Time is infinite, it rolls by a day at a time, by the hour or a minute, depending on the urgency of the moment. What plans we have made, or how we hoped a future event would be, comes and goes almost before we know it? Anticipated and looked forward to with exited hopes, or with a deep dread. But the day comes and goes, you cannot hold it back. It comes for better or for worse, and sometimes it seems it came and went so quickly, that we are no longer sure if it came at all?
Time is relentless, it flows like an ever racing river, What hasn't been will be, and what is, becomes what was, in the twinkling of an eye. We think back on the times before, whether good times or bad, it is what memories are made of.
The power of time is evident throughout the world, Monuments of past civilizations lay rusting in the sand. Great mountains that once were are no more, and new ones burst forth with the winds of change, all as time has dictated.
What can mere mortals do against in such an onslaught, how are we to stand against time? We are nothing to time, nothing as the eras of eons go by, little more then dust in the wind.
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