The end of innocence,
The real significance of the earlier story, the one about the two blonde headed kids, is that innocence is the key! Indeed, the bible speaks of it as Jesus said, Allow the little children to come unto me, because the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of one's like these. But innocence died a long time ago, it died at the tree. What was it that Satan tempted Eve with? Wasn't it that if you eat this you will be like God, and you will be able to discern good from evil? But if you think of it, that is the paradox? Because up until she took that first bite, there was no such thing as evil! And then, when Adam gets involved, what was their first married act? They ran to cover their nakedness? Shame, embarrassment, and a self awareness that had had no purpose before, was instantly changed forever!
So, what then was the original sin, what is it's name? Pride is its name, and it is that which repeats itself over and over again. Because what is atheism really? Isn't it just pride that says, There is no God, and even if there were, I have no need of him, I'm doing quite well on my own thank you very much!
But they are all fools, really all quite stupid, though they think they are smart? Let's make this an open invitation, who will speak for them? An open debate, open for all to see, who will debate me on the subject? Well who's their brightest star? Steven Hawkings? Bring it on son, anytime, anywhere!
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