Sunday, October 13, 2024

Gravitational Pull

   Isn't it obvious that words are everything and everywhere? You could say with some accuracy that we are a compilation of words. The words which we heard of course, but more importantly, are the words which are of the truth. This is wisdom.

  No one would disagree that we gravitate naturally toward what is true, and cast off what is not. Why hold dear to a lie? In truth there is the light of Life, truth is the way to go, for in truth we find life. Survival is a natural instinct, it has been so from the beginning of each of us. For in our hearts is stamped the foreknowledge that we understand that truth is the essence of life, and that death comes from resistance of acknowledging that at any and all costs. 

 Though certainly a part of the cycle of life, death is the end of of all that is. When there is no sense of self, there is no life. After all, a rock is a rock is a rock.  In the famous final scene of the movie, Quasi Moto, the bell ringer at Notre Dame, has come to the place seemingly completely of no hope or future, and so he chose willingly to be a dead thing, rather than himself alive in this world in which he knew nothing but  cruelty and shame.  Holding onto a concrete gargoyle, he says to the lifeless sculpture, Why was I not made of stone like thee? The hope of life for this deaf and unloved man was far from him, and his feelings of loneliness and absolute worthlessness, led him to consider such a fate as to have never have lived at all. Without any real purpose but of that of playing a fool a for the entertainment of cruel people, left him without a meaningful purpose, something so important for a healthy life. 

 We however naturally gravitate to truth, for in it is life and the secret of the purpose of this existence. But for a life that struggles against the natural pull to the center, are those who unknowingly for most, choose instead, a death devoid of all meaning, a life of lies and the short term gains made possible by accepting what is untrue becomes them. They become fascinated by the shiny baubles so common to this world and so they choose false things and a misguided worship of the gods of this world. And by this decision and because of their defiant ignorance, they choose death over life; and death, as is life, are eternal. And so like the poor bell ringer in the story, they will become like what he longed for, they will become like the rocks. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. The only difference, is that the rocks did not choose eternal nothingness. But they who once were alive, and once understood that life is worth so much more than is death, will  become what they chose while alive in this life and become like the rocks and stones, eternally dead. For a rock is a rock and forever a rock.   

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Another Word

   Just another word about free speech. Understand that the key word in the phrase is free. Though truth is always superior to lies, with free speech you are free to speak of lies, rather than tell the truth. You are free to tell lies and spout nonsense if you choose. In short, in America, having free speech means that you not only have the right to be right, but you also have the right to be wrong. Today, our so called cultural elites don't seem to understand that. Or, the smarter ones among them do understand it, and thats why they fear it.  

 America fought the Nazis' in Europe during the war in Europe and on the other side of the globe against the Empire of Japan. But with our military so spread out across the the world, facist type thinkers were emboldened by what they saw as weakness, and for a time in the nineteen forties, the so called American nazi party marched openly in the streets and also held huge rallies, the most famous was held at Madison Square Garden in New York city. With such openly arrogant evil, Americans had to choose to allow these tyrant loving fools to be so openly against God and country. Gritting their teeth with anger no doubt, because these freedom loving patriots understood that under the laws of our country, and because of free speech, they had to suffer these evil fools and allow them to spew hatred and division. They, these Hitler puppets, as are all hostile forms of government, was big on the use of propaganda. The first goal of propaganda is to silence the free speech of those who refuse to toe the party line with the use of censorship. Sadly censorship is back in use, and if you know that those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, so far there seems to be little opposition to the political fact that our government has jailed people who dared disagree with the current administrations apparent disregard for free speech. Are they so naive as to think that if when in power the other side might well choose to do to them what they did to others? Censorship is the first giant step toward tyranny. They speak of losing our democracy, but in reality we are a Constitutional Republic. The main difference being because simply put, democracy means majority rules. If that were true the large cities would control the government, without needing the agreement and consent to smaller cities and towns. 

  This grand experiment of this unique form of freedom has been admired since its inception and admired by the rest of the freedom loving world. But today the values that made this country the envy of the world seem to no longer be important. They are! now more than ever.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Free Thinking

   Free thinking has no limits, needs no parameters, knows no boundaries or rules, except those of natural law. Earthly thinkers are limited to the realities of this life on this earth. They can dream about the future while remembering the past, but unlike their eternal counter-selves, they are unable to know more than what can be known, from this, our time. No matter how grand their dreams for the future might be, the limitations of time in this reality limits their opportunities. These well intentioned thinkers have so much to consider in such a short time. Because their vision is so cluttered and obscure, they do not know or believe that there are other realities all around them. They see the spiritual realm as fictional, they cannot see it, therefore it must not exist? An extremely limited point of view. 

  To be able to see beyond the limits of space ant time, to see and understand that there are many dimensions all around us with only our earth glasses on, is impossible. To see from beyond any and all limitations is only when we view things with the glasses from God. If you desire to be eternal, and be able to spend it unlimited by the boundaries of space and time, you must understand that you can only see that from the eternal realm, God's realm. This lifetime you now live, when seen and compared to a life eternal, is but a vapor, a puff of smoke, a dissipating nothingness compared to life eternal. Pure and perfect logic go hand and hand with free thought, and of course truth, for Truth, is the third and most important leg of this most stable platform. 

  Eternal life vs. this life is really no contest at all. This life with all of the trappings of the world. Wealth, fine foods and the best of everything, pales in comparison to the riches of an eternal life. Let me put it in terms that are easily understood. Given the choice between one hundred tax free dollars or one million tax free dollars, which would you choose? God controls trillions of billions of all that is in eternity, God is eternity. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Lion Inside of You

   There is a lion inside each of us. My lion hates liars! My lion roars and flashes his teeth at those who live to lie. Their whole being is a slander, they communicate with a wink and a nod. Do they not understand that a little light illuminates the room? As it is, people fear the light, they feel safer in the shadows, in the light all their flaws are seen, their actual selves are exposed, they are as if they stand naked for all to see, and so they choose to linger in the shadows. But you have been made in His image, created as intelligent beings, with lives of purpose and understanding, not of the mindless paths that we claim as our own. 

  America, you can no longer enjoy the luxury of apathy. We have hit the end of the road partner, there is nothing ahead except the darkness, we must turn one way or the other. They speak openly now of killing children. Openly as if it were only a subject of politics, they speak with a callous disregard for the yet to be born, by far the most fragile of children. Infants, babies yet to take a first breath of life. Not long ago, on an ocean beach near me, there was a great drama had unfolded. followed closely by the local news and even picked up nationally for a day. A mother whale had beached herself and she was pregnant and dying. But the unborn calf was still alive and so a great effort was made to save the baby. They worked into the night, but the baby whale died. By now a huge crowd had gathered to watch this real life drama unfold. When the calf died, many in the crowd cried, some wailing bitterly. 

  In reality, many of these same people so upset with the death of an animal, spoke of unborn children with a callousness and an apparent lack of concern when it came to human life. A child eliminated from their chance for life because it was inconvenient for one reason or another. What's even more amazing is that this issue will be the single issue reason that will decide their vote. In truth at it's core, it really isn't a difficult choice, because at its core, it is either a choice for death or a choice for life. 

  Understand that these choices ahead of us far exceed politics. They are on a higher scale, for it is a spiritual decision which is also at stake. What kind of nation do we choose to be, You see, life and death is a stark difference and easy to distinguish. But understand this, there is a spiritual decision that will also be made. God is many things, and one of them is Life. If we as a nation choose death over life, that will be the final nail in our coffin. By choosing life you choose God, choose death, and choose evil. make no mistake America, you will reap what you sow. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


   People say and are correct in saying that we are a country divided. The latest bulletin from idiot central is that we're weird. In a general way we are a divided people, but not yet fractured. Like everything in this life there are two sides to this coin also. No matter the argument, no matter the side you choose, in the end there are only two sides. Right or wrong, up or down, to or fro. The basis of all facts are two sided at their heart. The subject at hand is either true or it is a lie, alive or dead. What draws people to embrace any falsehood is the allure of the lie being put forward. Lies will promise you the world but leave you with nothing. This is because doing things our own way strikes a nerve that we have each carried with us from the beginning. It tickles our pride. 

  Pride, it is the basis of all sin, and is at the core of all that is wrong in life. The good news in the polls they insist on telling us, is that we are divided only in half. Good news? Two choices are easier to choose from, where as had the left succeeded in fracturing us into small manageable groups, forcing us as it were, into believing that we are isolated and alone but for the ever growing number of cliques, small groups rather than one people with only two choices. The old adage from history tells us that the easiest way to defeat a foe is by dividing and conquering them. A people isolated is much more apt to allow itself to be easily led. Our current government's leaders preach falsely to us from the pulpit of propaganda. They are committed to their cause, because they know full well the only way to forward their agenda, is by dividing and conquering. It is pride that drives people from wanting to know and accept the Lordship of the living God. Our arrogance has told us from the very first sin that we have no need of God as each of us is our own god. This of course is not new as it was the original lie told to Eve in the garden of life. There is nothing new under the sun. And so the words of God were spoken to a generation of people as far back as six hundred years before the first century, and still ring clearly true in this, the twenty first century. From the holy scriptures, we read of a prophet speaking the words of God to that generation who had left the hearing of God's words, choosing instead to listen to the false prophets who spoke of the wisdom of the world, rather than the wisdom of God. But through a prophet of the most high, God has him say to the people the following; Son of man, prophecy against the prophets of Israel who prophecy from their own heart. Hear the word of God! Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! Translation: If you put your trust into the false ideology of man, and of their limited wisdom and reject the perfect existence and wisdom of Almighty God, you are a fool, and your wisdom will die with you. Remember, the eternally dead don't think. Never have, never will.    

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


  Financial woes had become yet another beast to fight. Alone, I spend much of my time alone. It is a hard thing to be alone, but it will also make your perspective more precise, more focused. 

 From the Lord's perspective, his view is much different from ours. His vantage point is from a place much higher. Remember, He is beyond space and time, He views all situations from a position much higher than our own. He sees it all and he knows all. But here's the best part, He is willing to share it all. God's children may be a motley looking crew, but from among them there are great scholars. Much like here, there will be teachers who will guide you and aid you on your way through a true forever land. Being eternal is not something that you will understand immediately, for in the beginning you might still find yourself looking for clocks. In a short time you will learn that there are no clocks, for there will be no need of them, time will become irrelevant. When you stop learning you are dead. 

  Eternal life, how many of you have convinced yourselves that this is all there is, and that there is no life eternal? In a nut shell that's the humanist point of view, that we are our own gods. The funny thing is that their old adage which says, Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die is true. For them there is no life, for them, the here and now is all there is, eternity they say, is foolishness? For them, this here and now is all there is, for tomorrow they will become dead, and what there was of them will become, nothing forever. For when their time is up, its over! Death is the absence of life, death is eternal darkness, alone in an isolation that no living thing need think about. 

The alternative;  

  Besides the thought of endless knowledge, of having all eternity to answer all your questions, there is a beauty beyond describing that is well lit and completely visible. Not only is it well lit, the source of this light coming from He himself who you are now with. Eternal life is fine, but where will you spend forever and a day if not in a place of solid foundation. To be eternal you must have a place to be eternal in. Heaven is that place. The place of no tears fame, a place of everlasting Peace.  Heaven, this will be your home, a place more grander than any of us can imagine. But rather than me struggle at the keyboard trying to explain it, let me give you a glimpse of what our eternal home will be like, let the Word itself speak to you through scripture. The first two verses of Revelation chapter 22. "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of the street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." America, our birthday has come round again. If our nation is to be healed, we must return to our creator God, and we must return to Him only with the Lamb Jesus. Eternity is always that, but for our nation to be healed and saved from the onslaught of evil, we, America, must return to the God of our fathers. Happy Birthday America, long may you live.     

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Subliminally Sublime

   Subliminal is far from being sublime. Far because there are so many more negative results than ones for the better. It is a form of communication, but what specifically is meant by the word? Look it up in the dictionary if you want to be sure, but basically speaking, with subliminal is to speak one to another via a third voice. With sublimity, you never actually speak to the other. Unspoken directly, but hidden within the story at hand. By reading between the lines you might say. The third voice usually comes through like in television, radio, and computer screens. Subliminally speaking is to hide your meaning within the show, ad, or the script without really seeing it. In many ways it can be as a secret code, one where only the participants are the ones who understands it fully. Subliminal itself is a word that is neutral because it is equally capable for being used for bad purposes as for good purposes. Subliminal stands alone, as some see and understand it, but most don't. 

  Though it's true that using the subliminal form of communication can be used for good reasons, there are far more reasons to use it in a subversive manner. But like the gun, it can do nothing on its own, but only the user decides its purpose. The best example I could give you comes from back in my teenage years. There was a law suit or some kind of hullaballoo about the subject. The issue specifically was that during the playing of movies, an icy cold green bottle of Coke a Cola was flashed onto the screen. So quick, that if you blinked, you could miss it. There and gone in the twinkling of an eye. Not long after leaving the movie, you had a sudden urge for a coke. After-all, subliminal is hardly sublime. 

  Post Script, I couldn't help myself, I just had to look it up. Subliminal; below the threshold of conscious awareness. really a cool word..