Thursday, January 9, 2025


   The firestorm that hit L. A. county California has united all people, both rich middle and poor stood together as they watched horrified, and in awe! A massive fire seemingly racing in all directions while whipped by one hundred mile per hour winds. The super heated winds sucked in all the oxygen close enough to it, perpetually feeding itself. The shear raw power of the storm was evident from any perspective, and the monster moved quickly across the landscape. With little if anything to stop it, it engulfed all that it encountered. So powerful was this event, that it created its own weather system around it. An act of God? Maybe, but certainly aided by the stupidity of the elected political hacks. But before you climb up high on your horse citizen and point out the lack of safe leadership from these political types, keep in mind, You voted for them. If you voted for any other reason than the competence and the trustworthiness of the politician in charge, you have blood on your hands too. So certainly, acknowledge the gross incompetence of your leaders, but before putting all the blame on greedy ignorant politicians, America, You don't get off the hook that easily, again, keep in mind that you voted for them. But we can change this thing. Any American who still doesn't understand the importance of term limits must be profiting from the current corruption and theft. 

  If we are to survive and prosper for whatever time we each have left. Unite as one country, and stop electing Godless fools who are bent on making quick gains and doing evil things. Thats what evil people do, they do  evil things. So no reservoirs were constructed to collect fresh rain and the water runoff from the melting snow above. And, just for good measure, they made sure to cut the budgets of the fire departments and other first responders. 

  Let California be a lesson to all of America. When you elect fools to office, however noble you think your reasoning was, instead of people of competence and trustworthiness, You reap just what you sow.     

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