fame. He and his band of fools were responsible for bombings, bank robbery and murder. The damn fools wound up blowing themselves up when a home made bomb they were making blew up in their faces. But nobody ever really took these fringe lunatics very seriously, as Bob sang, You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blow! Eventually most, although not Billy boy, crawled back under the rock that they had come out of. But isn't there a difference between this time and that? A fair question, a question that we as a nation are forced to now face again. The sad thing is, that we may have already passed the point where the facts matter, because when anarchists rule, facts become unimportant, and the only thing that matters is an agenda, and the hot tempers and emotions from both sides of the situation.
A Current Affair
Distant thoughts come back again in your mind's eye, triggered no doubt, by past occurences that you have encountered. Things that you have seen with your own eyes, come most quickly to the mind, when something similiar to that experienced moment, come again as current.
And so it is again today, with these current goings on. In 1967, I got caught up in the Newark riots. I was in a car with a group of friends, on our way to rehearsal at the local church. All of a sudden, the back window of my friend's Olds 88 exploded! Because the report of the rifle was a second behind the explosion, I had the state of mind to think, High powered rifle?
Snipers is what I thought. Mean while, Chuckie, who's car it was, stops abruptly, and bolts out of the driver's seat, screaming and shaking his fist at the roof tops of the near by Projects? Chuckie, I screamed, get back in the car, they're shooting at us! Chuck being quick on his feet then, immediately realized that I was right, and scrambled to get in the car. What do we do, he yelled, Get the hell outa here his cousin said, and he floored the grey ghost, and we took off down the street, with our car's door flapping wildly as we went! Anarchists and murderers, You know I love em?
And so it is again today, with these current goings on. In 1967, I got caught up in the Newark riots. I was in a car with a group of friends, on our way to rehearsal at the local church. All of a sudden, the back window of my friend's Olds 88 exploded! Because the report of the rifle was a second behind the explosion, I had the state of mind to think, High powered rifle?
Snipers is what I thought. Mean while, Chuckie, who's car it was, stops abruptly, and bolts out of the driver's seat, screaming and shaking his fist at the roof tops of the near by Projects? Chuckie, I screamed, get back in the car, they're shooting at us! Chuck being quick on his feet then, immediately realized that I was right, and scrambled to get in the car. What do we do, he yelled, Get the hell outa here his cousin said, and he floored the grey ghost, and we took off down the street, with our car's door flapping wildly as we went! Anarchists and murderers, You know I love em?
The Blind or the Liars
The Blind or the Liars Once I was blind, but now I can see. What does that phrase mean to you? Back in the olden days, this phrase became into being, in the most literal of ways, as Jesus rolled up a wad of mud, placed it on a blind man's closed eye lids, told him to wash them clean in the river, and when he did, he could see. When asked about it by the Pharasees, he said, I was blind, and now I see.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Nov. 26, 2114
Did you ever wonder what history looks like in the future? The following is an excerpt of how things could be, if things go on as they have been, and we continue on our current path. This our current course, if left unchecked, will be how it will be, as God has already written it, if things should not change. Because in reality, there are only two ways for things to go, all else that occurs along the way, are just side stories to the bigger truth.
One century ago today, the world was in the beginnings of the upheaval of all nations. Many colored flags united as one against the one absent of color, and in this flourish of color, one bled heavy as red white and blue. But during the great struggle, only one could win the day.
During these times also, there were other factors at work, and the eagle came to become engulfed in the spider web of lies, and so she could not fly. Also during these times, the limited agenda of the minorities, became the agenda of a country. Strangely, if you were to have lived back then, you would have thought to yourself, that this was a victory, as long as the mushroom clouds hadn't hit ground. But the land fell prey to a much more sinister thing. Evil men who looked to confuse the people, used well worded lies which spun out to fog the minds of the people. These words, on their surface, seemed benign enough, but under their veil was the face of evil. These words were said as being for the good of the people, and many came eventually to agree.
What was a common practice back then, was to separate the truth from the context of these words. Subtle changes, unnoticed tweaks of speech, the science of semantics was their tool. They used all of the influences worshipped as gods by the people, and so they became the servants of these gods. And it came to pass, in the year 2075, that the godless, emboldened by their political clout, finally forced a vote in the country, called Proposition One, on whether to expel all mention of God from the public forum.
The day after the historic vote, the headlines in the morning paper read, God is Dead.
One century ago today, the world was in the beginnings of the upheaval of all nations. Many colored flags united as one against the one absent of color, and in this flourish of color, one bled heavy as red white and blue. But during the great struggle, only one could win the day.
During these times also, there were other factors at work, and the eagle came to become engulfed in the spider web of lies, and so she could not fly. Also during these times, the limited agenda of the minorities, became the agenda of a country. Strangely, if you were to have lived back then, you would have thought to yourself, that this was a victory, as long as the mushroom clouds hadn't hit ground. But the land fell prey to a much more sinister thing. Evil men who looked to confuse the people, used well worded lies which spun out to fog the minds of the people. These words, on their surface, seemed benign enough, but under their veil was the face of evil. These words were said as being for the good of the people, and many came eventually to agree.
What was a common practice back then, was to separate the truth from the context of these words. Subtle changes, unnoticed tweaks of speech, the science of semantics was their tool. They used all of the influences worshipped as gods by the people, and so they became the servants of these gods. And it came to pass, in the year 2075, that the godless, emboldened by their political clout, finally forced a vote in the country, called Proposition One, on whether to expel all mention of God from the public forum.
The day after the historic vote, the headlines in the morning paper read, God is Dead.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Image and Ill-Repute
Image and Ill-Repute I couldn't agree more with your article Jill, it is a refreshing bit of truth. Jesus was, besides his ministry to the lost, an equal opportunity offender. This offense is expected from those outside the church, but worrisome when it happens within it. Well meaning bible thumpers have cast off many whose approach to extending the Gospel did not agree with their own. Not understanding the Lord's full attention to this matter, I look for a positive from this? The only thing I can figure, is that not for this reason in their minds, but one they do without knowing, is to practice the art of judging, so that they will be more comfortable when they are to judge, during Christ's millennial rule here on earth? But in honesty, I don't believe that is true.
It is the human condition. To always be judgmental of others, as a way, in the Christian community, to reassure themselves that they are indeed more pious then the next guy? I have long believed, at no small amount of scrutinizing looks from well meaners, that when you are considering Christ's three year ministry, that if you leave his humanity out of the equation, that you are not getting all that was meant to be gotten.
Jesus came to earth as this man/God, so to look only at his divinity, and not at his human failings, that we get only a half of that whole. Because this view of mine has caused so much personal trouble for me, it is easy to understand how not too long ago, again, well meaning saints, tried to drum people like Bob Dylan out of the church. Besides the wrongness of this, I can't help thinking that we, His church, His bride of the nuptials is all that is keeping his return from happening anytime soon? I believe that we must stop this sniping at each other, and look only to a unifying spirit, anything else will just longer delay the proceedings.
It is the human condition. To always be judgmental of others, as a way, in the Christian community, to reassure themselves that they are indeed more pious then the next guy? I have long believed, at no small amount of scrutinizing looks from well meaners, that when you are considering Christ's three year ministry, that if you leave his humanity out of the equation, that you are not getting all that was meant to be gotten.
Jesus came to earth as this man/God, so to look only at his divinity, and not at his human failings, that we get only a half of that whole. Because this view of mine has caused so much personal trouble for me, it is easy to understand how not too long ago, again, well meaning saints, tried to drum people like Bob Dylan out of the church. Besides the wrongness of this, I can't help thinking that we, His church, His bride of the nuptials is all that is keeping his return from happening anytime soon? I believe that we must stop this sniping at each other, and look only to a unifying spirit, anything else will just longer delay the proceedings.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Being in the Spirit
It is a curious thing, a mixture of the softness of understanding, and the harsh reality of total power! A mixture of moods that are far swung from the other extreme, and all things in between.
But there is also a rhythm to it, a calmness that comes with seeing the world in perfect time with itself, and all of the events that come with life as they occur. But as much as there is a harmony to it, and whatever it is that goes on around you. When you face it in the spirit, then life adjusts to your pace, rather then you to it.
And because life for you has slowed, you can observe it more closely. You understand each situation completely, sometimes within minutes of having first encountered it. In other words, you find yourself in synchronization with life, no matter the situation, and no matter it's pace. It takes some getting used to, this being in sync with life. Early on, it is easy to miss, because it is so foreign to the normal chaos of life. But once you come to first, recognize it, and then two, except it, it can be, and no doubt is, a great power. The search for truth is not an easy one, but the wisdom it brings is worth all the trouble. It truly is the road less traveled, for wisdom does not give up her secrets easily.
The only difficulty with all of this, is that for those who don't believe, you become a curiosity, an oddity to be observed. This is because you will make people feel uncomfortable, and sadly, this fear is not wholly limited to the Godless. And so you feel isolated, set apart from the rest. And with the feeling of being isolated, come the blues that loneliness brings. It is at times like this that you need some kind of base, someone to confide in, a place of touch down, a friend. But for me, at least so far these days, true friends are hard to come by.
But there is also a rhythm to it, a calmness that comes with seeing the world in perfect time with itself, and all of the events that come with life as they occur. But as much as there is a harmony to it, and whatever it is that goes on around you. When you face it in the spirit, then life adjusts to your pace, rather then you to it.
And because life for you has slowed, you can observe it more closely. You understand each situation completely, sometimes within minutes of having first encountered it. In other words, you find yourself in synchronization with life, no matter the situation, and no matter it's pace. It takes some getting used to, this being in sync with life. Early on, it is easy to miss, because it is so foreign to the normal chaos of life. But once you come to first, recognize it, and then two, except it, it can be, and no doubt is, a great power. The search for truth is not an easy one, but the wisdom it brings is worth all the trouble. It truly is the road less traveled, for wisdom does not give up her secrets easily.
The only difficulty with all of this, is that for those who don't believe, you become a curiosity, an oddity to be observed. This is because you will make people feel uncomfortable, and sadly, this fear is not wholly limited to the Godless. And so you feel isolated, set apart from the rest. And with the feeling of being isolated, come the blues that loneliness brings. It is at times like this that you need some kind of base, someone to confide in, a place of touch down, a friend. But for me, at least so far these days, true friends are hard to come by.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
The running of the fools
Having found his way to the bar, he ordered a Scotch whiskey. While the bar tender went about preparing the drink, he turned with one arm on the bar and looked out into the crowd that he had just maneuvered through. It was a diverse crowd, but with that uncomfortable feeling, like being at a wedding reception where two different groups of people are all thrown together in one room. Some chatting in small groups, but most like he, not knowing more of the people, then they knew. As he settled in with his drink, he felt the chill from outside start to fade. All around, people engaged in nervous conversations, and he heard bits and pieces from different ones. But he was content to stand where he was, and happy to not be added to what was being discussed. A well dressed woman, about in her early sixties he figured, was holding court. Telling the group about her grandchildren.
But then out of the corner of his eye, he saw her coming. She stopped and said to the older woman, Hello mom. Oh, here she is the mother said, and carried on in that manner. While they talked, he could not look anywhere else, as the young woman was stunningly beautiful! But as he became aware that he must have been staring, and that there was someone else with her?
Oh no, he thought to himself, I have got to get away from here. But it was too late, and her husband or boyfriend, shot him what looked like an accusing glance. But the man walked right up to him and said, Don't I know you from somewhere, you look very familiar, are you on TV? Well I.. But the man interrupted and launched into the politics of the left. Oh no, he thought, not one of these? Undeterred by his lack of comment, the man, who was already quite drunk, continued with his rabbling discourse of the standard talking points. Shit, he thought to himself, Trapped like a rat.
He listened as intently as he could pretend, but finally, he could take this stupidity no more. The conversation, one way as it was felt like a weight, and it became more then he could hold, something had to give? Look ass hole, he said. Catching himself for a moment, he must have been yelling, as now, almost everyone in the room was looking at him. But he was beyond caring, and he ripped into the fool, blowing up each point that the drunken man had insisted he listen to.
Now this wasn't the first time he had been confronted with this type of thing. In fact, he knew their story better then they did, as he had labored under the same misinformation for years. It was always the same message, for the common good? But the common good for these types always meant, For the good of a minority, at the expense of the majority. It was of no use to try and explain to them that they were supporting the very type of rich people who they swore to hate? Money, it was always about the money. Usually, he could ward off the stupidity without getting too angry, but there was something about this guy? People were all staring now, and the other man looked stunned, but it was too late, and he looked to finish off the fool. Attacking him now, much like a lion would tear apart a zebra!
But then out of the corner of his eye, he saw her coming. She stopped and said to the older woman, Hello mom. Oh, here she is the mother said, and carried on in that manner. While they talked, he could not look anywhere else, as the young woman was stunningly beautiful! But as he became aware that he must have been staring, and that there was someone else with her?
Oh no, he thought to himself, I have got to get away from here. But it was too late, and her husband or boyfriend, shot him what looked like an accusing glance. But the man walked right up to him and said, Don't I know you from somewhere, you look very familiar, are you on TV? Well I.. But the man interrupted and launched into the politics of the left. Oh no, he thought, not one of these? Undeterred by his lack of comment, the man, who was already quite drunk, continued with his rabbling discourse of the standard talking points. Shit, he thought to himself, Trapped like a rat.
He listened as intently as he could pretend, but finally, he could take this stupidity no more. The conversation, one way as it was felt like a weight, and it became more then he could hold, something had to give? Look ass hole, he said. Catching himself for a moment, he must have been yelling, as now, almost everyone in the room was looking at him. But he was beyond caring, and he ripped into the fool, blowing up each point that the drunken man had insisted he listen to.
Now this wasn't the first time he had been confronted with this type of thing. In fact, he knew their story better then they did, as he had labored under the same misinformation for years. It was always the same message, for the common good? But the common good for these types always meant, For the good of a minority, at the expense of the majority. It was of no use to try and explain to them that they were supporting the very type of rich people who they swore to hate? Money, it was always about the money. Usually, he could ward off the stupidity without getting too angry, but there was something about this guy? People were all staring now, and the other man looked stunned, but it was too late, and he looked to finish off the fool. Attacking him now, much like a lion would tear apart a zebra!
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Climate Change
The winds of change blow like spirits in time, they move from one front to the next. Always moving, and never at a halt, like the winds of weather as they move from one group of spinning clouds to the next. They can bring with them the icy chill of winter, or the pleasant warmth of a moist summer's night.
What is comforting to some is an irritant to others, what raises goose bumps on one, another finds warm, but the winds of change bring about change, and they change perpetually. The weather is like time, as it rolls through your area, then leaving to give way to the next change. Seasons come and go, they change continually with time as do we. It is a progression, that ever forward marching of time, that we all, and everything that is, is caught up in it. The winds of change don't know where they are from, nor do they know where they are going, they just do time's bidding.
All that is eternal foments in and onto itself, it froths at the edges of whatever era it has come to know. What is a life if it is limited to our point of reference, isn't it like the dead leaves that blow about on a cold winter day?
Time is eternal, life is eternal, God is time, God is eternal, God is God!
What is comforting to some is an irritant to others, what raises goose bumps on one, another finds warm, but the winds of change bring about change, and they change perpetually. The weather is like time, as it rolls through your area, then leaving to give way to the next change. Seasons come and go, they change continually with time as do we. It is a progression, that ever forward marching of time, that we all, and everything that is, is caught up in it. The winds of change don't know where they are from, nor do they know where they are going, they just do time's bidding.
All that is eternal foments in and onto itself, it froths at the edges of whatever era it has come to know. What is a life if it is limited to our point of reference, isn't it like the dead leaves that blow about on a cold winter day?
Time is eternal, life is eternal, God is time, God is eternal, God is God!
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Friday, November 14, 2014
The end of Leftism
A while back, I had written a tongue in cheek piece about the oddities in life know as lefties. And though I meant it toward left handed athletes in general and baseball players specifically, the blowback came from many within the lefty community. I know now that even the name lefty is a slang and can be deemed offensive, as left handed people are just differently challenged. But I have come to realize the error of my ways, and I ask the Left Handed community to forgive my clumsy and ignorant joke.
So affected by their plight am I, that I have decided to help champion their cause. The plain truth of the matter is that these folks have been so down trodden for so long, that many have come to the point of despair? So isolated are these citizens and taken for granted by their right handed friends and neighbors, that we are in the middle of planning a political group which will represent this important minority also. Afterall, their ethos and agenda can be no less important then those of other minorities, and the good people in the left handed community are tired of not having leftism to be just as important as racism and sexism. But the hardest thing to overcome is waking the public to their plight. So ingrained is leftism in our society, that it has become excepted as common place, and this simply can not be! For too long the public has been unaware of their suffering, as most chose to suffer in silence, but no more. Surely all fair minded people can see the injustice of this, and will look to aid us in our right to equal footing with the others. Who like our left handed brethren were born this way, and weren't even given the opportunity to choose to be right handed. You can take a part in helping with this unfair practice. First by seeking out all of your left handed friends and neighbors and asking their forgiveness for your ignorance. Together, we Can end leftism today!
So affected by their plight am I, that I have decided to help champion their cause. The plain truth of the matter is that these folks have been so down trodden for so long, that many have come to the point of despair? So isolated are these citizens and taken for granted by their right handed friends and neighbors, that we are in the middle of planning a political group which will represent this important minority also. Afterall, their ethos and agenda can be no less important then those of other minorities, and the good people in the left handed community are tired of not having leftism to be just as important as racism and sexism. But the hardest thing to overcome is waking the public to their plight. So ingrained is leftism in our society, that it has become excepted as common place, and this simply can not be! For too long the public has been unaware of their suffering, as most chose to suffer in silence, but no more. Surely all fair minded people can see the injustice of this, and will look to aid us in our right to equal footing with the others. Who like our left handed brethren were born this way, and weren't even given the opportunity to choose to be right handed. You can take a part in helping with this unfair practice. First by seeking out all of your left handed friends and neighbors and asking their forgiveness for your ignorance. Together, we Can end leftism today!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Love and Rules
Love and Rules We all start out as children after our rebirth into the spirit. When I was very young in the Lord, I was taught the basics by a very strict sect. Because of the circumstances that brought me to look to God, I was determined to do it their way. But as with everything, as I became the equivelant to a teenager in Christ, I began to doubt the strickness of those precepts that they taught. What I found out was, that it was the questions I had regarding the strickness of those rules which did two things. What I was really wanting was the deeper truths of God, and by my moving to answer those questions, by their answers, I came to a closer relationship with God.
The problem was, and in a large degree still is, is that people desire the order that only religon can give. And so in reality, what they seek is instructions. That is what the law is, instructions. The problem is that often times the instructions seem too difficult, and we loose sight of what is really important. Today, we have a lot of what I call, the Jot and Tittle crowd? These are the ones who still hold to the strickness, as they need the order, all of which is fine. But the problem arises when another saint doesn't follow those guidlines in the same way they do. This is also when many a well meaning saint has come to judge another's walk, and by so doing, no matter how well intended their criticism, the result is a division within the church. Those who adhere to the law, let them do so, and do not judge them. But also, those who look to the spirit, let them do so, and do not judge them either. For you haven't been called to judge each other, but the Godless; though that time is not yet at hand.
The problem was, and in a large degree still is, is that people desire the order that only religon can give. And so in reality, what they seek is instructions. That is what the law is, instructions. The problem is that often times the instructions seem too difficult, and we loose sight of what is really important. Today, we have a lot of what I call, the Jot and Tittle crowd? These are the ones who still hold to the strickness, as they need the order, all of which is fine. But the problem arises when another saint doesn't follow those guidlines in the same way they do. This is also when many a well meaning saint has come to judge another's walk, and by so doing, no matter how well intended their criticism, the result is a division within the church. Those who adhere to the law, let them do so, and do not judge them. But also, those who look to the spirit, let them do so, and do not judge them either. For you haven't been called to judge each other, but the Godless; though that time is not yet at hand.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
The Practice of Grace
The Practice of Grace They say that grace is not getting what you deserve, and so in that way, it isn't justice. Justice calls for your responsibility, where Grace says that you have none.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Saturday, November 1, 2014
One Nation under God
What does the title mean to you? Doesn't it affirm that our government was founded on the greatest of all foundations? And what of the second part of that sentence, indivisible, what does that mean to you? What it denotes is the dream of our Democratic Republic. One people, united as one, and standing up to all who see her saying, yes, we are newly born, but we are mighty as one!
Now let's say that you are of the mind, no matter the reason, to go about destroying this mighty nation, how would you go about it? Wouldn't you go after the second part of that creed and look to divide us? Certainly God the Father is above any harm from any one. So if you couldn't shake the foundation, you would look to attack the idea of it, it's ideology. But what is our ideology, in other words, what is at the core of our beliefs, isn't it our Judeau Christian beliefs? So then, a nation as powerful as we are beyond reach militarily, so you attack the beliefs, and try to divide the people from what it is that we were founded on. God may be above any and all attacks, but we have become fools, and we are easily strayed to think of our ideologies based on our faith in the One true God, and that is exactly what has happened here. Why all this rape murder and mayhem, you are kidding right? The bible calls it reaping what we've sown. Haven't we chased God out of our schools, don't we look to offend truth at every turn?
So now we are in another voting cycle, and all you need do is watch, and you will see the difference between those who forward an agenda that is contrary to our very base. The ones that over time has convinced the general public that patriotism and love of country is a corny thing, and yes, worshiping some foolish kid in Hollywood makes much better sense? So who are these politicians, which of them is of the ilk which turns them against the truths of God, and by such actions, however unwilling, just weaken this great land all the more. What kind of a morality is it that touts the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood as an attack on women? Is murdering the unborn for only reasons of health, rape or tsecni, not an attack on the very precepts upon what this country was based? Do women really have the right to kill for convenience sake? Are we that callous and calculating now? What kind of woman thinks it is alright to kill the unborn for any reason? And then there are the purveyors of the other isms', that tell the American people, that even though people of color now occupy the highest offices in the land, that we are nothing more then a bunch of racists? Are you aware that divide and conquer is not a cliche?
Now let's say that you are of the mind, no matter the reason, to go about destroying this mighty nation, how would you go about it? Wouldn't you go after the second part of that creed and look to divide us? Certainly God the Father is above any harm from any one. So if you couldn't shake the foundation, you would look to attack the idea of it, it's ideology. But what is our ideology, in other words, what is at the core of our beliefs, isn't it our Judeau Christian beliefs? So then, a nation as powerful as we are beyond reach militarily, so you attack the beliefs, and try to divide the people from what it is that we were founded on. God may be above any and all attacks, but we have become fools, and we are easily strayed to think of our ideologies based on our faith in the One true God, and that is exactly what has happened here. Why all this rape murder and mayhem, you are kidding right? The bible calls it reaping what we've sown. Haven't we chased God out of our schools, don't we look to offend truth at every turn?
So now we are in another voting cycle, and all you need do is watch, and you will see the difference between those who forward an agenda that is contrary to our very base. The ones that over time has convinced the general public that patriotism and love of country is a corny thing, and yes, worshiping some foolish kid in Hollywood makes much better sense? So who are these politicians, which of them is of the ilk which turns them against the truths of God, and by such actions, however unwilling, just weaken this great land all the more. What kind of a morality is it that touts the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood as an attack on women? Is murdering the unborn for only reasons of health, rape or tsecni, not an attack on the very precepts upon what this country was based? Do women really have the right to kill for convenience sake? Are we that callous and calculating now? What kind of woman thinks it is alright to kill the unborn for any reason? And then there are the purveyors of the other isms', that tell the American people, that even though people of color now occupy the highest offices in the land, that we are nothing more then a bunch of racists? Are you aware that divide and conquer is not a cliche?
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