As promised, here it is. I said that I would write it, and though I haven't until now, I am writing it for you now, because I said that I would. Simple right? And yet it seems like a revelation!
Now truth is the opposite of untruth, can you tell that I haven't been to Webster yet? Floundering a little, thinking of what the straight definition might be? I had planned on starting with it, but apparently I've already started? Funny, I was just thinking to myself, that the truth will have to wait? Only because I got up to make myself another cup of coffee, and a peanut and jelly English muffin. It was then I said to myself in a whisper, The truth will have to wait. So I'm off now, off to do my muffin thing.
Interlude--- So I have returned to where it is that I was before, My appetite sated, Max pooped out, I had to consider what would be better, a single pot coffee maker or the multi-pot kind? But I'm back, and none the worse for the wear.
OK, back to the subject at hand. I can tell you that I have always loved the truth. No matter the subject, I had little patience for all the blather that surrounds the truth, I wanted to get to the gist of it, to get to the point, and then find the truth of that point. Now this is going back far before I knew the Lord, because I haven't known him for a longer period of time then I have up until now. Keep in mind, that back then I was an accomplished liar, I could twist words and phrases with the best of them. A typical con artist, nothing mattered other then what I stood to gain from it?
But later on in life, I came to know the Lord! It was brought about by a desperate situation, but that is what it took! There are two short verses in the Bible, both extremely powerful! One is, Jesus wept. He said this as he looked upon Jerusalem, before he entered the city. The other was uttered by Pontius Pilate when he asked Jesus, What is truth? This, the second one, is the one that drew me into the word of God! For those of you who own a Bible, I would suggest one thing, although reading through the entire Bible from start to finish isn't a bad thing, looking at God's word more specifically is easier, and better. You do this with a good study Bible, it will tie the old and new Testaments together for you. If you begin to do this, you will come to know truth. Because for most of it, thousands of years transpire between what was prophesied, and the actual fulfillment of that prophecy. In fact, if you are a believer, you know that we are currently in the beginning of the end times.
But let me get more to the point, because something else has come up, and I feel that something must be said! The proof is in the pudding? Meaning that there are many ingredients in pudding, call them absolutes. Milk is milk, flour is flour and so on. Together when mixed properly, you get delicous pudding, and that is the truth. Absolutes are truth, God absolutely exists, and God is the foundation of all truth! Think that you have never seen Him, do you want to know what He looks like? God is truth and life, when you see a beautiful sky that looks as if it were a beautiful painting, you are looking full at the face of God!
Flour in pudding? that can't be right..