Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tested Truths: Life Itself

Tested Truths: Life Itself:   When the thoughts come, it feels like a sticky mass of goo forcing it's way outside? But like a fine sticky jam, it is sweet to the ta...

Life Itself

  When the thoughts come, it feels like a sticky mass of goo forcing it's way outside? But like a fine sticky jam, it is sweet to the taste. These words may seem braggadocios, and I'm not even sure how they sound to me? But I can take these thoughts, this sweet jam if you are following the metaphor, and spread them onto fine breads and pastries, and you are welcome to have your fill, or not?
  So anyway, the first real train of thought came as I was watching Max. He had followed me out onto the porch, and sat across from me on his chair. His attention was quickly drawn to something outside, something out of place, something that didn't belong? Sure enough, a black car rolled by, real slow, and real quiet, a black car that had never been here before. Max, God bless Max!
But here's the thing, Max like all animals thinks! Now he doesn't think in the same way that we do, and to say so would be just plain silly. But he, they, do think. Now wait a minute you say, Aren't they just dumb animals? They are. But they are considered dumb not because they cannot think, they are dumb because they cannot speak. Ah, but even there we sell them short, because they do speak, they speak with there eyes, Max can speak volumes with his eyes!
In the human experience, much can be understood about a person by their eyes, because the eyes are the windows for the soul. And like us, animals do have souls, because the soul is the life source, and the soul is life itself!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Tested Truths: Divine Love

Tested Truths: Divine Love:   You would think that I would have learned by now to publish my posts as soon as they are written? But here again, I have left what was alr...

Divine Love

  You would think that I would have learned by now to publish my posts as soon as they are written? But here again, I have left what was already written yesterday to be posted today? The problem is, when the subject is a controversial one, that the more it sits around, the more I want to add or delete from it. Having said that, here's yesterday's offering.
  Interesting how life can come about? It seems that certain subjects will come up, no matter how much you don't want them to!
  Homosexuality. More crap finds its way onto our TVs and other media regarding this subject then need be. You see, its really quite simple! But we'll get into that a little further down. But first let me tell you how the subject came to mind. Oh, and lest I forget? The reason I speak about this subject from a masculine point of view, is because I do that no matter the subject. Meaning, the term mankind, what should it be, womankind? But still the base word is man. How about human kind? Again, there's that word again. I've got it! Peoplekind, would that make you PCers happy?
  So anyway, while walking, I see a woman approaching me, going the opposite way on the sidewalk. From a distance, I could tell it was a woman, but as we passed each other and exchanged pleasantries, I saw that she was dressed as a man. Impeccably dressed I might add, but just a bit confused as to her choice of wardrobe. A very pretty face, and judging from her appearance, I have no doubt that she is probably a very nice person.
  Much has been made by those in that lifestyle who believe in and Love the Lord, trying to find a way for their sin to be somehow special? But the reality is that sin is sin, and no matter how you try to justify it, the Lord sees it for what it is. The problem is, that they confuse spirituality and the physical. There is a difference between lust and love. Now I have no doubt that they know this, as some of the most intelligent people I know are from the homosexual lifestyle. The problem is that they know this, and there is no shortage of egos in the homosexual community!
  But here's the thing, There is nothing wrong in a man loving another man. He can love and trust who he pleases, and just as with anyone else, he runs the risk of having his heart broken if that trust is betrayed. But when the spiritual becomes the physical, and the sex act is committed, that is the abomination that the Lord is speaking about.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tested Truths: Eternal Glasses

Tested Truths: Eternal Glasses:   Oh death where is your sting, and time where is your mark? To be eternal is to have no point of reference, to have none, because none is n...

Eternal Glasses

  Oh death where is your sting, and time where is your mark? To be eternal is to have no point of reference, to have none, because none is necessary. Imagine a life of eighty-five years? And then take those years, and divide them into quarters. In each of the quadrants are memories of events that have happened, are currently happening, or will happen? I know, that is only three, but special allowance has been made for when you were a baby, or just too young to remember accurately. But taking that life as a whole, what is that time when played out in eternal time? Isn't it like a puff of smoke, blown and gone forever? A day in your life is a grain of sand on the beaches of Eternity!
  But to look at that life of eighty-five years with any real understanding, we would have had to have lived that life. Eternal time is beyond any reckoning, we cannot understand it? But for you personally, you at your current age, your point of reference, You can imagine the past by reading about history, you are currently living your life the best that you can, and though you are caught up in eternity, you have no understanding of it! So then, when you do take the time to think about things eternal, you say to yourself, How can this be? Eternal life, someone who can never die? This is hard enough to believe, but to understand that this man has the power to give eternal life to you? Well, that is way too impossible to believe!?!
  But because God does exist, and he can offer eternal life to you, how does God look upon us and our lifetimes, you want to know? Imagine that God is on top of a tall building, and below on the Boulevard is a parade just getting under way. Now from this high perch, he can see the beginning, the middle and the end quite clearly. And when he wants to get a closer look at someone or something, he just puts on his eternal glasses, sort of like binoculars, but not quite? Eternal glasses see it all, from the beginning to the end! But with God there is never an end, and for that matter, there was never a beginning? For lack of a better way to say it, I'll call them problems, and only two exist? One is the only thing that God doesn't know? His Birthday. And two is the only thing that Jesus can not do? Lie.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tested Truths: Consideration

Tested Truths: Consideration:   For most people, any discussion about the theory of evolution, and its counter part, the Christian faith, often evolves into a pretty heat...


  For most people, any discussion about the theory of evolution, and its counter part, the Christian faith, often evolves into a pretty heated debate! The reasons, for having the conversation at all, is because this subject is very personal for them, because whenever you are forced to think about the subject, more often then not, you feel uncomfortable. And why wouldn't it be uncomfortable, isn't it really about mortality, and those things that are beyond this life? There are two sides to the eternity coin, on one side is eternal life, and on the other is eternal death! Now eternal death, that you have no problem believing, afterall, you have rocks and mountains, and of course there is last nights fish, laying over on the stove deader then a door nail.
  But of life, and the things of life, this you don't see, at least not past the end of your life? Doesn't it make sense that if you understand time enough to know that there is eternal death, why is it that you cannot see eternal life? Simply put, you believe in death because you can see it, but eternal life is unseen, and so because of this, you do not believe? Would it be fair to say that about you?
  Now, for the real question, the actual point of this whole thing. Don't you think that it is well past the time to allow our children to be allowed to choose for themselves, isn't that the kind of challenge that would help make a young mind grow? Creationism has the right to be taught along side of the evolution theory! Because to leave it out, what you get is what you got! A bunch of kids and young adults who believe in evolution only because it was crammed down their throats! Not only just in the classroom, but certainly what we now call entertainment? Do you want to know the real reason why the government will not allow any mention of a Creator or of God, and that He is no longer welcome in our schools? Because they know, that given equal footing, Creationism would win by a landslide! Why? Because it is the only thing that really makes sense!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tested Truths: A word on evolution,

Tested Truths: A word on evolution,:   It was to be one or the other, this story, or the one I wanted to write? And as to why I chose this one over the other, in truth I don&#39...

A word on evolution,

  It was to be one or the other, this story, or the one I wanted to write? And as to why I chose this one over the other, in truth I don't really know, I must be a glutton for punishment? I didn't want to write anything! I gotta be sick in the head? My back and my knee, and practically my entire skeletal system hurts, and I'm slumped over a typewriter? While I'm whining, I haven't had a decent night's sleep in quite a while, but here I am at it again? I gotta be nuts!                                                                                 Briefly though, on the one that I wanted to write. When we speak of matters of the heart, what we are really talking about, is our souls. When we speak from the heart, in those times when we speak open and honest with someone, it is your soul that is speaking. It is that place that we all have, a place deep within, down deep where we know no fear, down to where innocence lives, a place free from care! That is your soul. Soul, spirit, they are interchangeable, as they are one and the same. Your soul is the essence of your life, your life force if you will? If you have ever held a dying person in your arms, or even an animal, and you looked into the eyes as death had it's way, then you have seen the soul of that person, however briefly. That sheen in their eyes, that glint no matter how dull, that is the soul! When death occurs, in that moment when they pass from life to death, the difference as seen in the eyes is immediate. Sometimes when a person passes, you can actually feel the soul leave the body, and in moments of death where the person knew the Lord well, sometimes you can catch a glimpse of that soul as it leaves behind only a shell, the once bright eyes of your friend turned dull and lifeless, like a doll's eyes!
  Ok, looks like evolution got bumped a little? Let's cut through all the niceties, and get right to the point! Evolution is just plain stupid! However, we do evolve, we must, because life is eternal! Human beings evolve in our intellect, just think of the great strides we have made in just the last ten years! Much as I hate them, what these super computers can do, along with all of the other technologies are incredible! Soon, if you have a quarter of a million bucks, you will be able to go to outer space! We evolve, our minds and our capabilities, our art, our sciences. We, mankind, are ever increasing in knowledge, but we can only do these things, because as what we did with our computers by designing them, is exactly what God did when he created us! We explore and learn constantly, because that is what we were designed to do. But if you would rather believe that we just sprung up from some ancient sludge, and became what we are today by some cosmic accident, then the word stupid isn't quite strong enough for you? Stupendously stupid!, or just plain dumb?

Tested Truths: Eternally

Tested Truths: Eternally:   Good morning and Happy Easter! For those of you who have little ones, pay no attention to those who tell you about the link to a pagan hol...


  Good morning and Happy Easter! For those of you who have little ones, pay no attention to those who tell you about the link to a pagan holiday. Just watch those little ones today, the joy on their faces as they hunt for those brightly colored eggs, and their smiling chocolate smudged mouths should tell you that there can be nothing wrong with this. Lighten up Christian! These kids are in no danger of becoming hob goblins or whatever it is that you fear? For them, and for their parents, they are just having fun! No doubt, some of you don't know what it is that I am talking about, but hold on if you want to, because its about to get real confusing to you if you are not of the Born Again stripe, because we'll be talking about doctrine for awhile.
  Christians, as it was with the Jews also, are split into two camps. One side loves the law, and the other side loves the Spirit. Incredibly, if you ask them, they will tell you that they love the other side of the coin too. So that the law lover loves the Spirit, and the Spirit lover loves the law, and this is as it should be, They are interchangeable, as each is complete in itself, but they are also more complete when they are joined as one!
Now, getting back to why that nice Christian man is so grumpy? He is a law lover, and he looks to shackle kids with Old Testament law who are currently living during the times of the New Testament? But make no mistake, he does this out of love, genuinely concerned for your well being! So because they love the law, they are constantly reminding you of all the things that you can't or shouldn't do if you want to be a proper Christian. These are born again believers mostly, but it doesn't matter, these are very well meaning, loving people, but sometimes they can make Christianity look about as appealing as fresh road kill! Now who would want that?  The problem is that they look to put Old Testament law into this, the time of the New Testament. But on this day was the fulfillment of the words of the Prophets, fulfillment of the law, because with Him was the law and the Spirit! Christian, please, time is very short! Go out and talk to the people, and don't spend too much time telling them what it is that they will no longer do, but rather, tell them all of the things that they will soon do!
  He has risen! Amen? And with him are all of the jot and tittle people who love him, and with him also is that wild and crazy holy roller type, because Jesus loves you all! By remembering today, we reaffirm our belief that to know Christ, is to know and be eternal!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tested Truths: By the way,

Tested Truths: By the way,:   It was Joe McCarthy, not Mike. The one of the now famous "black list" fame. During the 1950s, directly after the second world wa...

By the way,

  It was Joe McCarthy, not Mike. The one of the now famous "black list" fame. During the 1950s, directly after the second world war, is when this so called black list conversation was on most everyone's mind? Because we and the Russians were allies during the war, there were a lot of important people who had close connections with card carrying communists! This on it's surface would not be so much of a problem back then, because again, we were allies during the war. The average Joe on the street probably wasn't even sure what communism was? The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, was a socialist regime that became Communist. That is the problem with fooling around with Socialism who is kind of like a red headed stepchild, that more often then not, when full grown, that awkward kid becomes Communism!
  I have to put an end to this one, I've been working on it for too long, its' like that pain that just won't go away? But communism is a very bad thing, especially if you are a Christian! You talk about the war on Christianity as if you don't understand its source? The source is communism, it's ideologies have become more palatable, or at least it would seem, more of their kind of politics have been evident lately. Take poor Harry Reid for instance, if you asked him if he were a communist, he would be rightly offended! But what he doesn't get, is that he is being used towards that end! True political discourse is on a respirator in this country, and it is political correctness that almost made the death of free speech become a reality! But the American people are awake now, and it is way past time that we assert the true meaning of, the Power of the People! Now why would communism be so dead set against Christianity? Because they are atheist for one, and two, there is nothing more dangerous to a communist government then to have a lot of free thinkers around! And nothing my friends, you heard me, nothing frees your mind like Knowing Jesus Christ!
Oh, and one more thing. What is going on with Russia and the Ukraine, is important, but no real threat to us. In fact, there is little to no chance that this country will fall to another country by act of war, we are far too powerful for that! But if we are to fall, we will fall from within. This is what all of the great thinkers on the communist side of the ledger have said, that this country will fall without a shot being fired! Take it to heart, and remember this, you cannot defeat an ideology with a gun, but you can do it at the ballot box!

Tested Truths: Righteous Anger

Tested Truths: Righteous Anger:   So what is it that has me so riled that I would have to break in on a piece that was flowing along so beautifully? It's called Righteo...

Righteous Anger

  So what is it that has me so riled that I would have to break in on a piece that was flowing along so beautifully? It's called Righteous anger, and it comes when the truths of God are challenged!~ There are many who believe that politics and faith have no place being together, and certainly that is true, but when our leaders choose to flaunt an ungodly point of view, and do it in full view of the nation, then the people of God, not only have the right, but God himself calls on us to call such things out! Harry Reid is the epitome of all that is wrong with this country, and the fact that somewhere Charlie McCarthy might be laughing is immaterial.  He is a racist of the most obvious kind, a true redneck, complete with all of it's most negative conotations! Why a mere ten years ago, if you were in a private setting, it would not be unheard of to hear ole Harry say something like this, Yeah, he is a smart nigger, and how much trouble could he make? But I think that he is electable, as he is one of those lighter skinned types.
But you have to forgive poor Harry, because he is one of a dying breed. He has been frustrated in that he was forced so deep in the closet, that it took something close to home to have him to out himself! I know little about the specifics of whats going on in Nevada, but I suspect that Mr. Bundy is so arrogant that he could probably piss off the Pope! But when you try to justify bringing the full power of the Federal government to bear on its citizens, and this over a bunch of cows? Wow, Harry, maybe you had better find your way back into that closet of yours? But here's the thing, it was the people of Nevada that put this fool in office, and if you want to stop his brand of ugly racism, Vote him out!

Tested Truths: The Meaning of Truth

Tested Truths: The Meaning of Truth:   As promised, here it is. I said that I would write it, and though I haven't until now, I am writing it for you now, because I said tha...

The Meaning of Truth

  As promised, here it is. I said that I would write it, and though I haven't until now, I am writing it for you now, because I said that I would. Simple right? And yet it seems like a revelation!
Now truth is the opposite of untruth, can you tell that I haven't been to Webster yet? Floundering a little, thinking of what the straight definition might be? I had planned on starting with it, but apparently I've already started? Funny, I was just thinking to myself, that the truth will have to wait? Only because I got up to make myself another cup of coffee, and a peanut and jelly English muffin. It was then I said to myself in a whisper, The truth will have to wait. So I'm off now, off to do my muffin thing.
  Interlude--- So I have returned to where it is that I was before, My appetite sated, Max pooped out, I had to consider what would be better, a single pot coffee maker or the multi-pot kind? But I'm back, and none the worse for the wear.
OK, back to the subject at hand. I can tell you that I have always loved the truth. No matter the subject, I had little patience for all the blather that surrounds the truth, I wanted to get to the gist of it, to get to the point, and then find the truth of that point. Now this is going back far before I knew the Lord, because I haven't known him for a longer period of time then I have up until now. Keep in mind, that back then I was an accomplished liar, I could twist words and phrases with the best of them. A typical con artist, nothing mattered other then what I stood to gain from it?
  But later on in life, I came to know the Lord! It was brought about by a desperate situation, but that is what it took! There are two short verses in the Bible, both extremely powerful! One is, Jesus wept. He said this as he looked upon Jerusalem, before he entered the city. The other was uttered by Pontius Pilate when he asked Jesus, What is truth? This, the second one, is the one that drew me into the word of God! For those of you who own a Bible, I would suggest one thing, although reading through the entire Bible from start to finish isn't a bad thing, looking at God's word more specifically is easier, and better. You do this with a good study Bible, it will tie the old and new Testaments together for you. If you begin to do this, you will come to know truth. Because for most of it, thousands of years transpire between what was prophesied, and the actual fulfillment of that prophecy. In fact, if you are a believer, you know that we are currently in the beginning of the end times.
But let me get more to the point, because something else has come up, and I feel that something must be said! The proof is in the pudding? Meaning that there are many ingredients in pudding, call them absolutes. Milk is milk, flour is flour and so on. Together when mixed properly, you get delicous pudding, and that is the truth. Absolutes are truth, God absolutely exists, and God is the foundation of all truth! Think that you have never seen Him, do you want to know what He looks like? God is truth and life, when you see a beautiful sky that looks as if it were a beautiful painting, you are looking full at the face of God!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Tested Truths: First

Tested Truths: First:   So this is the day, it is on this day that our calendar says that the actual killing took place, approximately two thousand years ago?  Wi...


  So this is the day, it is on this day that our calendar says that the actual killing took place, approximately two thousand years ago?  With this one, I was thinking about it's coming, and what it is that I should say about it. Because, unlike Palm Sunday, I knew what day today was when I woke up. But things being what they are, and this being a holiday and all, I probably should have written it yesterday? But here are a few quick points regarding this day and it's goings on. We won't get into the why of it, but suffice it to know, that the accusation was blasphemy. He was tortured before his death, this being a historical fact as well as a Biblical truth. But it is the zeal shown by those who had set out to do this torturing that is so compelling. There was a genuine hatred shown this man, and the soldiers who administered it, inflicted the pain as if it were a personal thing for them? The Roman soldiers treated meting out this torture not only as their duty, but they seemed to enjoy it? All this while the Jewish leaders who had wanted this, stood off to the side in full approval!
  But I think that the torture as heinous as it was, was not the worst of it? In my mind, the three years of disrespect and taunting that our Lord had to endure was worse? Imagine that wherever you are, you are always the smartest person in the room? Sounds like a good thing right? Probably not so much if you had to endure a bunch of fools and idiots bloviate about nonsense? This went on during the entire three years of his minisry, he listened to it, advising them when they would listen, but never telling them who he really was. But lets try to make this more understandable, something specific, rather then abstract.
You are the founder and President of a multi-national company. You employ hundreds of thousands of workers, and your company is responsible for pouring billions of dollars into the world's economy! But for whatever reason, call it a twist of fate, the company can only make a profit if no one knows who you are? In fact, again for the good of the company, you must agree to be a lowly worker, and listen to people who know far less then you do. Our little scenario is almost impossible to even consider, but that is exactly what Jesus agreed to do! That by itself is a hard enough to understand, but there is an added bonus for that Corporate President who agreed to do what ours did? While laughing and taunting our hero during the entire three years of his sacrifice and service, upon the completion of his time, they take him out back and kill him! And they aren't merciful in their killing, but they take their time, torturing him to the fullest, before finally, they afforded him the only dignity they will allow, the dignity of being allowed to die in peace.

It seems things got reversed, and it was the first story that became second? Coming soon to a post near you, The meaning of Truth.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tested Truths: Wisdomquest Radio

Tested Truths: Wisdomquest Radio:   Why hello folks, welcome to tonight's episode of, Whatever happened to the United States of America? Aw c'mon, I'm just kiddin...

Wisdomquest Radio

  Why hello folks, welcome to tonight's episode of, Whatever happened to the United States of America? Aw c'mon, I'm just kidding you, don't take it personal! Wait, it was, it is? You're right, score one for you guys!
  But before we get into tonight's selection, this one comes with a story. I met the lead singer of Counting Crows. It is a true story that I tell you. I was standing near the stage door to the Letterman show, when a taxi door opened and we bumped right into each other! I had just left that little Deli that was next door, the one that Dave made quite famous! The guy was cool, a Philippino I believe?  Anyway, enough of that, Let's get on with playing some music, whata ya think? Tonight's offering? Round Here, by Counting Crows! Oh, and by the way, for those of you still struggling with this, remember that music is perception you see what you look to see!
  When the great day of the Lord comes, mighty men of God will fill their lungs with the wind! And these men will become mighty steeds right before your eyes! They buck and run freely, and no man will challenge them! And they snort fire from their nostrils, Great heaping gulfs of air, so much so that when they breath in, it seems as if all of the oxygen is depleted? But when they breath out, White hot words like an inferno burst forth, and These words burn, cutting all that is ugly from among them. These men, these mighty men, they walk among you know, some are your neighbors, while others are even family.
These days will come, for it already has been written.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Tested Truths: Divided

Tested Truths: Divided:   Oh America, how I have mourned for you. For you were birthed from the highest of ideals, you have risen quickly from a fledgling nation no...


  Oh America, how I have mourned for you. For you were birthed from the highest of ideals, you have risen quickly from a fledgling nation not long ago, into the greatest power that the world has ever known! There is a reason for your success, for you were founded on a footing of solid granite, because God was your foundation, your birthright, One nation under God, indivisible.
  But what has happened to you, why is it that you are so divided? Once before we were divided like this, and a Civil War was fought over it, and hundreds of thousands died! But this time it is worse, because the country was a fraction of the size then as it is when compared to today. But why? Still over race? Wasn't that dog put down for good when the country elected a black man? Of course there are still problems, but the only way to work them out is in a united front, we cannot do it divided. When problems this important come about, the nation turns it's eyes to the president for leadership. What the nation needs to hear are healing words, words that will assure us that we are still one nation! But what do we get instead? The President of the United States, the leader of the free world, and the Attorney General of the United States, the highest ranking law enforcement official in the land, cry racism?  No healing words were offered, no words that could close the wound forever? Mr. President, Mr. Attorney General, were these accusations made to heal or to further divide? Our leaders can no longer be trusted, so it is up to the people to make again the words of a great man come true, and that is that This nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed, and become again, One nation under God, Indivisible! Amen

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Tested Truths: Period

Tested Truths: Period:   I haven't wanted to do this one, and I haven't wanted to do it for a long time! I haven't wanted to do it for a lot of reasons...


  I haven't wanted to do this one, and I haven't wanted to do it for a long time! I haven't wanted to do it for a lot of reasons, but on one, more then the others?
But the time is right, because the Lord keeps bringing up the subject. And certainly He's right, because it is coming to a town near you, and it is coming very soon! In case you haven't noticed, marijuana is moving toward legalization, and eventually, it will be the law throughout the land. So the smart thing to do is to prepare for this before it happens. My only comment so far, was that it should be legal. Certainly, there are many medicinal purposes that are legitimate, and they are finding more all the time. But we are not talking about its medicinal benefits, we are talking about recreational use, and that is a whole other thing! Because marijuana, as with any drug has it's drawbacks. The most problematic of these, is the one that could be debilitating for some users? I am talking about paranoia, which could in extreme cases lead to psychosis in some people. No small worry, very rare, but still troublesome. As a way to understand this, lets compare Marijuana and alcohol. Both are stimulants that will bring about an altered state, but also, each changes the users perception. For the most part, alcohol will make someone less inhibited, that is why people will do silly things that they would not do if sober. But marijuana is the exact opposite of that, in that the user will become more self aware then he or she was prior to smoking it. Because of this heightened awareness, if the person is focused on a perceived problem about themselves or their surroundings, real or not, paranoia will be experienced. Keep in mind that paranoia is more then just seeing a police car in the rearview mirror, but it can be a source of fear in many things? It is the most dangerous when the person becomes so fixated on themselves, that they believe that others are out to get them, causing them to suspect others, and always looking over their shoulders so to speak? The old joke of course is, Just because your paranoid, doesn't mean that they aren't after you? But it is not a laughing matter, because left unchecked, it can debilitate a person so much with fear,  that it can lead to anxiety and panic attacks!
I realize that I have painted a pretty bleak picture, and you should know that serious paranoia, that raises itself to that level is extremely rare, but with legalization, should come the reality of this possible problem, and we should prepare in advance as the decision arises. Because of paranoia, and the fact that it is a mind altering substance, it should be made available only to adults. The adolescent mind has enough to deal with, and to enter a mind altering drug to the mix would not be wise. If it were up to me, I would set the minimum age at 23, not 21, and certainly not 18! Also, if we are to enter another legal drug along side of alcohol, I would suggest the five year automatic law be in place, if you make pot available to a minor, you go to jail, period!

Tested Truths: So it's come down to this,

Tested Truths: So it's come down to this,:   There I've said it again, it's like the tune that you can't quite get out of your head? Sitting with my morning coffee this mo...

Tested Truths: So it's come down to this,

Tested Truths: So it's come down to this,:   There I've said it again, it's like the tune that you can't quite get out of your head? Sitting with my morning coffee this mo...

So it's come down to this,

  There I've said it again, it's like the tune that you can't quite get out of your head? Sitting with my morning coffee this morning while outside, snippets of thought enter my head, thoughts that if it were you who thought them, would also have been sure that they were true? But then another one comes, and then another? It can be quite confusing, I can tell you that!
  It has been quite a weekend for me so far, Had a birthday party for my daughter and her husband, and the day lacked for no melodrama! I wasn't aware that today was Palm Sunday, until I heard it on the news an hour ago? But now that I do, I suppose that a word should be said about it?
The meaning of the day is, This is the day when Jesus enters Jerusalem sitting on a colt. And as he entered Jerusalem, the people threw palm leafs at his feet on the path ahead of him. This they did to honor him, so that even the foot of his donkey would not touch the dirt! It was an expression of great honor. Indeed, they cried out things like Lord, Messiah, son of David!
Meanwhile, back in the richness of the meeting place, the Sadducees and the Pharisees heard this, and they were very troubled by it. As a better way of understanding them, it was the same thing then as the Democrats and the Republicans are now, they were the people who ruled the common people. Inside this meeting hall, I think it's called the Senhedren? Anyway, inside as they met together, the conversation sounded something like this. How dare they, who do these people think they are, we are the leaders of these people, and we have not seen these things? Why they are simple bumpkins, said another, half of them can't even read! It is on this day that they first came to realize that something drastic must be done , On this day, it was the first where they spoke openly among themselves of killing him, as some plotted to kill him! Have a great Sunday!

Friday, April 11, 2014

The end of innocence,

  The real significance of the earlier story, the one about the two blonde headed kids, is that innocence is the key! Indeed, the bible speaks of it as Jesus said, Allow the little children to come unto me, because the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of one's like these. But innocence died a long time ago, it died at the tree. What was it that Satan tempted Eve with? Wasn't it that if you eat this you will be like God, and you will be able to discern good from evil? But if you think of it, that is the paradox? Because up until she took that first bite, there was no such thing as evil! And then, when Adam gets involved, what was their first married act? They ran to cover their nakedness? Shame, embarrassment, and a self awareness that had had no purpose before, was instantly changed forever!

  So, what then was the original sin, what is it's name? Pride is its name, and it is that which repeats itself over and over again. Because what is atheism really? Isn't it just pride that says, There is no God, and even if there were, I have no need of him, I'm doing quite well on my own thank you very much!

But they are all fools, really all quite stupid, though they think they are smart? Let's make this an open invitation, who will speak for them? An open debate, open for all to see, who will debate me on the subject? Well who's their brightest star? Steven Hawkings? Bring it on son, anytime, anywhere!

Tested Truths: The end of innocence,

Tested Truths: The end of innocence,:   The real significance of the earlier story, the one about the two blonde headed kids, is that innocence is the key! Indeed, the bible spea...

Tested Truths: Verification

Tested Truths: Verification:   I love how the Lord provides a way of verification, one that says that you are on the right track in life! I just had an encounter with a ...


  I love how the Lord provides a way of verification, one that says that you are on the right track in life! I just had an encounter with a couple of toeheads, Two bundles of joy, just bursting with the wonder of life! Life as it was meant to be, a life filled with the wonder of innocence!
  Now here's the thing, you can have this too! Because to belabor the subject even more, know that it is a wondefrful thing to know God! But believe me, You can have this too! You can all know what I know and more, and this is not a promise from me, This is The Promise of God!
But how do you this, a fair question. Now here it is, the answer, are you listening, and do I have your full attention? It is by faith! By faith you have been saved, past tense. A simple thing really, but isn't that what I've been telling you about simplifying your lives? Did you think that it wouldn't be the same when it came from the matters of God? It's his design you see, and it is how things work. These things are easily seen, but only if you have the eyes for it? But you cannot have any of this without knowing God the Father and his son Jesus Christ first! You must believe that God is exactly who he says he is, and it is a conscious decision, a matter of intellect. Because here's the thing, once you come to believe this, when the scales fall from your eyes, and you get to see life as it is meant to be seen, Well, hold onto your hats! Because you are about to meet the greatest intellect of all time, forever and and ever, life without end!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tested Truths: Personal Tambien

Tested Truths: Personal Tambien:   So it's come down to this? I start a lot of sentences like that, though I 'm not sure why? I also ask a lot of questions, but on t...

Personal Tambien

  So it's come down to this? I start a lot of sentences like that, though I 'm not sure why? I also ask a lot of questions, but on that I know exactly why! It is a revelation to me, every time I realize that I could write about anything, and it would turn out well. The Yankees beat Boston tonight, and Pinada was great! Anna and Valare, two kids up from the farm, each after paying their dues. Who knows, with them could be a new beginning?
  And then there is the state of the world, but the state of the world ain't good! But there are other things too, For instance, lately I have been thinking a lot about writing style. I intentionally left last months copy of Decision, and a copy of Thomas Pain's essay on the train. The essay starts off with the words, "These are the times that try men's hearts." Both great reads! And I can only hope that whoever picked them up, read them, and profited by having done so. Certainly New Jersey Magazine should print it in full, as it is chocked full of the names of New Jersey towns!
Well, Good night all, and happy hunting!

Rabbis Reconsider Jesus - Israel Today | Israel News

Rabbis Reconsider Jesus - Israel Today | Israel News

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tested Truths: The Ping

Tested Truths: The Ping:   Perhaps its buried deep beneath the waves? As a world you had better pray so! Explanation point definately called for! Because on the othe...

The Ping

  Perhaps its buried deep beneath the waves? As a world you had better pray so! Explanation point definately called for! Because on the other side of that possibility, lies a terror that you will not believe? Because on the other side of this, The muslim terrorists are now hiding their version of the "Manhatten Project"! Imagine them apples? Beyound that of course is how you handle this personally?
"The bastards in the Whitehouse? Don, C'mon!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Tested Truths: Good Times

Tested Truths: Good Times:   The reality of life is that it is the hard times that cause us to learn and grow as people. Whereas the fun and the good times, though nec...

Good Times

  The reality of life is that it is the hard times that cause us to learn and grow as people. Whereas the fun and the good times, though necessary, add little if anything to our knowledge about life. If you were to look back in your memory at the good times in your life, you will find them harder to remember as time passes, because the details about that time will become less and less available to you. But the opposite is true for the hard times, especially those times of extreme trouble and tribulations, and that the details of those times will remain all too clear! I think that perhaps this is because little if anything is learned from the good times? But in those times when we have experienced difficulties and trouble, these will remain painfully clear. The good times are just that, good times, times of fun and enjoyment, necessary only in that they provide us with a way of escape from the mundane, and the difficulties that is the reality of our lives, but add almost nothing to our knowledge and understanding of that life.
  So then, it is our trials and tribulations that cause us to grow as people. Where the good times, however desirable as they might be, add little if anything. It is widely accepted that a person who has had little in the way of problems in their lives is usually a dull person, dull not only in wisdom, but dull in personality.
Surely no one desires to have bad things happen in their lives and to have a hard life, but these will come anyway, no matter your station in life. So the next time you find yourself having trouble in life, keep in mind that you cannot run from it, at least not for long, but that you can certainly learn from it.
So try to keep those hard times at bay as best you can, but when they do occur, embrace them for what they are meant for, as a learning experience. That is what history is really all about. Not as just a compilation of stories from the past, but rather as lessons to be learned to avoid the bad things, and as a way as to how we can keep from repeating those mistakes that led to those things. History is meant to be learned from, not only in the larger sense, but also in the personal. Because if you learn from the mistakes in your life, you are less apt to repeat them, therefore having less of the bad times, and more of the good!  

Friday, April 4, 2014

Tested Truths: A Simple Kiss

Tested Truths: A Simple Kiss:   The best of professional athletes, no matter their sport, will talk about slowing the game down. There is a clarity that comes when the im...

A Simple Kiss

  The best of professional athletes, no matter their sport, will talk about slowing the game down. There is a clarity that comes when the immediacy of the game is slowed, and the game of life is no different. For instance, if you were to take football as an example, running backs who are able to see the entire field in front of them, can anticipate the blocks before they develop, and therefore make the best decisions which allows for the most yards on a particular play. These decisions don't always mean following the play as it was designed, but rather they can adjust their run as the play develops. These small decisions made during the game will almost always result in a higher grand total of gain, and taken as a whole, have a direct bearing on whether the game is won or lost. Life is no different, in that it is those small decisions and adjustments that we all make every day, that when taken in total will decide whether our day is a successful one or not. Put enough successful days together, remembering to take one day at a time, and before you realize it, you have a successful month. put enough successful months together and you have a successful year, and successful years give way to a successful life!
So in reality, it is those small decisions that we make on a daily basis that will lead to how successful we are in life. So then, assuming you buy into this theory, how then do we put this concept into action? How do you slow down the pace of life, a life that more often then not, comes at you so fast that you can be easily overwhelmed by it?
  The key of course is to simplify things, because it is by taking the complexities of life, and reducing them to their simplest form, that the rapid pace of life slows down. And when you are able to slow down that pace, you will find that there is a clarity to it. Obviously, the clearer things are to you, the better your decisions will be, and the clearer your life becomes, the better your life will be. I realize that I made it sound so simple that it is almost redundant, but keep in mind that this is a learned response. One that I don't always follow myself, because it is one that takes a lot of practice, and a solid commitment, a commitment that in the difficulties of life is easy to loose sight of.
So if the key to a successful life is to simplify it, how is it that we go about accomplishing that? The first and most obvious thing that we must do comes from that old AA standard, The Serenity Prayer. Admit to yourself what it is that you can control, and separate it from the things which you cannot. In other words, the things that you can change from those you cannot. Leaving the things that you cannot change alone, and listing the things that you can in the order of importance. You will find that the things of importance will take the most time. These important things should be prioritized and then compartmentalized into groups of actions that must be taken to achieve whatever that goal is. Of course there will be problems and obstacles, and you should expect these. But when these things arise, remember the word KISS, which means, keep it simple stupid!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tested Truths: Mission Acomplished!

Tested Truths: Mission Acomplished!:   It took 25 miles short of 3,000 to do, but finally, something that I had set my mind to do, I did! The purpose of the road trip was a simp...

Mission Acomplished!

  It took 25 miles short of 3,000 to do, but finally, something that I had set my mind to do, I did! The purpose of the road trip was a simple one really, even though it was something that I have always wanted to do. I drove down to Tampa Florida to catch the tail end of the Yankee's spring training. A long trip to catch one game, I caught last Tuesday's game against the Phillies. I sat in the best seats I have ever had, the kind that every baseball fan dreams about! I was no more then three or four rows from the field, and a section over from the Yankee's dugout! But that wasn't the best part? I arrived at Steinbrenner Field early enough to catch practice. Standing with some of the other fans, pressed up against the chain link fence, no more then ten feet from the players, I watched as a strange and wonderful transformation took place among the adults. We all became kids again as we stared out at our heroes! For myself, even though I am closing in on sixty five, and most of the men on the field were young enough to have been my sons, I felt like I was twelve years old again, as I stared out on the field in awe! As an added bonus, most baseball fans, and certainly all Yankee fans will remember the "flip play" made famous by our own Derrick Jeter, when they nailed Jason Giambi at the plate! Well, it appeared as if they were practicing that very play, how sweet is that?
  Americans love our sports, sports of all kinds, but for most, baseball remains America's pastime. But why is that? I think that like the season itself, baseball represents a leisurely pace, a way of relaxation from our labors. Unlike other sports, baseball has no time limits. It is played for a minimum of nine innings, however long that takes. The same pace that some claim as a problem, allows the fans to discuss things like pitch selection, and the strategies of the game. But even in those times when the game itself is not a good one, the fans can sit in the warm summer day, discussing whatever else comes to mind while the game plays out. Even if you are all about action and suspense, baseball can give that too at any moment. Interspersed in any game, there are always fantastic plays and plenty of suspense. It is simply a great game!
  Because I am a Yankee fan, it wouldn't be right for me to write about the game, and not mention one of the greatest players to ever play the game, our captain, Derrick Jeter! The last of the "core four" who were responsible for no less then five championships, Derrick like the other three before him, will retire this year, and he like the others represents all that baseball strives to be! Not just for his exploits on the field, but for his character and demeanor both on and off the field. He, like Mariano, Andy and Jorge, came up through the Yankee farm system, and like the others, lived up to the role model tag that fairly or not, is expected from our sports heroes!
  So I traveled three thousand miles to witness this. Crazy? Possibly? But here's the thing, I'm glad I did it, and I would do it again!