The Striking Stone
Certainly the striking stone is a reference to the stone in the dessert that Moses struck in anger that brought water to the people. But in this case, the Striking Stone refers to what scripture calls the time of the gentiles, and, it's coming to the end of their role in the Holy Scriptures. Obviously this is end time, book of Jesus' Revelation type of stuff. Those who fear or refuse the truth need stop right here and go off trolling somewhere, because truth, no matter the subject is always absolute.
The striking stone in this time is a calling for home, all aboard, last call for the next step, the step out of this time and into the new. In the Lord God's plan is the ultimate blessing, and it is open to all still, The window is still open but it is also closing. You see, for God who is pure to even touch something that is impure would not be good. An understatement I assure you. After the actual war to end all war is over, God's gift to His people is a new heaven and a new earth. And this new awareness is also pure, for the new earth shall cover the old one, but first the old one must be scrubbed clean. Our gift of a new and eternal life must also be as He is, pure and perfect. Wisdom beyond your farthest dreams, Knowledge, forever. At its source, all power is pure, it is ourselves that perverts it. The real power of all things is in its purity, it's simplicity. In purity is attention to detail. in power is perfection and no flaws. When we create something, it is the strive for excellence that drives us, perfect and pure are synonymous and the goal. You cannot have one without the other, they are one in the same.
In the end, there will be either eternal life or eternal death. Objective truths are like that. Like a coin flipping in the air, on one side life and on the other death. The question is how will it end up for you, heads up (life), or heads down (death)? Life or death eternally. I think the point I set out to make, is the similarities are throughout the Bible and the prophecies made within its pages have all come to pass. That is of course, all that have been true throughout generations. The one not yet having actually occurred yet, is the end time. The end.
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