Friday, July 18, 2014

Um, as Nero Fiddles

  The reason for the confusion on the title, was that until only a minute ago, I couldn't remember the name of that Emperor? Now while walking with Max, I asked him if he could remember, but Max, like most people, is wrapped up in his own little world. In fact, so unimpressed by all of this was he, that he had the audacity to yawn? So anyway, as Rome burned, our friend Nero was occupied between his fiddle playing, and some rich financiers who he was on his way to see, riding in the Royal Coach. Nero knew all about the fires, I mean after all, he is the one who started them. But he wasn't thinking about such things now, afterall, you have to break a few eggs while devising an omelet.
  Now Nero wasn't worried about much else, other then lining his pockets, and also, he would need massive finances, to rebuild Rome, and to finance the politics of his plan to blame the whole thing on the Christians. As far as matters of State, he needn't worry there either, as he wasn't really in charge, but was more of a figure head, sent to run errands like this. It is most probably the reason why he raged? Afterall, he was the Emperor wasn't he? And yet, no one took him seriously anymore. So, he rode along, thinking of the way that he would get back at them all! But even the weather was against him it seemed, because even though he was in the foulest of moods, the country side outside of his carriage window rolled by beautifully and slowly.  Almost in a style that he likened to meandering, as if God and His creation had nothing more to do then to mock him and his foul mood. I will think of it no more he screamed from inside the carriage. So loud, that he startled the horses, and his driver had to struggle to bring them back under control! This will be one hell of a thing, he thought to himself. Those bastards in the city had better not try to skimp on what they promised me, or I'll put them with the Christians, and let them too be eaten by the lions.

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