Now, even though the facts that you have collected for that decision, may seem trustworthy, it doesn't mean that you will be without doubt, because to doubt is a human condition. Doubt comes when the innocence is lost. The fearlessness that comes with innocence is lost the moment we begin to hesitate, and begin worrying about what dangers lie ahead. Don't misunderstand, vigilance is a good thing, but it is only necessary when dealing with this world, because of all the sin around us. To be innocent in a world where there is a wolf around every corner just dieing to rip you to shreds, is a hard thing. But didn't Jesus warn us of such things when he said, Behold, I send you out as lambs against wolves? So this in no way should surprise you. Spoken from his own lips to your ears, not just as a warning, but as a fact. It is a statement of truth, it is how it must be.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He has led me beside the still waters, and offered me his peace. I have walked through the valley of the shadow of death, and it is he who has sustained me. He preserves me still, he holds me up as is his want. I am still in that valley, but I will fear no evil, as he is with me. Still in that valley, and real danger lurks around every corner, but it is he who preserves me, and he who keeps me safe. What is faith? No Fear!
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