Shooting from the hip! Let's see who is who, and who it is that speaks together as one? If it were up to me, I would have flattened this place a long time ago! Sometimes you people are so f---ing stupid, that I don't think I can stand it anymore? If My people will humble themselves and pray to me, I will heal there land. Well the capital M might have given that one away, but are you beginning to understand?
The United States of America was founded with the benevolence of God in mind. It's Declaration of Independence, and it's Constitution are the finest political documents ever devised by man! We have always been the beacon of freedom, and this is throughout the world! We are the biggest, baddest, most charitable people on the face of this earth! We are many people, from many different cultures, but our diversity is our greatest strength. We take a little of the best from all other nations, and yes, we are exceptional! We also, like it or not, are the only real hope for peace in the world. If we should fall, the rest will kill themselves off quickly! And yet, with the hottest spots in the world based mostly in the Middle East, our only true friend there is Israel! Right now, they are fending off over 200 hundred missile strikes in as little as a day, and so they can be forgiven if they seem a bit rude? But keep this in mind? If they weren't there doing what it is that they are doing, who do you think those missiles would be aimed at next? C'mon, you can't be that stupid? We are next! So now what? We have a president, who is so out of touch with reality, that you need a scorecard to keep up with the blunders! This guy still thinks we are a bunch of Berkley flakes? That is why he is so astounded by the push back! He is so caught up in his faculty room mentality, that the best he can do is take cool photos of himself with the little people?
But believe it or not, if he is as he claims, a Christian, then why wouldn't he insist of a required meeting of all our elected officials, rally them all on the steps of the Capital, and lead them in a prayer for our country? Why? Because he only dreams of his father! You can find out a lot about a man by who is father was. Go ahead, Google Barack's dad, and see where your dreams go!
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