I had such high hopes for this country? But not much has changed, and I fear that any change now, might be too little too late? But hope is eternal, and so who knows, I know that I don't? I see the patterns in this nation, and I take note, while most of you experience these same patterns, but on you, it has no effect?
Meanwhile, great gully washes of reason flow by at your feet, but you seem content to look up upon a false heaven? Besides your silly political squabbles, there is something of a far greater meaning hidden in them? There is a fight for the soul of this nation, and so far, the bad guys have been winning, while the good guys have sat by in silence.
But there has been a great rumbling across the land, and though good people fail to recognize it, evil people have felt it, and they fear it! For God himself is watching, and he stands ready in perfect judgement! Now you can choose to try and ignore this, but it will come around again and again, and punch you right in the gut! It is truth at your door, and truth can never be denied for long!
Run and hide all you blasphemers, for your time is near up! You are like a recompensed refuge, and you are yesterdays news! Who among you will stand and pump your fist at him, which of you thinks that he knows better?
Rise up America, and worship the God by whose name you came to be! It is freedom and liberty which cries outside your gates, but you seem content to only drag your tin cup against the bars that hold you?
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