Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Way

  When thoughts run through your mind and you let your imagination run free, you can envision most anything. When you imagine about the truths of God, you will want to understand it all. To understand all things, to know everything about everything, comes only from an intelligence far beyond the limitations of our mortal selves. Intelligence is spiritual, and so it is pure. But also, imagine an intelligence that it is limited by only our five senses. An intelligence that says that there is nothing of life beyond this current world. Just simple earth creatures and then death; and then, back to the dust of the earth.  Such is the intellect of fatalist thinkers. Life is eternal, both in this our current situation, but also in the realm of the eternal, infinity. A life beyond the limits of time. Each of us runs against the stopwatch that counts out the limits of our existence. Why would anyone choose that over eternity, especially when the Way to the infinite is an open invitation? 

  And here is the toughest blow that will come to those who are content within the limits of this time only. You are the summation of your life experiences, both the good and the bad. But if that's all you are, and, if it is all you choose to be, you will be indulged, and it is all you'll ever be. But. If for your desire is to be more than just a wisp of time, you might just decide to consider a different reality for yourself. I tell you that it is yours for the asking, it's free! But there is a caveat, for there is a mountain in the road to life eternal, and to climb that mountain is something you cannot achieve on your own, you will need help. That help is the only help, for that help is The Way. You must humble yourself and ask for that help which is the only bridge from this life to a Holy living God. 

  Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life, He is the way and the only bridge available from this limited existence to life eternal. Infinity. Jesus was and is the God-man. He who though God Himself, allowed Himself, to be humbled, so to live as a man. And, having lived and died while being part of this life for over thirty three years. Having been as one of us He understands all of our ways. Eternal life is only available through faith and belief in this God-man named Jesus Christ. 

  To Him all glory is due and from Him, all that is became. 


Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The Striking Stone

   Certainly the striking stone is a reference to the stone in the dessert that Moses struck in anger that brought water to the people. But in this case, the Striking Stone refers to what scripture calls the time of the gentiles, and, it's coming to the end of their role in the Holy Scriptures. Obviously this is end time, book of Jesus' Revelation type of stuff. Those who fear or refuse the truth need stop right here and go off trolling somewhere, because truth, no matter the subject is always absolute.  

  The striking stone in this time is a calling for home, all aboard, last call for the next step, the step out of this time and into the new. In the Lord God's plan is the ultimate blessing, and it is open to all still, The window is still open but it is also closing. You see, for God who is pure to even touch something that is impure would not be good. An understatement I assure you. After the actual war to end all war is over, God's gift to His people is a new heaven and a new earth. And this new awareness is also pure, for the new earth shall cover the old one, but first the old one must be scrubbed clean. Our gift of a new and eternal life must also be as He is, pure and perfect. Wisdom beyond your farthest dreams, Knowledge, forever. At its source, all power is pure, it is ourselves that perverts it. The real power of all things is in its purity, it's simplicity. In purity is attention to detail. in power is perfection and no flaws. When we create something, it is the strive for excellence that drives us, perfect and pure are synonymous and the goal. You cannot have one without the other, they are one in the same. 

  In the end, there will be either eternal life or eternal death. Objective truths are like that. Like a coin flipping in the air, on one side life and on the other death. The question is how will it end up for you, heads up (life), or heads down (death)? Life or death eternally. I think the point I set out to make, is the similarities are throughout the Bible and the prophecies made within its pages have all come to pass. That is of course, all that have been true throughout generations. The one not yet having actually occurred yet, is the end time. The end. 

Thursday, January 9, 2025


   The firestorm that hit L. A. county California has united all people, both rich middle and poor stood together as they watched horrified, and in awe! A massive fire seemingly racing in all directions while whipped by one hundred mile per hour winds. The super heated winds sucked in all the oxygen close enough to it, perpetually feeding itself. The shear raw power of the storm was evident from any perspective, and the monster moved quickly across the landscape. With little if anything to stop it, it engulfed all that it encountered. So powerful was this event, that it created its own weather system around it. An act of God? Maybe, but certainly aided by the stupidity of the elected political hacks. But before you climb up high on your horse citizen and point out the lack of safe leadership from these political types, keep in mind, You voted for them. If you voted for any other reason than the competence and the trustworthiness of the politician in charge, you have blood on your hands too. So certainly, acknowledge the gross incompetence of your leaders, but before putting all the blame on greedy ignorant politicians, America, You don't get off the hook that easily, again, keep in mind that you voted for them. But we can change this thing. Any American who still doesn't understand the importance of term limits must be profiting from the current corruption and theft. 

  If we are to survive and prosper for whatever time we each have left. Unite as one country, and stop electing Godless fools who are bent on making quick gains and doing evil things. Thats what evil people do, they do  evil things. So no reservoirs were constructed to collect fresh rain and the water runoff from the melting snow above. And, just for good measure, they made sure to cut the budgets of the fire departments and other first responders. 

  Let California be a lesson to all of America. When you elect fools to office, however noble you think your reasoning was, instead of people of competence and trustworthiness, You reap just what you sow.     

Saturday, January 4, 2025


   There is a never ending of variety of people out there. What kind of person are you? That question may have never occurred to you, but in the world of God, these things are of dire importance. Seeing things as as God himself does is so different as do we see them, from the limits of this mundane life. Life can be of only two things ; adversity or of a friend. 

  How different from reality is spiritual thinking, how is it that we can know the One God of all? I'll tell you this, that once you come to know God better, it is an honor. And, once you begin to figure things out, once you get a taste of Him and things begin to become clearer, the effect of this will be that you'll want to know more. And, the intensity of this quest goes far beyond the mundane trappings of this life. In fact, all the mysteries can not be solved in the limitations of time in this dimension. In this other dimension, the spiritual realm, it will be a constant barrage of learning, and this learning, this thirst to understand it all, goes on forever. This, is eternal. It is the purity of Him, the perfection of God that draws you ever wanting more. 

  The Bible tells us right from the start, that: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. But it is the first three words of that sentence that are most important.  In the beginning God, is the focus of this writing. Just three words. Written in Hebrew, the word God is pronounced Eloquiem, probably spelled wrong, but pronounced, (Elo Heem). Linguistically, the word is called a singular plural. Meaning, that God the Father God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost, are each one third of the Godhead. Three personalities, one God. This holy trio is complete within, and of themselves, but also, complete as three together,  One, completely God. But for us here now, we are shackled to this life, and so we must live it through. As the little lady in the movie Poltergeist said, Come one come all, all are welcome all are welcome.   

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


   A new year, another chance. Think for yourself but not out of arrogance. Seek truth and no longer wallow in lies. We humans are designed to think outside of our own needs, for self is a tyrant and is never satiated. We came into existence from love, and to love one and other is the golden rule. To have is good, but to be without is an empty feeling. This planet we inhabit is a globe filled with strife and turmoil, man's inhumanity to man is worldwide. The death toll from war is unimaginable as millions die each year in one skirmish or another. Unspeakable horrors are an every day occurence with all war, no matter the size. 

  As Americans we have somehow remained out of war with other nations, but we do have natural catastrophic catastrophes from terrible powerful storms. There is a large multi state area in the southeastern corner of the country that looks like a war zone with everything in ruin. There are good people down there who have lost everything and there was no help from America Inc. Washington has shuttered its doors and windows to block out the devastation as small towns and businesses were swept away in a raging flood. It is to our national shame that there are thousands of our fellow citizens who have had their homes and lifestyles  washed away. The shock is such that they had a house a minute ago, but in a moment it was washed away in a raging torrent. The once familiar streets are no longer there or recognizable, most of the buildings were gone, and those still standing damaged beyond repair. The physical damage to the landscape and the houses and businesses that were lost is tragic and horrible in it's own rite, but the horrible memories of seeing a family member swept away in a torrent of water and being unable to save them is a horror that will haunt them for a long time. And where were we America, where was our natural urgency?  A new year 2025, another chance. We must do better and we can start by doing the little things, like looking beyond yourself and caring for others.

One small step for man... 

Saturday, December 21, 2024


   Introspection is to look within, to see yourself beyond the mirror. We see the bodies of ourselves when we look for vanity in the mirror. But you are so much more than the face you see in a mirror. The actual you is far deeper than the vanity you primp in a mirror. The real you glistens from all light like a diamond in the sun. White hot at your core, glistening with colors of every shade at the edges of the Spirit that lives within you. Scripture tells us that we were made in the image of God, do you understand what that means? The real us, both the us who ignore our heavenly Father, and, those of us who have already found ourselves in Him, everyone. Before you search for the wisdom of the Most High, you must first know yourself, defects flaws failings and all. You must first be honest with yourself before you are able to think to search the mysteries of the Lord Jesus, our Father, amen. Here's a helpful hint for a physical awakening. Instead of playing with you face while averting your eyes. Look beyond your appearance and forget your face. Instead, focus your gaze on your eyes, for the eyes are the window to the soul. To find the actual you at your essence, you should know, that there are no mirrors for the mind, and that the mind is a mirror. The holy Scriptures tell us that we were made in His image. Do you understand what that means? We've been set apart, a royal family. And here's a supernatural fact, we, like Him, are eternal creatures, or put another way, we are the space aliens. A wellspring of knowledge is available to us and we may drink of it freely. Our souls, the spirit of us shines brightly as does He.  We glow at our core, but He is white hot and powerful at his center, and that blindingly so. Further out from the white hot light, the image shimmers in many colors and different shades, He is dazzling to behold. 

  That may have seemed a long weigh to look at it, but the simple lesson is true. You must first be willing to meet you before you can look and find Jesus. Look beyond your physical self, and be willing to show your real self. The blemishes and flaws, the imperfections. We were made in His image, and so the Holy Spirit being Life, lives within each of us. The smart ones look to know Him, but the maddening noisy throngs push on by. Let them go, for they are the fools. True wisdom is very rare, stupidity though reigns supreme in the limitations of this life. 

  Introspection? Know yourself honestly first, and then seek Jesus. Christmas time is upon us again, but our Christmas celebration is actually a birthday party for the King. He, this ancient rabbi named Jesus, worship Him, for Jesus is the King of it all. 

  Love your family, hug your kids, call your dad, make this time special. Speaking of, this year, both Christmas and Chanukah are on December 25, and Chanukah ends on New Years Day. Something cosmic about that point..    


Wednesday, November 6, 2024


   America dodged a death bullet yesterday. This morning we wake to the joy of knowing that now we can answer Ben Franklin's question posed so long ago by saying, Yes Mr. Franklin, it is a Republic, and we can keep it. Mr. Trump's return to the Presidency was perhaps the clearest choice for freedom over tyranny, made by we, the American people, in a long time. Silent no more, breath the free air again and enjoy it. But before we pour out all the accolades of praise and thanks to Donald Trump for leading this charge of patriotism, Clearly, the message was sent loud and clear to those who don't love this country. We Americans don't want communism, nor anymore marxist lectures, nor, do we want Socialism. Having finally gotten a chance to freely give our input regarding this great country, we did just that. By our vote we gave a resounding no to all the lunacy of the so called progressive left. We are happy with our Constitutional Republic and our democracy. 

  But as important as this historic vote was, it pales in comparison to the grace shown once again to this nation. God Almighty, who has watched as the country founded on his precepts became the number one country in numbers of abortion and infanticide. Besides that horrifying reality, add to that, that we are the number one producer of pornography by far in the entire world. Add to those obvious evils, that we have by vote kicked all mention of God from our children's schools, and we were well into the process of removing all mention of the God of our founding fathers from the public square. Because of this and so many other examples, God gave us mercy when we clearly deserved judgement and punishment far worse than the silliness of Kamala and the propagandists of the media pretenders. Journalism must return to reporting truthfully again, and leave their egos and agendas at the door. Simply put, a conscious return to truthful reporting. Americans returned a clear message that we her citizens would no longer tolerate the systematic dismantling of America the free, replacing it with the slow methodical march toward the tyranny of the leadership of an elite few. Our Lord and Savior chose to yet again to spare us of what we deserved, and showed mercy, to a people so deserving of judgement. What will we do with this, yet another chance, to return to to the God of our founding fathers? Will we continue to choose debauchery over Godliness, or, will we return to love and decency. So yes, by Donald Trump so soundly defeating the machine politics of greedy arrogant fools, we get a respite from the madness of the so called progressive left, but there is a caveat.  America, we must return to the God of our foundation, by whom we were founded as a sovereign nation. 

  Politics aside, though our Lord chose to dispense mercy rather than the justice we so deserve, He will not suffer with us for long if we return to the way of choosing evil over good. Praise God that He chose to give us one more chance to turn from our wicked ways and return to our first love. But know this, enjoy this newest chance to turn wrong to right again. But if we squander this latest chance to return to God Almighty and the teachings of the book of life and the teachings of Jesus who gave up his life for us, be assured, that this latest chance will be our last.