Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Weather, a retrospective

  So they played another ice bowl up in Green Bay, one every bit as cold as the first one, and the men every bit as tough! Weather huh, who can figure it out? I know one who can, but we'll leave him out of it on this one.
  I remember the first one very well, I think I was in my teens? I also remember winters where the snow was up to my hip. And this not of the drifts, but upon flat frozen lakes!
So what of all this hysteria over global warming? Weather is cyclical friends, always has been, always will be! Can we effect the skies beneath which we live? Of course, I also remember quite well, pictures of the smog covered L.A. skyline. Certainly, we can effect the quality of the air that we breath, but for now, and we might well expect it more so in the future, the air quality couldn't be much better! We are quite capable of controlling the quality of the air that we breath, but over the weather? That's God's domain!
  Certainly we shouldn't be pouring poisons into our skies, afterall, what goes up, must come down!
The point is, that the quality of this winter air is at least as good as it was the last time. Our air is fine, we're fine. Watch and make sure that we keep our air quality good, but as to the cycles of weather, perhaps we might be better served to understand that, God's got that!

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