We are called to it quite naturally, it is our strongest instinct, to survive! To live another day, or even another moment. But what is it about life that makes our desire so strong?
I will tell you this, that the desire for life calls from a deeper place then just of this life, it is the call for Life Eternal! It comes with the recognition that there is life beyond this one, And that this life, this life Eternal is the source of all life, and we are drawn to it, like bugs around a light!
As incredible as this must sound to you, consider this, the other side of that thought? There are others who can not see past this life, and for them, when they die to this life, their death is also eternal! This is the kind who resist the eternal relm, because they can not understand it? But they are called to be insignificant, they will exist in eternal darkness, and they will do it alone! They will never again, know a new thing, in fact, all that they will have is an eternity of questions, but an eternity of no answers! In essence, you might say that they will be eternally dumb!
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