Monday, October 31, 2016
Monday, October 17, 2016
Barack Hussein Obama
Barack Hussein Obama killed Sadam Hussein. And oh how he said he suffered about making that call. They were all so huddled around that tiny screen, intent on watching the drama unfold in real time. Proving his true liberal bleeding heart, he thought about taking the life by saying, tortured by the weight of such a decision, he gave the order to Go. Anyone who was old enough to have experienced the original 9/11, wouldn't have hesitated for a moment. Afterall, this was the monster responsible for that cowardly act that killed over 3,000 Americans. Strangely, his reaction to the second 9/11 was quite different, I believe he went golfing? Hillary? No, she wasn't huddled around the screen this time, no, she was nowhere to be found, most probably sound asleep during the 13 hour gunfight, Zanex anyone? But poor Hillary, she is little more then a tool, Barack's the man. Besides all of his warnings to the people to not be islamaphobic, , his steadfast refusal to name the enemy is another clue to who he is. Did anyone besides me think that the lone dissenter to go into Iraq for the WMD's. That the whole world believed it, every security agency from every country believes it meant nothing to him. He voted no, adding comfortably that they are wasting their time, their are no weapons there he said. He was right of course, and he bragged about it a lot on the campaign trail. But how was he right, how could he have known? He knew because he had inside information. He knew that the Iranians had taken care of moving them. Imagine, Wouldn't it have been nice if he shown even half of the concern he showed for Sadam Hussein to our soldiers and statesman. But no, Barack has no tears for them, because they were only a political problem that must go away. Just like in that movie where Harrison Fords men were left to die, the Whitehouse pulled the feed. What they needed and fast was a patsy, someone to take the fall, a diversion from the fact that at least they were inept, and at worst, criminal. Poor Hillary went through 11 grueling hours of testimony, and if you were to read the transcript, you would see that she admitted sending emails to her daughter and to an Arab friend, telling them that it was a terrorist attack. Days later, she would look another mother in the eye and tell her that justice was served, and they had the guilty man. How does one mother lie like that to another while standing over her son's flag draped coffin? What kind of human being can do that to another? Only one with a very dark soul. Barack Hussein Obama. Sometimes a man's name does say it all.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Father and I, part three
But who is this Jesus, and why is he so important? Well, we are in the year 2016, but do you know how we know that? Because history, all of it, is based from the year of his berth, or the year of his death, I could never get that straight. But all of world history is dated as either BC, before Christ, or AD, after his death. He walked on this earth for approximately 33 years. But think of it, there would be no way of dating history, if not for Jesus, I'd say that that qualifies him as being as a big deal, wouldn't you? This country was founded on the precepts and teachings of an old Jewish Rabbi. How old you ask? Old enough to be called an Ancient. In fact, one of his many names is, the Ancient of Ancients. For God is before time, and God will be after time, because in many ways, He is time. The bible is very clear that most will reject him, as, Wide is the road to destruction, and it is freely traveled, but narrow is the path to life, and few will find it. Hopefully, that doesn't become a metaphor for a Clinton/Obama win. Because if we choose wrong again and put Hillary in office, surely then the Lord will lift his hand of protection, and may God have mercy on us, as by our vote we will have said to Him, Away with you, we have no need of you. This coming war is like none before in history, because this one won't be fought over land and money only, because this is a spiritual war. The dimensions of spiritual beings, both Angels and demons will spill out into our reality. Make no mistake, there are only two sides. One the right one, an acknowledgement that we need to return to the truth of the Bible, and the Constitution that is still the best political document the free world has ever known. Mr. Trump is far from perfect, and if I am repeating myself, I apologize, but the best example I can give you as to the power of prayer, and the commitment of God's people to it is this. A blessing, complete with a prayer shoal was given him. You would think that, that alone would secure his victory, and it well might. But God already knows our decision, as to him it is history. But for us, there is no such knowledge, as the Lord will allow us to seek our own destiny, and so, by our free will, we will choose our fate.
If you have been trying to keep score as to who's words are whose, these are clearly mine. Hillary, being a student of Barack Hussein Obama, the master of the misdirect via the use of semantics, has learned a thing or two. When the video tape of director Comey's remarks which proved lie after lie was told by Hillary regarding her use of her private and a non-secure personal server, and the emails she sent and received, were in fact classified. She said that she and her interviewer were, "talking past each other". Donald should take a page out of her book, and talk past all this obsession with sex, and force the matter back to the differences between the two, and stick to the issues that really matter. Like global Islamist terror, and our crushing debt. But if she is able to distract him with the shiny bobble of accusations of sexual impropriety, then we all loose. One last comment. The press hates him, that is no secret, so if he is half as bad as they are trying to make you believe, then he will surely be a one term President. But if team Obama/Hillary wins, after eight more years of this madness, they'll be no reason for an election, as the next president after her will simply be anointed by the elites.
Father and I, part two
I told you once that Jesus would be on the ballot, and for this great nation, founded on Him as the foundation, now, we decide to accept or ignore him. This election is about much more than Donald and Hillary, this election is about you. Will we as a nation choose again to follow the godless, who's morals flip like flags in the wind? But if Hillary is so clearly the evil one, does that make Donald represent good? It took me awhile to get here. I was confused and frankly, let down, when my guy, Dr. Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump. But it sure did one thing, it peaked my interest as to why? God works in mysterious ways, but once he gets your attention, he will give you the answer to the question you have. For me, it was other Christian theologians, They told me that, they had never seen the forces of evil so stacked against one person, as what was happening to Mr. Trump. So for me, I sort of backed into it. I figured if all the forces of evil were so set against him, that he must have the moral high ground and it was time I climbed down from my tower of judgement, and throw my hat of support in, so to be on the side of the side that the devil so clearly hates! So I did just that, and I support Donald Trump, complete with his failings, to be the next President of the United States of America. I love this country, and I am proud to call her my home. C'mon folks, life isn't really that hard. It always comes down to yes or no, right or wrong. You must choose, choose wisely, because like no other before it, this one is that important.
The Father and I (part one)
Why that title? Because Jesus lives within my heart, and when I write, it is mostly Him, but some of me comes through too. It is your job as the reader to decipher between which words are his, and which one's mine. That is what being a Christian is, it is an intellectual pursuit, and the more you learn about the teacher, the more you want to be just like him. Jesus said, Ye must be born again, and he also said, You must enter the Kingdom of Heaven as a little child. Being born of the Spirit, you start out has a baby, imagine, your a kid again! As innocent children you come, but as you gain in knowledge, you gain in maturity.
So then, the election, which one of the two to choose? About the only thing that both the left and the right can agree on, is that either candidate is appealing. But funny how God works, He often uses the foolish things of this world to confound the proud. Don't believe that? I'm living proof! But anyway, the election. God exists, and so does his counterpart, the devil. So then, there is also such a thing as ultimate good, and ultimate evil. OK you say, but which is which, hmmm..? If you were able to understand the Book of Revelation even a little bit, you would know that for the end of times to come to be, one of the things that must happen, is that a new world order must be established, a one world government. They, ( the godless), call it globalization. As sinister as it may sound, that is what this election is all about, the godless on one side, and the people of God on the other. On the issue of globalization, the godless are campaigning for it, while on the other side, they are just fine with the United Sates of America remaining to be just that, sovereign and free! How evil is the one side, and just how important is politics to them? I actually believe that if Hillary could be assured of a voting block of 10,000 voting for her, she would be fine with abortion six months from conception. Donald Trump, with all of his faults, surrounds himself with Godly people, who is Hillary's moral supporters, Uma what's her name, Anthony Weiner's ex? She surrounds herself with people who are like her, and would, and have, sold their souls for power.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Who are We?
You know, talking to you readers, my fellow Americans, I find myself again questioning not only who I am, but also, who you are, and who we are as Americans? The upcoming election is by far the most frustrating election that I can remember in my life time. Who are we as Americans, what are our shared dreams for this country, what is our vision for the future?
What I would much rather do, is strictly talk to you about this election, from a spiritual point of view, and tell you how I believe that God sees it. But we have become so fragmented and classified as one demographic or the other, bounced around like ping pong balls by the latest social emergency, that it is a wonder if our heads are still on straight. Today's topic? Sexism 101. Its always something though isn't it? Look everyone at the shiny bobble over there, anything, but heaven forbid that we talk about the serious issues.The threat of global terror, globalism itself, Twenty Trillion in debt with more promised. Can we talk about that? Naa, lets talk about sex and the differences thereof?!? I will say one thing to you girls and women out there. Its time to put on your big girl pants and woman up! Men are pigs, and this is a revelation to you? And by the way, this goes out to the snobby women on the right as well as the left, a man's opinions and actions regarding the fairer sex has nothing at all to do with whether a man has a college degree or not. I've been on construction crews all of my life, and yes ladies, there were times when we spoke about you as if you were a side of fine beef. Having been on many a construction gang, I can tell you honestly, that if any man on any site was to say aloud what we used to, they'd be arrested.
But compared to what college friends I have been around socially, we construction workers are mere pikers next to them, whatever a piker is? I had a neighbor for around five years who was a big muckity muck in some Wall St. firm. At times he would have parties, and my wife and I were invited. These guys were all college educated, in fact, a couple of them had masters in both business and finance. But these guys were so rough on women with their war stories, that at times I think I may have blushed?
Damn politics! I wanted to give you God's perspective on all of this silliness, but that'll be the next one I promise.
What I would much rather do, is strictly talk to you about this election, from a spiritual point of view, and tell you how I believe that God sees it. But we have become so fragmented and classified as one demographic or the other, bounced around like ping pong balls by the latest social emergency, that it is a wonder if our heads are still on straight. Today's topic? Sexism 101. Its always something though isn't it? Look everyone at the shiny bobble over there, anything, but heaven forbid that we talk about the serious issues.The threat of global terror, globalism itself, Twenty Trillion in debt with more promised. Can we talk about that? Naa, lets talk about sex and the differences thereof?!? I will say one thing to you girls and women out there. Its time to put on your big girl pants and woman up! Men are pigs, and this is a revelation to you? And by the way, this goes out to the snobby women on the right as well as the left, a man's opinions and actions regarding the fairer sex has nothing at all to do with whether a man has a college degree or not. I've been on construction crews all of my life, and yes ladies, there were times when we spoke about you as if you were a side of fine beef. Having been on many a construction gang, I can tell you honestly, that if any man on any site was to say aloud what we used to, they'd be arrested.
But compared to what college friends I have been around socially, we construction workers are mere pikers next to them, whatever a piker is? I had a neighbor for around five years who was a big muckity muck in some Wall St. firm. At times he would have parties, and my wife and I were invited. These guys were all college educated, in fact, a couple of them had masters in both business and finance. But these guys were so rough on women with their war stories, that at times I think I may have blushed?
Damn politics! I wanted to give you God's perspective on all of this silliness, but that'll be the next one I promise.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Holy Shimoli
My wife took the kids out for a while, thank you Jesus! It is a lot when you become parents again at our age. They are a full time job. I have a new found respect for all those grandmas and grandpas out there who for whatever the reason, have to raise young kids.
I've been watching a lot of cartoons lately, and so have fallen a bit behind. What scares me in this election, is not Hillary Clinton, as she is just a tool. I had respect for Lester Holt, probably for no better reason than he is a handsome man who looks good in thousand dollar suits. But my hope for fairness, emboldened by the fact, that Matt Lauer actually asked a follow up question, regarding one of her email scandals. so I figured, maybe NBC will actually report the news? They, (NBC), are by far and away, the furthest left of the so-called, Main Stream Media. MSNBC, their sister station, have become a laughing stock, a private joke to those in the know, because they've become Propaganda central for the Democratic party. So what did the astute Mr. Holt choose to talk about? Benghazi, Oh god forbid they say, afterall, didn't Hillary say to us, What difference does it make, Or, how about the full weight of the IRS being used against Christian groups. How about after 8 years of you and Barack's leadership, the world is on fire? How about a million other pertinent subjects? But no, Lester followed the script. So instead of talking about the really important stuff, we would up talking about some bimbo from over twenty years ago, who may have been the driver in a drive by shooting.
Hillary Clinton is so corrupt, that anyone could beat her, Given of course, that they use one of the Presidents favorite saying, if both sides get their "fair share" of time, uninterrupted.. All that is left for the Hillary campaign, is to call names, sexism, Oh poor me, I'm only a girl, racism, If you don't agree with this administration, then you must be a racist Its not much of a platform, I'm a woman, and I'm not Donald Trump,
Hillay Clinton is the insider's insider. She talks till about Donald's taxes? You know what I want to see released, the transcripts of the speeches she made to her Wall St. buddies and the ones given to her Arab friends. She talks incessantly about the one percenters, and now that she's worth around 1/4 billion herself,, she is well on her way to access in the club.Hillary is not alone in this, there are far too many who enter public service as a lowly congressman, just barely getting by, who have become millionaire when they retire, . You may not like Donald, for whatever your reason, but like it or not, Donald didn't make his money off the people's taxes, He did it the old fsshioned way, he earned it!
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