Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tested Truths: Who is God?

Tested Truths: Who is God?:   Now I do not ask this of Jesus, who is known to us as the god-man who once walked among us, and still does today. But rather of the Godhea...

Who is God?

  Now I do not ask this of Jesus, who is known to us as the god-man who once walked among us, and still does today. But rather of the Godhead itself, the triune nature which is God the Father. So this is what I am asking you, Who is this triune God?
  Let us start with a name shall we? He has many names according to the bible, but assuming that you dare say his name at all, which name do you know him by? For me, I have told you before, but I will tell you again. I love the name most that he God, called himself, when asked his name by a Prophet, who inquired so as to have a name to tell his followers, as to who it was that has told him these things? And the Lord God answered of himself and said, "Tell them that I am who I am sends you"!
  But what of the other names, do these speak of him too? Any name given, that represents One true God is a honest name. OK you say, what about the name Allah, is this name also of God? Yes, it is the name used by an ancient people who who knew and worshipped the One true God! A nation of people conceived by Abraham, who later in life would be led away by a false prophet. But even now these same people look to return to God, and are beginning to cast off all that is false, and keep their eyes on the one true God. Strangely or not, their only way back, is the same as for others who lived once in that region of the world, because as with the Jews and all who do not understand the reality of this God that they all seek, the only way to the Father is through His son. Jesus was and is, the only bridge to the Eternal God! Indeed it is only now beginning to happen, that many of that faith, who had been drawn away by those who tickled their ears with dreams of conquest and glory, now yearn for the Godhead. God head, that's a strange word isn't it, what exactly does that mean? It speaks of the triune nature of God, the Father Son and Holy Ghost! Now we can talk about each of these entities singly, but they are best understood as a whole. Not that each isn't sufficient within itself, but each is better understood as part of the three.
  The son, Jesus, represents humanity, those of us who by choice now follow God in faith. He who once walked around in plain site, now still literally walks among us as Spirit, living in the hearts of those who have that faith. But in order to receive this spirit of life eternal, you must first agree that he exists, and then, asking him into your life, recognizing that you have nothing of which God needs because He is pure, and even at our best, we fall woefully short of being able to join with Eternal God! And so it is Jesus that is the only link to eternal life! First offered to and rejected by the Jew, accepted by the true Christian, but also offered to the Muslim. Abraham also fathered the Muslims, and just as did their half brother Jew, it is they now who must choose to accept His gift of eternal life, or to reject it?  

Monday, July 28, 2014

Tested Truths: The death of liberalism Part Two

Tested Truths: The death of liberalism Part Two:   As far as what is now going on not only here, but across the globe, I am concerned but unafraid? You see, I have learned to live with the ...

The death of liberalism Part Two

  As far as what is now going on not only here, but across the globe, I am concerned but unafraid? You see, I have learned to live with the warnings of a nuclear confrontation. I remember all too well when back in the sixties, we came ever so close to a nuclear war. When the United States and the Soviet Union, stood staring at each other across the edge of the abyss! USSR is current day Russia. We were so close, within actual minutes at one point, that you fully expected to see the atomic bombs fall at any time. Atom bombs? No, Thermo Nuclear bombs,  mounted on inter continental rockets, each side poised with it's finger on the trigger!  I remember Ike as my first President. The man who was the Supreme Commander of the two main fronts of the Second World War. But it was JFK who stood toe to toe with his Russian counterpart. Unflinching, he stood proudly with the full fury of the American people behind him, and the new world bully to be, turned away and went home! We, the Democratic party, must purge ourselves of these self serving minorities. Certainly, at this point in our history, we should not be so trusting of those of the Islamist faith, especially in the cradle of Democracy! But also, and most importantly, Democrats must talk of love of country and patriotism as a good thing again, and cast off the language of the far left! In other words, get rid of the purveyors of political correctness which came close to it's goal of preventing free speech.
  Simply put, It is time for us to become again what we once were? The home of the free and the land of the brave! We are the most advanced country in the history of the world, and our system of government is often copied, but never duplicated. We are the biggest, the baddest people in the world, and yet, the most compassionate. Exactly because we are diverse, but also because we are exceptional, and it is time we woke up and claimed our place again on the world stage. Why? Because we are simply the best that's all!

Tested Truths: The death of Liberalism Part one

Tested Truths: The death of Liberalism Part one:   Is this the death of liberalism? Or is it only the death of their wild eyed base and socialism that must die? How about progressivism, whe...

The death of Liberalism Part one

  Is this the death of liberalism? Or is it only the death of their wild eyed base and socialism that must die? How about progressivism, where does that moniker fall with this trio?
Indeed, what is to become of the left, and what of their Democratic cheerleaders? Will we see the end of such monumental liars like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi again? Well, sadly no, because both of them are far too arrogant to resign. Why you would have to go and lock Nancy up while kicking and screaming, and lock her in her palatial settings in San Francisco! The Dems, God love em, the group to which I still belong, only not so proudly anymore, what is to become of them? Nothing in the long term, as their side has led this country with honor before! But there is even a place for compassion's bleeding hearts, as surely their passions will be needed to keep a balance. We need diversity of opinion! Without it, there is always the chance for abuse by another ideology. Without diversity of thought, we stagnate as a people, and we will become complacent again, and we could do all this again, but from the right again! Any ideology left unchallenged, can easily be led into anarchy.
  This time, at this point in our history, the home of the anarchists is embedded in the left, wasn't it Harry and Nance who once openly praised the crazies from the Occupy Wall St. crowd? Interestingly, the liberal media called the Tea Party dangerous? You know, those families standing there with their kids in one hand, and our flag in the other? Yeah, those loons?
  Now most who call themselves as left of center somehow, are mostly good, hard working Americans, just like those on the right. But because of their compassionate points of view, most were so subtly led away by the extremists among them, that they still don't understand what it is that went so wrong? The base of the Democratic party has been taken over by extremists, all of whom have an agenda. Don't believe me? One of the left's biggest supporters is a group so small, and yet so powerful? The gay agenda is driven by a very few people, as there are not near as many as their propaganda would have you believe. But what more could they possibly want? There is the right to legally join with their same sex partners as do the rest of us. They too have a say in the decision to end a life lost to disease, and to inherit the estate. But this is not enough apparently, because what they really want is to have their sins counted differently from the rest of ours, that somehow theirs is different, and not their fault?

Tested Truths: Up Down and All About

Tested Truths: Up Down and All About:   There are times when it all comes together, and then there are the times when it seems that nothing can keep things from falling apart. Bu...

Up Down and All About

  There are times when it all comes together, and then there are the times when it seems that nothing can keep things from falling apart. But I am of the former this morning, because I have just returned from a walk outside with the King! We walked together in the darkness of the early morning, with few if any distractions. I looked up and wondered at the day's beginnings, so that I might come to understand it's meanings from a meteorological point of view, so that I might anticipate it's leanings. Music yes, but it is from the sky that most of my more distinct pieces come from. Walking in the solitude of the night, thoughts come more slow, and not in a rush.
  Father told me, that that at times like these, my thoughts come like slow moving waves, just kissing the shoreline with their message. I love how the Lord puts things, don't you? There is a fluidity to His words, a soft poetry, which comes only in the times of contentment and perfect peace, as they caress your face like the soft touch of a lover!
  But also, there are times when the reality of God and His words to you, hit you between the eyes like a diamond bullet to your brain! I have had just that kind of experience last night, while reading the 2nd and 3rd chapters of Ezekiel. But in the early morning's peace, these intense words were allowed to fade some. Point taken, but not now, because now was a time when all I wanted was to walk talking with my Lord! Talking mostly about His creation, while looking, up down and all around!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Is Obama Plotting to Overthrow the United States?

Tested Truths: 1984

Tested Truths: 1984:   Oh I know? I was sitting here looking at my last posts, and realized that I hadn't written a thing for awhile. But I don't know? I...


  Oh I know? I was sitting here looking at my last posts, and realized that I hadn't written a thing for awhile. But I don't know? I had a hundred different thoughts in mind not ten minutes ago, but I couldn't remember a one of them? Worse probably, now I'm typing and I have forgotten why I turned around while leaving and sat back down. It's very strange I would suppose, why it is that I think I have to write anything? So now what? I'm committed now, sitting here with my back hurting.. C'mon..
  Got it! When all else fails, talk about something that you have recently experienced, as that takes little to no thought, and no research is necessary. For my wife and I, it has been pretty social for us lately, meaning we have been going out a lot. A close friends house on Wednesday, Yankee game on Thursday, and last night, Friday night was the best of all! Do you know why I can clearly say that? Well, it is no secret that I love a good party? The best are the one's less structured, like a dinner party or something? But we were at a bar in Bellmar called the Headliner. Rock and Roll live or on tape, but constant. Loud! I like loud, you have to scream to be heard, and I like screaming? But anyway, it was freeing! Booze? Yeah, drank a few more then my share, but the best part of the whole thing was that there wasn't any political correctness silliness to contend with! I hate PC speak as it has done more to stifle free speech in this country then any rifle could ever do. But I digress? What am I talking about? This bar is considered to be outside because it is open, so guess what? You can smoke in there! Wow, the first of PC's victories, making smoking illegal. That is what it is intended for, to fashion your thoughts into a unified intolerance. Silly? Let's say, you like to blow bubbles, and some PC scientists convinces the public, that for matters of public health, the soap used in these bubble making toys was toxic if inhaled? Rediculous right? I know I know, but this is for public health, you say, cigarettes can lead to sickness! You are correct in that, but here's the thing, People who smoke have rights too, don't they? So now it's smoking in public, but what when it becomes something that you enjoy, what will happen when the PC police show up at your home? Think it can't happen? If you truly understood the power of words, you wouldn't say such foolish things. Because nothing, not a rifle, not even an Atom Bomb, can take captive the human spirit. No, the only way you loose your freedoms, is because you give them away. Power in words? Another name for Jesus is Word!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tested Truths: The box office, the ballot box, and consumerism

Tested Truths: The box office, the ballot box, and consumerism:   Have yo ever heard the phrase, Power to the people? What exactly does that mean, do the working class really have any power? The answer my...

The box office, the ballot box, and consumerism

  Have yo ever heard the phrase, Power to the people? What exactly does that mean, do the working class really have any power? The answer my friends, no matter how frustrated you might be, is a resounding yes!
  As a free people, the most obvious place to flex our political muscle is at the ballot box. But voting, our most important power, is something we have squandered. All of us, no matter our political views have felt unrepresented and frustrated by those who we have helped into that office. But the simple truth is, if you elect someone who is honest and forthright in your mind, the chances that they will do what they promised becomes much greater. It is not uncommon to hear, that he or she is not doing what they promised when they go from candidate to office holder. But for the most part, we have lost this, our greatest power. But this came to be because we are apathetic and lazy, but there is a simple cure to all of this. Take the time to actually, Gasp, read about the candidates! Then it is much easier to separate those who will tell you whatever it is that you want to hear for your vote from those who will at least attempt to make good on those promises. How do you decipher between the two? Choose the candidate who is the more honest, one who really seems to care. You'll find that this isn't as hard as you might think, it only takes a little of your time. So uninvolved are we in this our greatest chance to do things right, that most of us wind up voting for someone who is only adept at reading polls,  making this most serious of choices by political ads designed only to appeal to one segment of any political stance that we have taken, but if only we had invested a little reading first, our votes would mean so much more!. If you vote without any real thought as to who you choose, all of us, whether left or right of the issues is far more likely to see that candidate so and so once they become elected official so and so, will actually not do what it is we elected them for.
  But the power of the people is not just at the voting box, because we as consumers also control business, because no matter the business, whether movies or what it is that is that is made available to us as buyers, in this, as with most everything else, where and how the money is being spent is where all of these businesses, whether small or multi-nationals will sit up and take notice. In this aspect, consumerism, we, as the buyers have the real power! But again, in this also, if we don't use our buying power to bolster those businesses which espouse more closely what it is that we want, and who's core beliefs are closest to ours, then again, we have squandered whatever power we have. You see, this is the true power of the people!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Um, as Nero Fiddles

  The reason for the confusion on the title, was that until only a minute ago, I couldn't remember the name of that Emperor? Now while walking with Max, I asked him if he could remember, but Max, like most people, is wrapped up in his own little world. In fact, so unimpressed by all of this was he, that he had the audacity to yawn? So anyway, as Rome burned, our friend Nero was occupied between his fiddle playing, and some rich financiers who he was on his way to see, riding in the Royal Coach. Nero knew all about the fires, I mean after all, he is the one who started them. But he wasn't thinking about such things now, afterall, you have to break a few eggs while devising an omelet.
  Now Nero wasn't worried about much else, other then lining his pockets, and also, he would need massive finances, to rebuild Rome, and to finance the politics of his plan to blame the whole thing on the Christians. As far as matters of State, he needn't worry there either, as he wasn't really in charge, but was more of a figure head, sent to run errands like this. It is most probably the reason why he raged? Afterall, he was the Emperor wasn't he? And yet, no one took him seriously anymore. So, he rode along, thinking of the way that he would get back at them all! But even the weather was against him it seemed, because even though he was in the foulest of moods, the country side outside of his carriage window rolled by beautifully and slowly.  Almost in a style that he likened to meandering, as if God and His creation had nothing more to do then to mock him and his foul mood. I will think of it no more he screamed from inside the carriage. So loud, that he startled the horses, and his driver had to struggle to bring them back under control! This will be one hell of a thing, he thought to himself. Those bastards in the city had better not try to skimp on what they promised me, or I'll put them with the Christians, and let them too be eaten by the lions.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


  I assume for even the most morbidly stupid, you have heard about an airliner with almost 3,000 souls aboard being shot down on the border between Ukraine and Russia? Let me ask you something? Do you see all that is going on around the world? The humanitarian situation at our Southern borders, Israel under siege by the terrorists, violence and murder most every where you look, do you see a pattern here? Are you beginning to sense that that is all heading for some kind of climax? The world is a dangerous place, and from what I can see, there is no end in sight?
  What should we do about all of this, what is our responsibility? Do we have any? If war breaks out, and if those beautiful clouds above the Northeast right now, become another type of cloud? One not so nice? One that boils with fire and angry black smoke? The kind that if you are close enough, will incinerate you in the flash of an eye, are you ready for that? You know, I write a lot of cool stuff, send out great videos, and speak to those who speak to me, but now what? These are very perilous times, more bad then any of us could have possibly imagined, I'm asking you, What are you going to do? I'll tell you what you had better do? You had better hit your proud knees and humble yourself before the Lord your God! If we cannot come together as a people, remember, a house divided will fall. But even if we come together with the noblest of intentions, if we believe as a nation that we can do this without God, then this nation will perish from the earth!
  It is way past time, pray to the Lord to save our great nation, because if ever there was a time that she needed our prayers, This Is That Time!

Tested Truths: Down

Tested Truths: Down:   Did you ever look forward to something, only to be disappointed when it came to be? Such was last night's ESPY's for me? If you ar...


  Did you ever look forward to something, only to be disappointed when it came to be? Such was last night's ESPY's for me? If you are familiar with me, you know that I love sports, and you also know that I know a thing or two about drugs? The point of this, is that I was really looking forward to the show, as again, you who read me know that I love all kinds of sports! Hell man, I even watched a bit of the Red Carpet silliness, and I hate those type of things? You know, it is just so self involved? Anyway, promptly at nine, click, on go the Espy's!
  The show starts with some of the most outrageous footage of sport's bests showing their wild skills! Ah, this is gonna be great! And then the host came out? A young man, who I guess the kid's know, but anyway? So he tells a couple of jokes. he's just getting started when... Oh no he didn't? He tells a joke about  mushrooms? Click, off go the ESPY's! I mean doesn't this fool realize that kid's from all over are watching this with stars in their eyes sitting at home? Reaction from the home front? Hey Joey, what's rooms? I don't know man, we'll find out tomorrow, now shut up, I can't hear the show!
But perhaps I was expecting too much? I guess after last night's performance showing sport glistening at it's very best, where else could we have gone but down?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Tested Truths: A slice of Americana

Tested Truths: A slice of Americana:   Last night's baseball all-star game was a threefold celebration! We celebrated the game itself, as American as apple pie, we celebrate...

A slice of Americana

  Last night's baseball all-star game was a threefold celebration! We celebrated the game itself, as American as apple pie, we celebrated our diversity while the best of the best played our game from places as far East as Japan, as far South as Cuba, and further South from nations in our Southern hemisphere! Great new players who come from all over, just to play in America, and be so honored as to play this night with the greatest in the world, right here in the country that invented the game, the good ole USA! If you missed it, for whatever your reasons, you missed seeing our great country at her shining best! Suddenly, it was alright to be an American again, it was alright if you got caught with a tear in your eye. Don't tell my wife, but I had a few running down my face.
  The the whole night was perfect. From the pre-game festivities, to the fly over of a huge American flag. Nothing new with that, but last night it just seemed to mean more, it wasn't just corny, but it seemed that everyone was singing, even if they didn't know the words, as they all, from wherever they came from, stood in respect as our great nation welcomed all to see her at her very best!
  And of course, there was our Captain, Derek Jeter, complete with his mom and dad, and even his little nephew, did you see the eyes on that kid? Derek did what derek always does in baseball's biggest moments, he shined! For those of you who don't understand the game, he made an incredible diving catch, jumping to his feet, only to miss one of the games faster runners by an eye lash! Flashing the defensive skills that we Yankee fans are so used to. Then at the plate, 2 appearances, 2 hits, one a double! But Derek is about more then how he plays a kid's game? A game that every kid on my block played, all of us dreaming that we too could play on the biggest stage. And then it happened? Because it is a game that I have been involved with in some way or another all of my life, that strange transition that I told you about when I had gone to a pre season Yankee game. I became a twelve year old kid again, watching my heroes! The game as with all sport brings out the best in all of us. In sports, it is honest competition, I'll throw my 99 mile per hour fastball, and you hit it if you can? Simple, basic, pure!
  So last night was America's night, last night felt like it used to so many years ago. Last night it was OK to be patriotic, last night for three hours, we all became kids again, and last night, all who played, and all who watched became one with the best of us, last night we all became proud Americans again, for last night, we became all that drives so many to want to come here, last night, if only for a little while, all that is wrong faded away, because last night we were all the best we can be! God bless this great Nation.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Tested Truths: Censorship

Tested Truths: Censorship:   So I've finally given up trying to write an intelligent response to the stupidity that recently came from the lips of the Attorney Gen...


  So I've finally given up trying to write an intelligent response to the stupidity that recently came from the lips of the Attorney General of the United States of America, but his statement was so f---ing stupid, that no response is necessary! I mean racism? Really Eric, is that the reason why the policies of you and the President are such dismal failures, because of a few rednecks like me? How stupid do you think the American people are? Or more specifically, how stupid do you think that black American's are? I think that you believe that they are stupid, and if I was black, which I'm not, we've already established that I have a red neck. By the way, do you know how I got my red neck? Framing houses for forty years. When you show the back of your neck to the summer sun, for 60 hours a week, your white neck becomes a natural shade of a deep reddish brown like look to it, which has lightened somewhat now that I no longer frame. Not that I wouldn't though, I don't suppose that you know of a construction manager's job somewhere?
  Anyway, as I believe I've just said, answering Mr. Holder's stupid, racist, dividing words, I decided that he wasn't worth my time! So here I am typing away at who knows what all? I haven't even titled it yet, as I truly don't know why I'm even sitting here, uncomfortable, my back is killing me, it's always something. But I digress?
  A story? Oh yes, Censorship. Excuse me for a moment why I go on top to title this one? Thanks, I'm back. OK, so most of you know that I have been kicked off of both Facebook and Twitter, but did you ever think to yourself why? My politics man, Mr. Zuckerberg is a big Obama boy! Strange reaction for a Jewish man, but hey, what do I know? And Twitter? I don't even know the name of the clown that runs that show, but apparently, he too has a problem with free speech? Hey, this didn't turn out so bad afterall!  

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Tested Truths: From the Two of Us

Tested Truths: From the Two of Us:   Shooting from the hip! Let's see who is who, and who it is that speaks together as one? If it were up to me, I would have flattened th...

From the Two of Us

  Shooting from the hip! Let's see who is who, and who it is that speaks together as one? If it were up to me, I would have flattened this place a long time ago! Sometimes you people are so f---ing stupid, that I don't think I can stand it anymore? If My people will humble themselves and pray to me, I will heal there land. Well the capital M might have given that one away, but are you beginning to understand?
  The United States of America was founded with the benevolence of God in mind. It's Declaration of Independence, and it's Constitution are the finest political documents ever devised by man! We have always been the beacon of freedom, and this is throughout the world! We are the biggest, baddest, most charitable people on the face of this earth! We are many people, from many different cultures, but our diversity is our greatest strength. We take a little of the best from all other nations, and yes, we are exceptional! We also, like it or not, are the only real hope for peace in the world. If we should fall, the rest will kill themselves off quickly! And yet, with the hottest spots in the world based mostly in the Middle East, our only true friend there is Israel! Right now, they are fending off over 200 hundred missile strikes in as little as a day, and so they can be forgiven if they seem a bit rude? But keep this in mind? If they weren't there doing what it is that they are doing, who do you think those missiles would be aimed at next? C'mon, you can't be that stupid? We are next! So now what? We have a president, who is so out of touch with reality, that you need a scorecard to keep up with the blunders! This guy still thinks we are a bunch of Berkley flakes? That is why he is so astounded by the push back! He is so caught up in his faculty room mentality, that the best he can do is take cool photos of himself with the little people?
  But believe it or not, if he is as he claims, a Christian, then why wouldn't he insist of a required meeting of all our elected officials, rally them all on the steps of the Capital, and lead them in a prayer for our country? Why? Because he only dreams of his father! You can find out a lot about a man by who is father was. Go ahead, Google Barack's dad, and see where your dreams go!

Tested Truths: The duality of Man

Tested Truths: The duality of Man:   I guess that it is time for me to make an honest account of who I am, another words, It's about time we met! First, in spite of what y...

The duality of Man

  I guess that it is time for me to make an honest account of who I am, another words, It's about time we met! First, in spite of what you might have seen, I am not a dog! But in order to explain me, we will have to allow for the duality of man. You see, me Ed the person, is a lot of things, as are all of you. But I'm not talking about the influences of your life that have made you who you are, nor for that matter, am I talking about myself, and any of my influences? What I am trying to say is that I am two people. So by the way are you? We all are! One physical, and one spiritual. The person you become is shaped by the influences in your life, but mostly by the road you choose? A person's spirit is either influenced more by evil then good, or the reverse of that. The simplest indicator for that is a person's faith! Those who have chosen wisely in what they choose to believe are the best of us, and the ones who have chosen badly are the worst of us, that is simply how it is! But I digress?
  Me, Ed, born in Margaret Hague Maternity hospital, in Jersey City, N. J., raised mostly in the suburbs by two well meaning middle class parents who did the best they could for us. I have one brother. Parents both long dead. That is physical Ed. He's a kind of a clown, a constant wise cracker, an occasional F bomb dropper, another words, a complete fool! And then their is spiritual Ed, it is He who does most of the writing. Physical Ed types, though occasionally, he writes too?
The problem is, that we share this body, and we do share a brain, but if you look deeper into what we write, you can tell which one of us is talking, though it is is sometimes not so obvious? What he has done to our body.. Well, lets just say that we are wearing kind of thin in places? But the good news? Sometimes we come together as one! And you'll have to trust me on this, When we are together, you don't want to be in our way!  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Tested Truths: SEX

Tested Truths: SEX:   Did you ever wonder how you will feel when you first enter the Kingdom of Heaven? How great will that feel? What will be your thoughts as ...


  Did you ever wonder how you will feel when you first enter the Kingdom of Heaven? How great will that feel? What will be your thoughts as you stand and gape at the Land beyond beyond? What wonders will your new eyes see? But again, how will you feel?
  OK parents, you might want to read this part yourselves before you let your kids read it, because we are going to talk about sex. Perhaps an explanation point was called for there, instead of that period? Because nothing in the human gnome can so gratify and frustrate us more then can sex! It can give the ultimate of pleasure physically, but also can leave us confused frustrated and angry. Sex is a powerful thing! Even Freud only scratched the surface? He was right about one thing though, sex is a very personal thing.
  OK, so your back from getting rid of the kids? Let's dig in? So now we are going to leave all of that phycological thinking behind, and get into the act itself. But understand, that I am using sexual intercourse as a metaphor for feelings, while first standing on the inside of those pearly gates! Now, for those of you who truly have known the joys of sex, we are about to get real personal. A man and a woman come together in this act, almost as one, moving in perfect unison. He knows what she wants, and she knows how to take him go where she wants him to! Each one desiring only more of the other! Now try to remember the most intense orgasm you have ever had? Raging sweaty red hot sex! Are you still with me? Because now we are going to take it even higher! Because now our couple has reached another level? For each no longer cares about their own gratification, each of the lovers thinks only of the needs of the other. Remember now, you are entering the Kingdom of Heaven, so the sky's the limit!
From this coupling comes the very best of each gender, and as they join, they are no longer two together, but they have become one! A super being! And that super being knows God!
That is the best way I could think to explain it? In a way that all people will understand.
  The Kingdom of Heaven. What are your plans, will I see you there? I hope so...

Friday, July 11, 2014

Tested Truths: Whatever this is?

Tested Truths: Whatever this is?:   So here it is fresh from the presses! Hot? Naa, it's air conditioned in here! Writing again as writer's will, because as everyone...

Whatever this is?

  So here it is fresh from the presses! Hot? Naa, it's air conditioned in here!
Writing again as writer's will, because as everyone knows, Writer's write? But the skills needed for creative righting is not this offering's subject. Unfortunately, this is another one about politics, sorry about this! But as most of you haven't heard much true journalism lately, because they have entertained you with nothing but feel good stories lately, you could be excused for being dumb on the subject, as you just haven't been told? But anyway, Politics is all the rage now, as we close in on those all important 2014 midterms. Now you would be up to speed on all of this, that is, if you are willing to do one loathsome thing? Watch Fox News International, it's on your cable dial. Now I know what you've been told, in as how this station might be toxic to your brain? But trust me, most of it isn't? The simple fact is, that they are The Little Engine that could, and they make all attempts to be fair in their opinions while dealing with their audiences. To their peers in the press, they have become a strong curiosity if nothing else? Ka-ching! You hear that Roger? That's the money you should be paying me for the plug!
  But anywho, from this very station, Laura Ingram, who's heart was once in the sand, was beginning to speculate as to who the Republican foe would be for Hillary should she choose to run? Do the Dems have a secondary choice if she doesn't? And if so, who is it? But the Republicans are already rallying behind certain possible party favorites, and Chris Christi's name came up? Yeah, Jersey boy, great right? His stance on marijuana should secure that all important 18 to 32 group's vote! Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory? Ah, I tell you folks, it's a mystery to me how completely out of touch the so called conservatives are! Was the Gov's reasoning for this statement said to impress the right? The right to do what, loose?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Tested Truths: Our Only Hope

Tested Truths: Our Only Hope:   The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restoreth my sou...

Our Only Hope

  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restoreth my soul, and He leads me in the paths of righteousness, for His name sake.
Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For You are with me, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies, and You annoit my head with oil, my cup runs over.
Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me, all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and no man can ever kill you. But deny him, and you will surely die!

Tested Truths: Satan

Tested Truths: Satan:   So what else can be said, and is there anything worth saying? Lookin at life from the down side lately,  a depression brought about almost...


  So what else can be said, and is there anything worth saying? Lookin at life from the down side lately,  a depression brought about almost entirely by other people, but with a fair amount of my own stupidity sprinkled in. Dire times are ahead, but who is to save us? A Republican? Which Republican and why?
  Ladies and gentlemen, let me make this clear, War is coming! But this war, though it will be conventionally fought, will be a holy war. A holy war is just a nicer way of saying, a Spiritual War! The battle being fought for the newspapers will be just the tip of the iceberg? The real battle, that which will be fought in the spirit world, is fought for your very soul! And it doesn't care whether you believe in the reality of the spiritual realm or not. Because the size of these spiritual armies will dwarf all of the armies of mere men!  Because there soldiers have been taken over all of time, taken for just this moment! But know this about the armies that you will see on your screens. This army is strong in it's resolve. So sure are they, that they are eager to give their lives for their god!
  But don't underestimate our enemy, because he is cunning, and he knows the way of men. His representatives are already in place, and they live among us. When the sleeper phone rings, all in the room will answer the call! The spirit world exists, and it doesn't care if you believe that or not? In fact, it would rather you continue to pay it no mind, and just roll over and go back to sleep? For his time has not come yet, even though he too lives among us. He and his minions are in every walk of life, and some are in the highest places of our government. But even though many have risen to the highest of places, there is one who is greater then them all, and they? His minions? They live only to serve him, because he is the essence of evil, and his name is Beelzebub, more commonly called, Satan!

Something Understood

Something Understood I believe that this is an article by my friend whom I have never met? I wrote to Jill a long time ago, when I would get the monthly news letter, whose name escapes me? A Slice of Infinity, yes, that's it! Well anyway, Jill was always one of my favorite writers! The problem for me is, that she is young and beautiful! Now how would I have known that? I thought she was an old bitty? Anyway, she's married, so, flirt that I am, me, Ed, should never made a pass at her! It's a learned response you see?

Tested Truths: With a Cane

Tested Truths: With a Cane:   So after last's night smattering, comes this one, one that has been a little more thought out. Its funny though, how life is that is, ...

With a Cane

  So after last's night smattering, comes this one, one that has been a little more thought out. Its funny though, how life is that is, sometimes stories just present themselves?
  I was coming to the end of the sidewalk, just entering the clearing at the road, when I hear some sort of car approaching my position from my right? As it turns out, the driver was a woman, and she drove one of those fancy black out windowed black truck/vans. Now she passes me doing about 45 miles per hour, and on the rear black window, she had had a professional painter scroll something about there being only one god? Now certainly I would agree if that is all she meant? But the woman wasn't even a resident, which only added to the mystery saying as it whizzed by!
  But anyway, after she passes me, she arrives quickly at the intersection. There was a lot of traffic on the main road, thwarting her attempt for a quick turn and a clean getaway? But then, as if all of this was not enough, she proceeds to inch up into the cross walk area, blocking the path of a old man struggling to stand still while waiting for her with his cane? I pray this woman doesn't call herself a Christian!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tested Truths: Wait, a random thought?

Tested Truths: Wait, a random thought?:   So if you'll bear with me a minute, I might be able to figure out just what the hell this is supposed to be? Meaning, that I have been...

Wait, a random thought?

  So if you'll bear with me a minute, I might be able to figure out just what the hell this is supposed to be? Meaning, that I have been trying to write it since around 7PM., but the Yankees were on and I got distracted? So sue me. This problem got only worse when the game got tied up, 4/4? It is now 11:30 PM, and it is still tied, four four!
  I'll never remember any of the stories I thought of writing in the past four and a half hours? But now it appears that I won't have to, Jacoby Ellsbury just hit a home run! I call him Jake.
  So now, as luck would have it, it turns out that this one is about baseball! Derek Jeter's at the plate, C'mon Jete! Damn! Jeter K's. Too bad, but now it falls to David Robertson! It will be a great win, as most everyone else in the division has already lost!
  Damn! Robertson gave up a one out single. The kid on first is fast, a real threat to steal. There he goes! Shit, safe! Fly ball to deep left, Almonte makes a shoestring catch! Yankees win! Good Night all.

Tested Truths: From the Homefront

Tested Truths: From the Homefront:   I will tell you why I believe that our next President should be a black man. The reasons for this should be apparent to anyone who truly u...

From the Homefront

  I will tell you why I believe that our next President should be a black man. The reasons for this should be apparent to anyone who truly understands the roots of racism? The point is, Barack Obama was the first black President of the United States, is, and should be a great source of pride to all Americans, as it clearly shows that the people in this country are trying to repair the racial divide. We, all of us, black and white voted for him, you might say that, We've 'come a long way baby'!
  But so dismal a failure has been this administration, that all but those blinded by reverse racism can clearly see it! Even to the hopelessly apathetic, that is if someone can wake them up long enough?
But my reasoning is really quite simple? You see, we the people had our hearts in the right place, but in Barack's own words, We got hoodwinked, bamboozled! History should not leave Mr. Obama as the representative of the best of black America, what's needed is a second chance for the voters to get it right.
  Because there is no doubt that the ideologies of the far left are destroying this great nation, one PC moment at a time! Sadly, Mr. Obama is the commander in chief of this bunch, so what is needed is another black man, one who is 180 degrees the opposite of our current President. Because if not, and history does allow that Barack Obama is the only representative of what a black president would do, then the country will allow racism to raise it's ugly head again, only this time, be far worse, for this would tear us apart! Be assured good citizens, that nothing is more powerful in destroying a once great nation then is racism! Don't believe me? Crack open a book and read about pre war Germany!
Elect a black man in 2016! My choice? Dr. Ben Carson and Colonel William Powell! Call it a win/win twosome? Oh, and as far as our staggering debt? Grow the fed a wee bit more, and create a department of Business and Jobs. If he would agree to take the new post, Mitt Romney would be a great choice. I mean, like him or not, the man understands business, and it is Business that is the engine of this country!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Tested Truths: always the fool,

Tested Truths: always the fool,:   What is it that makes a man do dumb things? Not the dumb things that he doesn't know are dumb, those things that he is not aware of, b...

always the fool,

  What is it that makes a man do dumb things? Not the dumb things that he doesn't know are dumb, those things that he is not aware of, but the ones that he knows full well aren't the smart thing to do to begin with?
  Now I know that it is the same thing with you ladies, but you are far less apt to do something that you know is the wrong choice. Why that is, comes from a lot of places, and for a lot of reasons, but certainly some comes from our genes, men like to take risks! To prove something to themselves, to preen for the ladies, all of which is fine, but the stupidity comes when the things they choose to challenge themselves with are not good choices.
  Surely, it is one of the most powerful traits that a man has, when used as motivation for the right reasons, and it is inherit in our genetic make up, the need to challenge ourselves! But this trait is not uniquely masculine, as women too have this desire, it's just that women are far less apt to do dumb things, especially if they are dangerous, women have more common sense then do men. These traits are part of our human gnome. Not to say that women too don't make a lot of stupid choices, they do! But they are far less apt to do something that they know is dangerous, that is the common sense that I am talking about. The reason for this disparity between men and women comes from from another natural state, the need to nurture, and if you are nurturing by design, you are far more protective of yourself, and also of the ones you love. But these common differences between men and women, is a natural state, but it is not unique to the human species, as it is the same in most of the animal kingdom. The good news from the female point of view, is that you are right about us, men do a lot of stupid things!