Sunday, March 16, 2014


  Religion started at the Tower of Babel. That is when men built a tower, thinking that if they built it high enough that they could see and be able to talk to God? At that time, all who lived in the civilized world, spoke one language. But because of their intent, God scrambled their language. Imagine working as a brick mason on this tower, when all of a sudden the guy next to you began to speak in another language? That is where the term babbling came from. It was mankind's first attempt at reaching God by the strength of his own will, and it was the first religion. And we have been scrambled ever since, that is why there are so many religions. Religion is pleasing to man, because within each of us is a desire for structure, and so we made laws and statutes to guide us, without which there would be chaos and anarchy! As much as people resist it, deep down, we all desire discipline. That is why the fastest growing religion has become the religion of Islam. It offers very strict laws!
  The ancient Jews also had strict laws. All of their laws were based from The Ten Commandments as given to Moses. If you were to read the book of Leviticus, you would find that most all of their law was for common sense things. Laws that would guide them in maintaining their health, everyday problems, like the proper way to dispose of human waste from their camps and villages. Again, people need laws, because the laws do point to what is needed, what must be done to approach God, but they are only a guideline, a set standard for the perfection needed to approach a perfect God! To be perfect in the law is to be sinless, and no one person, except the person of Jesus Christ has ever been sinless. It is his perfection that we are to subscribe to, remembering always that we will fail, proving again just how much we need him! A Savior, a link to God! Jesus is that link, He is the tower, provided by God The Father, the very tower we looked to build so long ago, a true tower, a mighty tower, the tower to reach the living God! Only through him, by claiming his righteousness as our own, can we ever hope to approach a perfect pure God! Amen.  

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