Daniel, which means, God is my judge, was quite a guy? He and three of his friends were taken captive by the Babylonians, at the behest of their king. He wanted only the best, so they took those who were pure and unblemished, virgins as it were, and they were the wisest of the young men!
The land to which they were taken, had many men of wisdom already in it, but Daniel rose quickly, and became the wisest of them all! He, Daniel, became the highest of the officials, and this happened during the time of the Medo-Persia empire.
The book of Daniel is quoted many times in the new Testament, and Jesus himself quotes it, in Matthew and Mark! Daniel lived and prophecied during a time that the bible calls, The Times of the Gentiles, and this is the time that we are currently in!
Now Daniel and the boys were Hebrews, and they worshipped the Living God, but the Babylonians worshiped idols. And this difference would soon come into play? Because the four would not eat the food of the Babylonians, because it had been sacrificed to idols. But this enraged the King, who said, I offer them the finest delicacies in all the world, the same food that I myself eat, and this is not good enough for them? Now, you may consider this interesting, but nothing more then that? But keep in mind, that the book of Daniel, correlates directly to the book of Revelation!
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