Now both sides of the coin call out for a honest debate on race. So, let's have that debate. In order to do this properly, both sides, grudgingly or not, can't help but agree that we have come a long way baby! This is to our credit, because once we as a nation realized our injustice, we looked to correct that injustice. We, have long ago, cast off the shackles of legal racism, but to really understand where, and why we are where we are today, we have to start at the beginning. Berthed less then three centuries before, we are still a young nation. A young nation when you compare us to the longevity of other nations, and the empires that existed long before us.
The United States of America was founded on the grandest and most common desire of all men anywhere. We looked for freedom, and so our founders, looked to leave the Monarchies of old Europe far behind. Most, if not all who followed looked also to that noblest of dreams, the dream to be free!
But in order to achieve this freedom, we had to set in place a government that wasn't ruled by elitist families, but rather by the every day people. Who would elect from themselves, people who would represent them and their concerns in the pursuit of that freedom. The problem came in, when as a people, we made mistakes along the way, as any new government would, especially, with one with so radical an idea as it's base. The founders were wise enough, to form our new Democratic Republic government, on the firmest of all foundations, we were formed on the precepts of a Holy God.
But along the way, as is common to a teenager's point of view, things became confusing, jumbled up, until we reach this time in our history, where things have gotten reversed. So bad has it become lately, that people are all to willingly give up the very freedoms given them, that have been paid for over and over again, by the young blood of it's citizens.
If you were to look for reasons for this phenonomon, we can look to the most obvious in today's life, the onset of the internet, and the social media explosion it spawned. News, 24/7, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, news, all the time, news, right up in your face! The result of all this information, is that we have all become like a deer in the headlights, frozen, unable to move, even though we can see our impending death bearing down on us like a run away truck! So, how is it that we are to have this honest discussion about racism? First, we need to recognize the players, separating those who look to profit from it, from any actual victims. Who is it that now so shamelessly sells racism, and what is their real motive for doing so? In short, ask yourself this, Who is the new KKK? Is it the wimpy white folks, who still cling so desperately to a white guilt fostered by the racism of over 50 years ago? Who now, however unknowingly, only forward the new racism? Is racism only white against black, or can black people too be racist against whites? Who is the new KKK? Certainly, it isn't hard to find the culprits. Fools like Al Sharpton, and the king of hate mongers, Louis Farakhan and his minions, the new black panthers, and the like. You must be very careful who you listen to in this debate, because what is really at stake here, what it is they see as the answer, is only another form of the very Monarchies we looked to leave behind almost three hundred years ago.
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