Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tested Truths: It Can't

Tested Truths: It Can't:   Funny thing about liberals, and from what I understand, I used to be one? But it seems to me, that they can't seem to be able to mind ...

It Can't

  Funny thing about liberals, and from what I understand, I used to be one? But it seems to me, that they can't seem to be able to mind their own business? Why that is I suspect, is that what they crave most is conformity?
  I hate conformity, I always have! And this has caused me no lack of problems over the years, but that's another story? I suppose the champion for conformity would have to be Mayor Bloomberg? Didn't he try to control how babies are fed? I can't remember whether he is for or against mother's milk? But incessantly, liberals will forward the conformity doctrine, it is their creed!
  You see, in order for utopia to work, everyone must be of one mind? If we all thought alike, then perfection would be ours? It is a faulted belief system on so many levels, that it boggles the mind!
In order to be of one mind, you must first be stupified by something? But what is it that liberals are stupified by if not themselves? Their arrogance knows no bounds, and they believe that morals can be legislated? They can't!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Tested Truths: The Newly Irrelevant

Tested Truths: The Newly Irrelevant:     What is the essence of cool? I would think that it is going against the grain? A sort of James Dean persona, raging against the statu...

The Newly Irrelevant

  What is the essence of cool? I would think that it is going against the grain? A sort of James Dean persona, raging against the status quo, or in today's parlance, raging against the machine!
  But what if the machine itself is what changes? What if what was once the epitome of tolerance becomes the intolerant? The point here, may not be a point at all, but rather just an observation? But what has become apparent, is that what once was considered cutting edge, is now about as sharp as a month old cup of yogurt. What was once cool, like standing in defiance of the government, and those powerful influences that placed them in power, still is, it's just that the players have changed! You might say, and if you won't, then I will, that there has been a changing of the guard? That being, that what was once cool, has become normal and accepted, and therefore, what was cool, no longer is!
  Just what the hell am I talking about? The left came into acceptance, during the time of the Viet Nam war, when American's were supposed to die willingly to stop what was sold as the dreaded domino theory? The pitch being, that if the farming economy of Viet Nam was to become a communist state, could we be far behind? As of this writing, they are communist, and I believe that they are for the most part, still peasant farmers? Beyond that governmental miscalculation, was the corporate benefactors of war, who made outrageous profits on things like Agent Orange!
  The difference today, is that we face a viable threat to our freedom, from extremists who are hell bent on destroying our way of life, and replacing our freedom with something called Sharia law? And the fear from distant communists our now thriving right here in this country!
If you take the time to think about it objectively, everything has reversed itself, and all within a few decades! Things have become full circle, and what was once cool, and stood in defiance of the status quo, has become that status quo, and what was once relevant has become the irrelevant? In another way, the two sides have changed places, and the old left has become the new right? In accordance with this turnabout, it is the left who now falls back on the stale and staid points of view, and it is the right, who forwards a fresh point of view, and is in danger of becoming the new elitist intellectuals, which makes me wonder, if in a few decades, will they become the newly irrelevant?

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tested Truths: Out of Words

Tested Truths: Out of Words:   Let's talk about the triune nature of God! Jesus seems to be the one who causes the most confusion, so let's start with God the Fa...

Out of Words

  Let's talk about the triune nature of God! Jesus seems to be the one who causes the most confusion, so let's start with God the Father!
  He, unlike Jesus is wholley Spirit! OK, got that? This is indisputable!
  Let's take the Holy Spirit next then shall we? He is seen in little vistages, little bits of God left all over, like hints. Somehow, be it a word from a book, or a voice on TV, a thought is planted! The Holy Spirit is here to teach us, and he does that through life! It is to his voice that we should be listening! But what do we do?
  Enter Religion? Religion is man's attempt to make sense out of God? And man has a plan, it's a way, structured steps, a plan that has everything but what is needed, a relationship! We have made the way difficult to know, to improve our perception of ourselves? No way can it be as simple as a relationship you say, oh no! You see, the real problem is, that each of us wants to be God, and it has been that way, and it is from where all religions came, and at who's base they were first formed, at the tower of Babel!
  I am trying to make this simple, so try and understand just these things? God is Spirit, and so is part of you! So, all you need do, is introduce your spirit to his!
  Time people, the time! Don't make me run out of words!

Tested Truths: Thinking

Tested Truths: Thinking:   Choosing the correct course to take, can be a difficult exercise sometimes? I find that when a subject which you thought you had long sinc...


  Choosing the correct course to take, can be a difficult exercise sometimes? I find that when a subject which you thought you had long since put to bed comes up again, that this is an annoyance, as now you have to deal with it again? Damn! Everytime it happens, I think to myself, what a watste of time, all this will do is bring out all those old arguments again. You go back on those old arguments like the transcripts from an old trial?
  But occasionally, from these old arguments will arise a new point of view, rising up from the ash heap of past discussions, and saying, Look at me, I have merit, I am a viable point of view! What then? Do you give this new arrival due process? That can only be decided after you agree that the subject has weight, or whether it is a lessor affair with little weight?
  But America, you have lost your ability to think, your knowledge is from a sixty second sound bite! This is a situation that you have brought upon yourself, because you have become lazy, and you spend most all of your time wrapped up in you? You have become trapped by the limitations that you have placed, and there is no one else to blame for this other then yourself!
  So where are you America, or better yet, who are you? You have become dull of mind, you have become lazy, seeking only liesure! You have more freedom, and more access to information then any else, but you have squandered it like a drunken sailor? But I will tell you this, for those still capable of original thought, you had better start thinking, and you had better do it fast!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tested Truths: Moondance

Tested Truths: Moondance:   I could have gone one of two ways tonight, one you will like, and the other you won't? But I have been lobbying for the former, and si...


  I could have gone one of two ways tonight, one you will like, and the other you won't? But I have been lobbying for the former, and since I have the pen, I'll tell you the good one. Any of you who live or work in my little quadrant of the world, and did not take full advantage of tonight's full moon, the word fool just doesn't seem to be strong enough?
  What a sky, and what weather to go with it! You know it's funny? But it seems that often, when I was out doing my worst on a given night, that at some point, I would look up, and a full moon was in the sky? I don't know why that is, but tonight's moon made old feelings start to stir. The strange thing about us night people, though we prefer the shadows, we are drawn to the light? Some of you will understand, when I say, that a full moon can be both a blessing and a curse? There are times at night when you would rather not be seen, and we stay more in the shadows, and then, the night sky is like a shadowed day! But then there are the other times, when we look up, usually when you grew tired of the pace, and looked full bright into that moon! Unlike the sun, you can look full on at the moon, and it rarely disappoints? Especially on a night like this one! A clear, deep blue sky, with the moon shining the clouds to their whitest, and that moon framed by those clouds through breaks which embroider the holes in the sky as the moon passes by!  

Monday, March 25, 2013

Tested Truths: Someone Like You

Tested Truths: Someone Like You:   Stranger things have happened I guess, but suddenly, Twitter wants me again? Facebook? I guess their still pissed off about something? For...

Someone Like You

  Stranger things have happened I guess, but suddenly, Twitter wants me again? Facebook? I guess their still pissed off about something? For awhile there, I thought that Google had shut me off from Youtube, and that would be a minor tradgedy?
  But as luck would have it, I don't care about none of those things! If it should come to where they shut me down completely, you will be able to find me on a street corner, for the tale must be told, and I'm just the guy to tell it!
  Happy times have gone hog wild! Great rivers of Hooray! In the twinkling of an eye, and for a reason not your own, Raise up your hands and praise Him!
  I could always sell you wolf tickets, but would I do that to you? Calmer times await you, a time for great reflection!
  On the lake tonight, the houses on the other side twinkled like harbor lights! The chop of the water ran deep and black, and the shallows a dark blue! The moon above shone through the dirty haze above, and sent shards of light sparkling in the distance!
  Oh I wish that you had been with me to see it? But then again, you just were! Show me the knowledge of books piled high, show me knowledge of myself. Make me understand, and remove any resistance that I might have. Selah!

Tested Truths: A Hill of Beans

Tested Truths: A Hill of Beans:   So now that you know that you are unique, you will understand, that by that uniqueness, you are one of a kind! Let me ask you a question? ...

A Hill of Beans

  So now that you know that you are unique, you will understand, that by that uniqueness, you are one of a kind! Let me ask you a question? What is reality? That is, how do you perceive it? Though others agree thoroughly on certain points, none will agree with all. No one thinks like you do, and so your deeply held opinions are strictly your own! So again I say, What is reality?
  Your reality is different from mine, as you see it as you, and I see it as me? Because in this case, the Twain definitely will not meet! Now we talked about life before you, and life after you leave this world, and by this, you can see how limited your reality actually is. That is, if you equate your reality against time! Your life, and the amount of years you spend on earth, don't add up to a hill of beans! That is of course, if this life was all there is? But know this, you have a soul, and it is eternal, and what you will be are one of two things, eternally dead, or, eternally alive!

Tested Truths: Waxing Poetical

Tested Truths: Waxing Poetical:   Passerby come and go, they pass you as vagabond vespers, like too many sheets in the wind! Lost among us, is us ourselves, all isolated, e...

Waxing Poetical

  Passerby come and go, they pass you as vagabond vespers, like too many sheets in the wind! Lost among us, is us ourselves, all isolated, each to his own, all interested in only themselves, and each one utterly alone! Still others will cross your path who come rude and angry? The majority travel behind you, with only a few with evil thoughts? But all are lost within themselves!
  We are unique individuals, that is our charm? To each his own, and to the other just enough? Alone in the crowd, while encountering few?
  Not having a clue is the essence of innocence. Being at a disadvantage, not knowing which end is up? Uncompromised by any knowledge of the subject, without blemish, without spot!
  Attacking thoughts of lessor importance will yammer at you, and make it hard to concentrate on the matter at hand.
  We, each of us, is alone! Family is our closest lifeline, but sometimes even family will let you down? But there is one I know who never fails, one who promises to be with you every step of the way!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Tested Truths: Too little, Too late

Tested Truths: Too little, Too late:   I had such high hopes for this country? But not much has changed, and I fear that any change now, might be too little too late? But hope i...

Too little, Too late

  I had such high hopes for this country? But not much has changed, and I fear that any change now, might be too little too late? But hope is eternal, and so who knows, I know that I don't? I see the patterns in this nation, and I take note, while most of you experience these same patterns, but on you, it has no effect?
  Meanwhile, great gully washes of reason flow by at your feet, but you seem content to look up upon a false heaven? Besides your silly political squabbles, there is something of a far greater meaning hidden in them? There is a fight for the soul of this nation, and so far, the bad guys have been winning, while the good guys have sat by in silence.
  But there has been a great rumbling across the land, and though good people fail to recognize it, evil people have felt it, and they fear it! For God himself is watching, and he stands ready in perfect judgement! Now you can choose to try and ignore this, but it will come around again and again, and punch you right in the gut! It is truth at your door, and truth can never be denied for long!
  Run and hide all you blasphemers, for your time is near up! You are like a recompensed refuge, and you are yesterdays news! Who among you will stand and pump your fist at him, which of you thinks that he knows better?
  Rise up America, and worship the God by whose name you came to be! It is freedom and liberty which cries outside your gates, but you seem content to only drag your tin cup against the bars that hold you?

Tested Truths: Maturity

Tested Truths: Maturity:   I think that maturity is nothing more then having more memories to call upon when you are facing problems? At first, I thought to write th...


  I think that maturity is nothing more then having more memories to call upon when you are facing problems? At first, I thought to write this one on the subject of maturity, but then I thought that maybe it would be better if I told you how I came to even think of it? The short answer, is that maturity comes only with experience. The older one gets, the more memories you have to fall back on that are similar to other problems that you have faced before, and that we use these past experiences to understand different situations in life. Younger people have less experience, and because of this, they have not yet become fully mature. But enough about that.
  I spent the day surrounded by little kids at a two year old's birthday party, which made me realize that I may have crossed over to the grumpy old man point of view? Because, I can listen to a screaming guitar with headphones, and yet the high pitched squeal of little kids hurts my ears?
  Gonna wrap this one up, as something a little more interesting has come along? Oh, and later in that same day, I watched A Fistful of Dollars with my grandson, and the kid was totally mesmerized! But in todays world, what with pop tart guns being such a problem, it crossed my mind, that maybe I had led the kid astray, because he had experienced all of that gun play, and that maybe a suspension might be in his future too? He is a smart little lad though, and we enjoyed the movie together! Certainly, this had to be much more important, then worrying over the opinion of some overly politically correct lout!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Boeing plans to layoff machinists | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times

Boeing plans to layoff machinists | Business & Technology | The Seattle Times

Tested Truths: Look Up

Tested Truths: Look Up:   Technicolor dreams run clear on celluloid, along with past performances, and pieces of eight? Movies make memories, some good, and some ba...

Look Up

  Technicolor dreams run clear on celluloid, along with past performances, and pieces of eight? Movies make memories, some good, and some bad, but isn't that just like life? Sometimes the tide is in, and other times it is not. It is the pulse you see, and some is good, and some bad? Breath it in, and then breath it out, over and over, and then another day over again. There is a talent to life, and it can be found in the ebb and flow. You can focus on this pulse with your thoughts, and when you do, life will come around again, to that moment when you first left it behind. Life is like a beautiful woman, and she may cry and act coy, but she is always right on time! Stand on sanctimony if you must, but give way while you can!
  Thought is powerful beyond your comprehension, and when it comes, it brings with it great wisdom! But the Wisdom of the Ages stands stupidly in the hall, while you fritter and waste, refusing to open the door? Who is it that you think you are? From where have you come that you think you pass judgement on me, says He. Why have you come here, what is it that you want?
  Do you think that you know something, do you think that you can know anything without him? Fools! The wisdom of God escapes you while you go about your everyday lives, and though you wonder why, you never take the time to look up?
  There is real power in thought, because only with it can you break through all the lies and innuendo, and it will send you directly to the truth of the matter, and there is nothing more powerful then Truth!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Tested Truths: A word on Homosexuality,

Tested Truths: A word on Homosexuality,:   But first, a disclaimer? I have nothing against gays! In fact, some of the smartest people I've known were gay, and I like smart peopl...

A word on Homosexuality,

  But first, a disclaimer? I have nothing against gays! In fact, some of the smartest people I've known were gay, and I like smart people!
  But here's the thing, What if you looked at it from God's perspective? It is a sin, plain and simple, and it should no more be legalized then should any other sin! As far as the word marriage, this is an argument made strictly from a semantic point of view. What is needed, is a way for gay couple's to have the same rights as others when it comes to pulling the plug on someone, or for the settlement of the estate after that person has passed on. But most states already acknowledge that, so what do they really want? Marriage is a sacrament from God, and so in reality, it doesn't matter whether it is called marriage or a civil union? What is wanted, is an acceptance as normal, and it isn't, and we all know that. Let's look at it from another way? What if some fringe group wanted to legalize murder, as long as the murderer had a good excuse? Would you vote for that? Of course you wouldn't! But God sees no difference between the two, to him, it's sin, and sin is sin!
  So why am I telling you this, and am I trying to stir up trouble? Well, yes and no, but I do look to make the point clear! The gay community looks for a kind of special dispensation, because they believe that their sin is different, and that they are therefor special? It isn't and they ain't! So what's with all these cute TV ads that are starting? What is it that they want from us? It isn't about marriage at all, because again, that is a sacrament from God! It is about acceptance of their sin, and because they have justified their behavior, they want you too also! The I'm OK you're OK silliness.
  Everytime this country looks to legislate morality, things only get worse! And each time we look to legalize another's sin, and the country seems hellbent on going against the precepts of God, our chances for survival become slimmer!
  We already pay for the slaughter of the unborn! And why? Not for the rare occurence when the mother's life is at stake, and not even as a way for a family to cope with the repercussions of a heinous crime? The majority of abortions are down for the convenience of some woman, who is either too lazy, or too dumb to use contraceptives!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Tested Truths: Other Things

Tested Truths: Other Things:   What a revolten development this has turned out to be? I am persona non grata to facebook again, and twitter? Banned for technical problem...

Other Things

  What a revolten development this has turned out to be? I am persona non grata to facebook again, and twitter? Banned for technical problems? Screw em! I write. Where it goes, or how it gets there, is out of my hands? So I don't worry about it anymore! In truth, I don't worry about much, I just take each day as it comes. I just do what I do, as I feel the need to do it? I write, paint, listen to music, and comment at times, on the news of the day.
  This is not to say that I don't have concerns, I do! Money more then anything, and God knows I hate worrying about money! More specifically, I worry over the lack of it, because this triggers an amazement in me? Because I have always thought, that someone would have picked me up by now, and that I would have been published by now? But that was not to be? But for me, hope springs eternal!
  So now, like it or not, and I don't! I have to return to work. I'm returning to what I did for forty some years, Construction management. This is something I know well, so it's not the work I mind, for the work itself will be easy! I'll do what I have to earn a living, and I really don't mind the work? I guess that I just resent it, because I'd much rather be doing other things!

The Audacity of Imitation

The Audacity of Imitation

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tested Truths: Who He Says He Is

Tested Truths: Who He Says He Is:   If Jesus is who he says he is, being the son of the living God, why did he have to die? Let me explain it to you this way? Imagine that yo...

Who He Says He Is

  If Jesus is who he says he is, being the son of the living God, why did he have to die? Let me explain it to you this way? Imagine that you are sitting at a table? It is a plane wooden table, and on it, sit two beakons of water? One is the purest, clearest water that you can imagine! And the other is like it, only to this one, ink was added, and stirred until the consistencies of both looked the same?
  Now, in our little scenario, you are told that you must drink one of them completely, if not, you would be executed! You wouldn't have to think about it twice, and you would grab that clear beakon, and drink down every last drop!
  God is like that beacon of the purest water that there is, because God is pure! OK you say, what does that have to do with Jesus dieing? Just this, after the fall of man, God could not stand to look upon man, and the sins that he loved so much? What was needed was an advocate, one pure enough to atone for the sins of all, a bridge to God the Father? Jesus is that bridge!
  Only one who was pure could be sacrificed to a pure God, and so, the son of man, was born also the son of God! This was his purpose here on earth, it is the reason he was born! But wait you say, Jesus was a man, and all the history books agree on that. Are you saying that he had no sin? No, because he took on the sins of the world, all of them! And for one agonizing moment, God could not look upon him, and when he turned his face away, Jesus cried out, Father, why have you forsaken me? At that moment he was every form of vileness that you could imagine, and God his Father could not look upon him!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tested Truths: Like Him

Tested Truths: Like Him:   When you first come to the Lord, you may feel somewhat isolated? But don't be alarmed by this, as I can assure you, this is perfectly ...

Like Him

  When you first come to the Lord, you may feel somewhat isolated? But don't be alarmed by this, as I can assure you, this is perfectly normal! The reason that you will feel this way, is because you will have been set apart, for a Royal Priesthood! Why set apart, why the isolation? Well, if you think about it, Jesus had to spend forty days in the wilderness, and he was totally alone.
  But in our modern day world, it is near impossible to spend forty days alone anywhere? But still, you will encounter being isolated to some extent? But this is not a hard thing, as the more time you spend reflecting alone, the more that he will come along side you, and teach you wondrous things!
  Again, not to worry, because during this whole process, you will still be able to interact amicably with others, even though your perspective on almost everything will have changed! And for you, things will never seem as they once did? Because, by accepting him as the only way to God the Father, each and every day from that point on, you will become a little less like you, and more and more like Him!

Tested Truths: A Civics Lesson

Tested Truths: A Civics Lesson:   Timid Tim lived his life in a self imposed obscurity? He had taken political correctness to such an extreme, that it paralysed him! Early ...

A Civics Lesson

  Timid Tim lived his life in a self imposed obscurity? He had taken political correctness to such an extreme, that it paralysed him! Early on, he had immediately bought into the silliness, and censored his own speech? Not only that, but it's false morality had him so shamed, that he rarely spoke at all?
  Oh it had started out innocent enough, with at first, just a few words, and then a few phrases, and from phrases, it became thought! But for him, this condition had been brought about by more then the political speak, this was more then just the propaganda produced by the government? Because this way played right into his personality? Tim you see, was a wimp, and for as long as he could remember, he had always been afraid? So for Tim, the Polita-Talk fit him just fine! Because of it, no one thought him strange anymore, because Tim could see, that day by day, they became more and more like him! Now who's wimpy, he thought.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tested Truths: Sacrificed to Idols

Tested Truths: Sacrificed to Idols:   Daniel, which means, God is my judge, was quite a guy? He and three of his friends were taken captive by the Babylonians, at the behest of...

Sacrificed to Idols

  Daniel, which means, God is my judge, was quite a guy? He and three of his friends were taken captive by the Babylonians, at the behest of their king. He wanted only the best, so they took those who were pure and unblemished, virgins as it were, and they were the wisest of the young men!
  The land to which they were taken, had many men of wisdom already in it, but Daniel rose quickly, and became the wisest of them all! He, Daniel, became the highest of the officials, and this happened during the time of the Medo-Persia empire.
  The book of Daniel is quoted many times in the new Testament, and Jesus himself quotes it, in Matthew and Mark! Daniel lived and prophecied during a time that the bible calls, The Times of the Gentiles, and this is the time that we are currently in!
  Now Daniel and the boys were Hebrews, and they worshipped the Living God, but the Babylonians worshiped idols. And this difference would soon come into play? Because the four would not eat the food of the Babylonians, because it had been sacrificed to idols. But this enraged the King, who said, I offer them the finest delicacies in all the world, the same food that I myself eat, and this is not good enough for them? Now, you may consider this interesting, but nothing more then that? But keep in mind, that the book of Daniel, correlates directly to the book of Revelation!

Tested Truths: The Book of Daniel

Tested Truths: The Book of Daniel:   The book of Daniel, like Revelation, is called an apocalypse, and in both Isaiah and Zecharias, there is also apocalyptic scenes and writi...

The Book of Daniel

  The book of Daniel, like Revelation, is called an apocalypse, and in both Isaiah and Zecharias, there is also apocalyptic scenes and writings. And though they spoke of things that would occur within the lifetime of the Prophet, most spoke of the end times, and we are living in the end times! All prophecy has a time table? An appointed time by which the things foretold must occur! Daniel's apocalyptic writings were of both types, that being in his own time, and that which is occurring in our time. In his time, he told a powerful king that he would grovel like an animal before he died, and so he did! The Bible is unique in that, even the things which seem to make sense only for an ancient time before, have a way of coming back around, and happening again?
  Apocalypse means unveiling. It is when wickedness is everywhere, and evil powers dominant! At times like these, God calls for an apocalypse as a way to cleanse the land. What it does, is expose the real situation, and makes clear the differences between good and evil! And, it provides a way for victory and righteousness to come again upon the earth! Apocalyptic writing uses symbols and figures, and God uses this literary form to convey His truth to the people!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tested Truths: Sodom Actually

Tested Truths: Sodom Actually:   There is a problem with our judicial system, and it is a symptom, which defines us as a nation! Lately, everyone is caught up in one murde...

Sodom Actually

  There is a problem with our judicial system, and it is a symptom, which defines us as a nation! Lately, everyone is caught up in one murder trial or another? They are like a real life soap opera, and they play out before our eyes! The best of them are chocked full with sex, deceit, and all kinds of intrigue! They have become the cheap gothic novels of our time. We enjoy watching these things, for two main reasons? One, it assures us that we are not that bad, and the other is to get a detailed accounting of someone elses life. We all have a streak of voyeurism in us, and like seeing someone puke, you are revolted, and yet you can not turn away?
  But then, there is the actual trial itself. Two things must be accomplished? First, great care is taken as to the difficult process of protecting the accused rights. So much so, that if there is a mistake at this early process, there is a real possibility, that the guilty could go free? In the second part of the trial, an obviously guilty person's attourney will look to set up an insanity plea! For this, all types of social experts and pyschiatrists, will all have to be called to testify, and each one given his proper respect, so that he can give his pointless point of view?
  Strangely, this process also helps to reassure us, because by making the whole process appear to be so difficult, we can skirt the real issue? The plain fact is, That evil exists! But by admitting that, we feel all the more helpless. In short, the simple truth is, that in this world, there is good and evil, but we look to complicate this, and in so doing, assure ourselves that we are in control?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tested Truths: The Canyon of Thought

Tested Truths: The Canyon of Thought:   Canyons of deep thought will lie before you! The walls of the ediface have bee worn clean by thought, both questions and their answers, al...

The Canyon of Thought

  Canyons of deep thought will lie before you! The walls of the ediface have bee worn clean by thought, both questions and their answers, all of this and more have taken their toll! All of what you see in the canyon below has been done my tought! That's why it is called, The Canyon of Thought!
  While deep conversations lay heavy on the land, endless questions flutter in the sky above! This is a place of gradiuer, this is a place of wonder! It is to this land that he calls you, for it is in this land, that he will give you all wisdom! Across the horizon, on every side, Mountains of great thought rise powerful and eternal!
  Over to the east, the sun rises over the ancient mountain range, and you are in perfect peace! The sky is colored electric blue, and the clouds are great and puffy rolling over your head!
  This is the life eternal that God calls you to, and it is in this land that you will meet him! You will know the moment that he is among you, though you will not see him? Because he is not here where you are at that moment, but he is in his Temple! He sits in his Temple, and he knows everything that goes on! He stands with arms open, looking for your embrace!

Tested Truths: Syncopated Rythems

Tested Truths: Syncopated Rythems:   There is a timing to life, and its ebb and flow carry us all along. It is the stream of now that we swim in, some floating slowly along th...

Syncopated Rythems

  There is a timing to life, and its ebb and flow carry us all along. It is the stream of now that we swim in, some floating slowly along the shoreline, just enjoying the scenery! And then there are others who get caught spinning in the swift eddies, moving along until they do not know up from down?
  But all of us, everything that lives, are flowing along together, all to merge with the rushing river just around the bend! Once you are in the river, life will then seem to fly by? Things will go by so swiftly, here for just a moment, and then gone? They appear and then gone, because time has no meaning here!
  This is the river of life, and it rushes to eternity! It is a physical thing at times, but the reasons for it, and why you are here, doesn't really matter in the long run, does it?
  Each of us, every last one of us carries with them two lives! One of these is eternal, while the other is not! Which of these two lives is the more important to feed? The temporary life that is but a puff of smoke, or the other life, the life eternal?

Tested Truths: Me to You

Tested Truths: Me to You:   So you think you got this Christianity thing figured out, you think you have the matter well in hand? I have a good handle on it you say. ...

Me to You

  So you think you got this Christianity thing figured out, you think you have the matter well in hand? I have a good handle on it you say. You know of the old and the new texts, and you think that's all there is? Do you think that the book ceased to be written as the one you have in your hand? Of course it does! But the book lives, you know this, did you think that no more should be written?
  You know that it lives, and yet, you call it dead at your doorstop? New pages are added every day, and maybe one day, a thousand years from now, you might pick up the book and read about these times? Incredible to conceive, but you will be reading about yourself! The bible lives before us, and it will live with us for the rest of eternity! Did you think that this time would not be recorded?
  We are all caught up in this thing, we are all just characters in the Good Book! Our lives are being recorded, so that they can be read about, a millennium from now! The Lord God will move as he pleases, and his eyes are everywhere! We are all caught up in this thing, me to you, and you to me!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tested Truths: Ready

Tested Truths: Ready:   Good Morning! What's on tap for today? How about life? More precisely, what it is, and how it works, Ready? There are two trends of th...


  Good Morning! What's on tap for today? How about life? More precisely, what it is, and how it works, Ready? There are two trends of thought in life, and from these two, comes all other thought! One sees only this life, while the other looks to eternity.
  Have you ever considered life without you? Have you ever thought to yourself, What if I had never been born? Now we know that there was life before you, and that there will be life after you are gone, but what if you had never been born to this life, would you have existed at all?
  These are the types of things you will encounter, these are the types of thoughts you will think when you dare to think eternally! God tells you that you are eternal!
  So then, if God's words mean more to you then man's, it is past time for you to begin thinking eternally! And for those of you who can not understand and believe this, Go back to sleep, for your goose has already been cooked!

writersvibe: How do I Write?

writersvibe: How do I Write?: Every writer has a unique way of applying their skill.   Some writers like to outline a story before diving into the actual writing.  Other...

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tested Truths: Allegory

Tested Truths: Allegory:     Sorry, but this isn't the one from before, but it is the one which came after it? Sorry, couldn't resist?   Allegorical realiti...


    Sorry, but this isn't the one from before, but it is the one which came after it? Sorry, couldn't resist?
  Allegorical realities, they are a perception you see, because they depend on your point of view? This is the power of thought, and your thoughts come from the places that you know best. And this forms your point of view, no matter what the subject is! In short, your thoughts come from whatever it is that you love the most!
  The world is being taken over by slow walruses, and they are a hardy group! The cows all give milk, and their milk is the finest in the land! Their pups grow up strong and confident! Out a way on the beach, the young lads fought mock battles over the affections of the lasses that they did not understand? And the lasses watched them, as they would when they would choose a mate. But in their youth, they did not know this?
  Meanwhile, out near the water's edge, the bulls fought in earnest, each one hoping to have his choice of the cows watching close by. The cows looked on intently, for they look for the best of them to father the family which she looked forward to having!
  Beyond the crashing surf, which rolled up continually, exploding on the rocks in foaming colors, lay the ocean. The same ocean from which they came, the same one to which they depended on for life, the ocean which made them feel welcome and normal, unlike the beaches which were so unnatural. It was an awkward place, because it was not their home. The sea, the sea, they, all of them, male and female, young and all, all of them, longed always for the sea!

Tested Truths: Benevolent Benefactor

Tested Truths: Benevolent Benefactor:   The benevolent benefactor benefited from the banquet. He had come as he had before, unnoticed, just another face in the crowd? He came to ...

Benevolent Benefactor

  The benevolent benefactor benefited from the banquet. He had come as he had before, unnoticed, just another face in the crowd? He came to watch as they celebrated the gift that he had given to them all, he wanted to see the look of joy on their faces! He wanted no part of notoriety, he just wanted to be part of the fun!
  The banquet was held in his honor, but only a handful knew who he was. In fact, he had made it plain, that even after 8 years, if his identity were ever to be made public, that he would pull the plug, and never do it again! His staff of course knew this, and their contracts were so tight, that any betrayal would have swift and devastating consequences!
  But this year, he had another reason to be here? He wanted to see the faces of those in the press who looked to slander and discredit him! These faces he wanted to see, up close and personal! So he made his rounds around the room, and listened in on the reporters and what questions they asked? And for some, his staff had a little surprise? They would be sorry that they had insisted in putting this once a year event in such a bad light? It had always been the same every year the event got close, they would start with their slanderous remarks, and attack what they did not understand? But this year was the worst, and when he thought that it had taken so heavily on his joy, that he had to choke back his anger!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tested Truths: You Say

Tested Truths: You Say:   Did you know that the biggest obstacle for Christianity is other Christians? Incredibly, though they have read the old Testament, and they...

You Say

  Did you know that the biggest obstacle for Christianity is other Christians? Incredibly, though they have read the old Testament, and they know that the problem for the Jews was that they loved the law more then they loved the Spirit! They loved the religiosity of it, they loved the fanfare, and they loved the procedures. But they replaced God with their religiosity? And then 2,000 years later, many Christians have followed suit, and they worship a new law? They set up restrictions, and rules so rigid, that who would want to join that? They quench the spirit with their rigidity, and they have become a stumbling block for many!
  The Bible is a living breathing document, on that we can all agree, but what is it that gives the Bible life if not the spirit? If Jesus walked the earth today, where do you think you'd find him? When he was here the first time, he hung out with some pretty unsavory characters! Now where would you find such as these today? In a bar for one! But Jesus in a bar? Oh no you say!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Tested Truths: The Big Chill

Tested Truths: The Big Chill:   I just realized that this one is taken straight out of the heart of my generation! The actors were my age then, and they are my age now? H...

The Big Chill

  I just realized that this one is taken straight out of the heart of my generation! The actors were my age then, and they are my age now? Huh, baby boomers? Can't live with us, can't live without us! Hmph, now that's a sobering thought! So what about us, what about my generation?
  Afterall, wasn't it us who first welcomed in the left? Although it was us who made that trend of thought popular, to say it is our fault for where we are now, is somewhat true, but really not fair! Back then, we were the first to dance with Socialism, and why not? We were young and free, and so to us, it made perfect sense? The evils of Communism we knew about, but we saw that as far away, and we thought, It could never happen here?
  We took up great issues of importance, as it was us who saw the end of Jim Crow, and it was us who stopped an unjust war! But along with the good, we also brought along the dream? Socialism looks great on the surface, but in the real world, it doesn't work! In reality, it is a false heaven, man's best imitation. It is false because, Socialism in it's purest form, is God's method of government! But here's the thing, only he can be the orchestrator in order to achieve this Utopia, because all of men's best attempts, are destined to be miserable failures!

Tested Truths: But even to call it an allegory, that is true only...

Tested Truths: But even to call it an allegory, that is true only...:   There has been a lot of talk about the bible being allegorical? Though some stories are parables, and so could be thought to be allegorica...

But even to call it an allegory, that is true only to a point?

  There has been a lot of talk about the bible being allegorical? Though some stories are parables, and so could be thought to be allegorical, the term is being used in the wrong context!
  Pardon the interruption, but I was rudely put aside? The title as I typed it had been simply allegory? But the wizards had their way, and so now, it is entitiled what ever it is? To make a long story short, while writing the above, I kept getting error alerts? All kinds of whistle's and bells went off, telling me, I think, that I was being hacked even as I typed? Of course I have no way of knowing this? Have you ever tried getting Google to respond to anything? So now, here I am, shooting from the hip again? Not knowing where it is that I left off? More so then about a quarter the way down my hand written transcript, more then that I do not know? It certainly was rude of them, as they have made me loose my train of thought? I keep looking at the text, and it seems to pick up from where it is I left off, might be to daunting a task?
  Perhaps I'll try again with this one, but we'll see?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Tested Truths: Come one come all!

Tested Truths: Come one come all!:   Come Romans, and countryman, come one, come all! This nation will get exactly what it deserves, no more, no less! We make enough corn to f...

Come one come all!

  Come Romans, and countryman, come one, come all! This nation will get exactly what it deserves, no more, no less! We make enough corn to feed the hungry world three times over, and what do we do with it instead? We make gasoline with it to placate a few whackos? Why? What manner of morality is this? So let them come I say, let them plant there dirty bombs, and let them plant them in every city! But it is not for me to say, and you should thank God for that! Because if it were up to me, I'd turn this sinful country to toast!
  But there is another, and he is the one, he comes to judge the whole world, and he comes in power, and he comes in majesty! It is he who decides when this will happen! But I will tell you as I have told you before, if you don't know God, you had better get busy finding him, because the time? The time is running short!

Tested Truths: Innocence

Tested Truths: Innocence:   There is a connecting room, just through those doors, that is a great open hall! It is constructed in a brilliant stone architecture! Its ...


  There is a connecting room, just through those doors, that is a great open hall! It is constructed in a brilliant stone architecture! Its ceiling is framed with solid granite rafters, which arch up to the rounded ceiling above. The area between the great rafters show brilliant paintings which change too slowly to be observed, and almost as you watch, change from one scene to another!
  This is the hall of the Academy of Answers! Let's push open one of the grand oak doors, and take a look inside? Now, I must warn you not to step inside, because what you will encounter is more then you can bare! But stand and look up from the threshold, and you can see a misty like cloud has formed just below the vaulted ceiling! These are the honest questions, and they have come from the room in which you stand. The questions which will never come into this hall, are those that were asked out of pride, either to confuse the issue at hand, or asked to hide an ignorance? These that float above your head, are the honest questions, those who had no hidden meaning or agenda, but were asked, just because the asker really wanted to know? The others, they must stay in the land of questions, because they were not asked in innocence!

Tested Truths: Stacked

Tested Truths: Stacked:   From the flip side now, you are looking top to bottom. It was right there a minute ago, it stood right before us? We are walking in The La...


  From the flip side now, you are looking top to bottom. It was right there a minute ago, it stood right before us? We are walking in The Land of Questions, but in reality, it's a library! There are wide avenues in front of you, and alleys off to either side. Everywhere, there are books, and these stacked one on top the other, and they rise like skyscrapers all around us! This is the room of questions, because it holds all the questions that have ever been asked, and all that could be imagined! Great volumes filled with line after line of questions, line after line, punctuated by a question mark? Questions about any subject you could name. But there are answers in there also, but you really must dig for them, for they lie cluttered over by so many questions! The reason that this is, is because questions are plentiful, and they are asked with many different motives, but for each subject, there can only be one truth.
  The truth lives hidden in a swirl of questions, they circle like bees around the honey! The questions, though many, will all fade with the time, but truth is eternal, because truth just is! All questions come to nothing when faced by the truth, because once the truth is found, there are no more questions to be asked!

Tested Truths: Philly school board closes 23 schools; Weingarten ...

Tested Truths: Philly school board closes 23 schools; Weingarten ...: Philly school board closes 23 schools; Weingarten arrested for blocking entrance

Philly school board closes 23 schools; Weingarten arrested for blocking entrance

Philly school board closes 23 schools; Weingarten arrested for blocking entrance

Tested Truths: Metes and Bounds

Tested Truths: Metes and Bounds:   Contacts and metes and bounds, faded quickly on the way home from work? Even the traffic didn't seem to be there? Focus to a fault, qu...

Metes and Bounds

  Contacts and metes and bounds, faded quickly on the way home from work? Even the traffic didn't seem to be there? Focus to a fault, quite possibly? It is a curios thing? Being torn that is! and so when I got home, I rattled off one on circular reasoning. I thought today to follow up with something more linear? You know, more up and down, topside down and downside up, that type of thing? But then, I thought better of it?
  So, just a word before I go, just another thought to share. God is a liberal, he spreads the wealth in perfect fairness! To each one, he gives only as much as they can handle. How much each is given, is determined by themselves, and it depends on who or what it is that they worship? In essence, it is you who decides how much wisdom you can handle, because for some, a little wisdom can be a dangerous thing!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Tested Truths: Tested Truths: You See

Tested Truths: Tested Truths: You See: Tested Truths: You See :   When you come round to it, flip it over, and look to the other side of things, you'll find that you'll co...

Dennis Miller Radio: Videos - Video: Miller in the No-Spin Zone

Dennis Miller Radio: Videos - Video: Miller in the No-Spin Zone

Tested Truths: You See

Tested Truths: You See:   When you come round to it, flip it over, and look to the other side of things, you'll find that you'll come round again? You'l...

You See

  When you come round to it, flip it over, and look to the other side of things, you'll find that you'll come round again? You'll take another look at it, and you'll look at it again? Perhaps from a different point of view, but then again, maybe you won't? What if it never came up again, what then? There are so many more, many more then you could think, and then more of the same? Spinning questions that are light and easy, and then there are questions heavy as hell!
  The questions are so many, that they fill the air like mosquitos! But there are so few answers, and there is only one truth! Jesus is his name, and salvation is his game!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tested Truths: Only to Divide

Tested Truths: Only to Divide:   Funny, I can see the end of it all, better then I can see the present? I have no idea what is going on in this country, any more, then any...

Only to Divide

  Funny, I can see the end of it all, better then I can see the present? I have no idea what is going on in this country, any more, then any of you? I know that we are hemorging division! and you have probably heard that divided we fall? The opposite of that is also true, for united we stand!
  Think to yourself, who is it that is driving that wedge, who are the few who preach only division? We are divided into so many groups, we have become white against black, rich against poor, and even male against female! Wow, how did this happen, what is going on here? Or better yet, what patriot among us looks only to divide?
  There are godless forces at work here, and it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not? There are no sights so horrific, that they won't use to forward that agenda. For their work is to divide us!
  When I say that I can not see the present, I am talking about the United States! The situation, and in the way that things are going, an armed insurrection, is a real possibility, but I pray that it doesn't come to that! When it comes to being an American, I worry about this nation, but I'm just along for the ride, just as all of you! We all are wondering what in hell is going on here, how did it get this bad? Will we ever be one nation under God again?
  What this is, is an all out attack on our freedom, but that is not to say that this is easy to see? But the signs are all around you! Now I don't know what your Street signs say to you, but the signs I see, they don't look to good!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tested Truths: In Him

Tested Truths: In Him:   What is time if not the remembrance of time gone before? It is the only time that we can see with any accuracy! We can not measure by look...

In Him

  What is time if not the remembrance of time gone before? It is the only time that we can see with any accuracy! We can not measure by looking forward, because none of us has experienced it. It is a short sightedness, that is a common malady, we can not see the future? It is a wonder to me, time that is! I love time, and I look at it in snapshots, and so by the way do you! It is how the mind works! Even if you think of a movie, and try to remember a scene, you will see it in snapshots? These snapshots are snippets of time!
  Go ahead, and think of a movie you've seen, and try to remember any scene? Is it moving? No, it's a snapshot. Time moves, but we see it like film, only a frame at a time! You can not see it like a movie in your head, not like your eye saw it, because your mind doesn't work that way!
  The easiest time to see, is the present, the here and now. In the here and now, I was watching a movie called Heaven's Gate, and I like what I've seen, though I have only seen it in spurts.
  When you consider the power of thought, there is no end to the possibilities! You can think of the future, and strangely, what it is you see, is what you will get! For those of us who know God, our visions, all our hopes and dreams, everything, is in Him!

Tested Truths: Back in Washington

Tested Truths: Back in Washington:   Meanwhile, back in Washington, the President and his staffers gathered for yet another meeting. Alright, what's going on with this Zoo...

Back in Washington

  Meanwhile, back in Washington, the President and his staffers gathered for yet another meeting. Alright, what's going on with this Zoot character? From what I am hearing, we can't keep a lid on this guy for too much longer, correct? Nods and grunts of approval spread throughout the room. So what can we do with this guy? As all of you well know, this couldn't have come up at a more inopportune time! I need you guys to really pull together on this one, we really need this one to go away! Yes sir, agreed, absolutely was heard! So Muti, you are our resident physicist, what do you say? A hmm, I believe that we can discredit him to the point where no one will believe him sir. Go on. Yes, this man had made quite a stir back in the seventies, but because of that, many have cast him as, how do you say? Crackpot? Ahem, yes, he is telling people that this meteor is the one he had seen back then, and.. OOH, I get it, said Tony! Tony was the head of the presidents PR firm, and one of the people that he trusted most. Good, said the president, Tony! You grab the good doctor here, and work out all the details! I want this issue settled! Understood?

writersvibe: Drawn by Art

writersvibe: Drawn by Art: As Jules mentioned on Rhyme's a Rhyme Found in Time , we are focusing on the arts more broadly this month. Each of the Writersvibe co...

Tested Truths: The Young Doctor

Tested Truths: The Young Doctor:   Out in the void it moved. A huge rock tumbling in the deep recesses of space, out in the void, where speed was impossible to know? It just...

The Young Doctor

  Out in the void it moved. A huge rock tumbling in the deep recesses of space, out in the void, where speed was impossible to know? It just tumbled along, unaware of anything? It didn't know where it was headed, and it did not know from where it had come? It just moved along in the cold blackness, as it had done forever before!
  Back on earth, a young Doctor was watching, but at first, he did not see it? There was a disturbance in that quadrant, he had seen a flash before, but only for a moment. After seeing this for the third time, he convinced himself that it was real, and he set about reading the charts, and began the calculations of the trajectories of all the named meteors, know to have been seen in this part of the sky. It had taken him months, but finally, he knew with certainty, that this flash, this anomaly, if in fact it did exist, was a new asteroid, a meteors that he could name!
  Forty years ago was the first time that he had seen it, and it wasn't until just six months ago, that he had finally seen it again! This time, with the digital pictures, and computer aimed telescopes, he saw things with a clarity unimagined with his old observatory.
  But now, on this his very first sighting since so long ago, he knew immediately what it was, he knew that it was his baby, his discovery from what seemed so long ago!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tested Truths: This Thing Called Life

Tested Truths: This Thing Called Life:   We are called to it quite naturally, it is our strongest instinct, to survive! To live another day, or even another moment. But what is it...

This Thing Called Life

  We are called to it quite naturally, it is our strongest instinct, to survive! To live another day, or even another moment. But what is it about life that makes our desire so strong?
  I will tell you this, that the desire for life calls from a deeper place then just of this life, it is the call for Life Eternal! It comes with the recognition that there is life beyond this one, And that this life, this life Eternal is the source of all life, and we are drawn to it, like bugs around a light!
  As incredible as this must sound to you, consider this, the other side of that thought? There are others who can not see past this life, and for them, when they die to this life, their death is also eternal! This is the kind who resist the eternal relm, because they can not understand it? But they are called to be insignificant, they will exist in eternal darkness, and they will do it alone! They will never again, know a new thing, in fact, all that they will have is an eternity of questions, but an eternity of no answers! In essence, you might say that they will be eternally dumb!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Tested Truths: George Zoot

Tested Truths: George Zoot:   I don't know what his credentials are Doctor, all I know, is that we've been asked to keep this information quiet for now? Quiet! ...

George Zoot

  I don't know what his credentials are Doctor, all I know, is that we've been asked to keep this information quiet for now? Quiet! Do they understand what it is that is happening here, who is advising him on this? I was told by the press agent that he has a team of scientists advising him? That was the first question that I asked him! But what is it that they are telling him? Are they telling him that the trajectory is such, that although I haven't quite figured the math to pinpoint a location, or even if that we will take a direct hit or not, but I do know, and you verified the equations, that even if it misses close, that the outcome will be catastrophic?
  George, you had better sit down for this. Oh this is not good, what are they telling him, that our math is wrong? That this event won't occur? Who are these scientists, is it Jim Morrison and his crew, because Jim and I have had our disagr.. No, the truth is, that they are being advised by spiritualists, soothsayer types? They even have a select commitee looking into that Quatrang business? Oh my God Tom, the fools are going to ignore it? We're doomed, what now? The end of civilization is hurtling toward us, and he hires a bunch of Carney hustlers? We are doomed!

Friday, March 1, 2013

A year later, right recalls Andrew Breitbart - Katie Glueck -

A year later, right recalls Andrew Breitbart - Katie Glueck -

Tested Truths: Tested Truths: Looking Back

Tested Truths: Tested Truths: Looking Back: Tested Truths: Looking Back :   Things come to light clearer when you are looking back. When events have been peppered with time, the things...

Tested Truths: Looking Back

Tested Truths: Looking Back:   Things come to light clearer when you are looking back. When events have been peppered with time, the things which occurred are made clear...

Looking Back

  Things come to light clearer when you are looking back. When events have been peppered with time, the things which occurred are made clearer in hindsight. Also, as the time passed, we segregate the good feelings and those memories from the bad ones, and now, by looking back, we can decide which ones we would want to dwell on the most?
  Thinking about the things that were, the events which we experienced on a physical encounter, are the clearest of all. Those things are the most personal! You can also remember  those things which you observed, whether you were a witness to the event, or you sat sipping coffee and watching it on TV? These type of things are not as clear, because you took no part physically. But there are some events in life which transcends this law, because of the enormity of them, and the emotions that were brought out of you? All of us can remember where we were, and what we were doing that day on 9/11! Those scenes were so horrific, and so maddening, that we had a physical reaction there too! So maybe the vividness of these memories are also tied to our physical reaction? These types of memories become extremely personal, and so, we can recall them much clearer!
  Strange as it may seem, the bad times are always more vivid, and they stay with us much longer! Far more so then do the happy ones? Though they fade with the passing years, we love to look back on good times! But sometimes, the bad times need no such coaxing, for these can come back without any thought, brought to remembrance by something as innocent as a word!

Tested Truths: Last Page

Tested Truths: Last Page:   Now onto another pad, another reason to speak into the wind? Percolating profundities, too profound to pronounce? Fun with vocabulary, it&...

Last Page

  Now onto another pad, another reason to speak into the wind? Percolating profundities, too profound to pronounce? Fun with vocabulary, it's a game I like to play! Mess with your head by leaving a little here, and a little there? Great fun, but is it heaven that's a wastin? Who's call do you not hear, what more must be said to you?
  I told you awhile back, that life has a pulse, and so it does! But it is a rhythm that few seem to find, and I cannot understand why? The questions I have, are all about you, as I have pretty much figured me out! What more must be said, how many more volumes must be written? Love is life, and vice versa, and it is everywhere! But so is death, because it comes from hatred. There is always good around you, but it can be sometimes hard to find? While evil on the other hand, is all around you, it's everywhere!
  That is why it is so much easier to get swept up by the bad, because there is so much more of it! There is also more stupidity then intelligence, the two seem to go hand and hand. So what does it take to wake a people who love sleep so much, what will it take before the scales fall away from their eyes?

Tested Truths: Anyway

Tested Truths: Anyway:   Writing is a passion of mine, it's something that I must do! But so again is music! God I love music! I love all types of music, but g...


  Writing is a passion of mine, it's something that I must do! But so again is music! God I love music! I love all types of music, but given my drothers, I'd drother the blues? Everything about music is great, it can get your foot to tappin, or it can take you far away! Music transcends all language, because music knows no borders!
  So where was I before I was so rudely interrupted? Rude is probably too kind a word here, as it was more like a full on frontal assault? I had to fend it off, and it took no small amount of resistance. That is a nice way of saying that it taunted me until it brought about full on rage! I try so hard to swallow my anger, because I can wound with just a word, and I shutter to think what would happen if that rage becomes physical!
  Anyway, I'm back! I started to write about music, I think I began this about 8 hours ago? My initial intent was to bring a complaint of mine to light? I know that this will accomplish nothing, but I guess I should get on with it?
  At the height of my music appreciation days, I had approximately 1200 albums! But now, between my personal CD's, and this ipod contraption, I may have 25-50? So, if you are reading this, let me first thank you for your patronage! As most of you know, I don't get paid for this, and so I will ask of you a favor? Save up your spare change, and purchase me a few music gift cards, so that I may be able to begin replenishing my music library? Thank you for your kind consideration to this matter!
  P.S. If you are sick of hearing me play the same music, you may just want to consider helping me out? Afterall, the mind you save might just be your own?