There I've said it again, it's like the tune that you can't quite get out of your head? Sitting with my morning coffee this morning while outside, snippets of thought enter my head, thoughts that if it were you who thought them, would also have been sure that they were true? But then another one comes, and then another? It can be quite confusing, I can tell you that!
It has been quite a weekend for me so far, Had a birthday party for my daughter and her husband, and the day lacked for no melodrama! I wasn't aware that today was Palm Sunday, until I heard it on the news an hour ago? But now that I do, I suppose that a word should be said about it?
The meaning of the day is, This is the day when Jesus enters Jerusalem sitting on a colt. And as he entered Jerusalem, the people threw palm leafs at his feet on the path ahead of him. This they did to honor him, so that even the foot of his donkey would not touch the dirt! It was an expression of great honor. Indeed, they cried out things like Lord, Messiah, son of David!
Meanwhile, back in the richness of the meeting place, the Sadducees and the Pharisees heard this, and they were very troubled by it. As a better way of understanding them, it was the same thing then as the Democrats and the Republicans are now, they were the people who ruled the common people. Inside this meeting hall, I think it's called the Senhedren? Anyway, inside as they met together, the conversation sounded something like this. How dare they, who do these people think they are, we are the leaders of these people, and we have not seen these things? Why they are simple bumpkins, said another, half of them can't even read! It is on this day that they first came to realize that something drastic must be done , On this day, it was the first where they spoke openly among themselves of killing him, as some plotted to kill him! Have a great Sunday!
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