Contacts and metes and bounds, faded quickly on the way home from work? Even the traffic didn't seem to be there? Focus to a fault, quite possibly? It is a curios thing? Being torn that is! and so when I got home, I rattled off one on circular reasoning. I thought today to follow up with something more linear? You know, more up and down, topside down and downside up, that type of thing? But then, I thought better of it?
So, just a word before I go, just another thought to share. God is a liberal, he spreads the wealth in perfect fairness! To each one, he gives only as much as they can handle. How much each is given, is determined by themselves, and it depends on who or what it is that they worship? In essence, it is you who decides how much wisdom you can handle, because for some, a little wisdom can be a dangerous thing!
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